Do you prefer "student doctor" or "medical student"?

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'Medical student' here. Hell, sometimes I dont even go that far. Usually Ill say 'Hi, my name is _______, and Im a student working with the doctors here.' Most of the patients have no problem with me interviewing and examining them and their kids.

Edit: I no longer include the 'student' part. I just use my first name and say 'Im working with the doctors', thus implying that I am not one of them, yet not directly stating that I am a student. I have an ID badge and a nametag, both of which include the title 'medical student' on it. The astute patient picks up on it, usually they dont care either way.
I was reading a book, called "The 250 Biggest Mistakes 3rd Year Medical Students Make"
They need to know who you are and what your status is. You are NOT a doctor, regardless of how hard you are working to become one. Student Doctor implies that you are a Doctor, and are also a student. A doctor taking clarinet lessons could be called a Student Doctor. You see?

The point is, Medical Student is the proper way to identify yourself because you aren't a doctor.

I just say "I am Firstname, working with X team" and elucidate if pt is confused or asking me for info I can not give. I know my role very well, so if the pt asks me for something that may transcend it (prognosis, orders, etc) I always say my opinion, but add that "Dr. X will talk to you about this as well, I am just a medical student." I don't bother correcting pts whether they think I am a doctor or a nurse, because it doesn't matter unless I am behaving outside my role.