Dalhousie Pharmacy!!!

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I don't get it. Why can't they just e-mail us? It's so much more efficient that way.

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I don't get it. Why can't they just e-mail us? It's so much more efficient that way.

I think it's because with an email, they have no way of knowing for sure that the message has been received if they don't get a timely response. With a phone call, they'll either immediately get in contact with the applicant, or if they don't they can call back until they get to or leave a message that they are confident will be received. Plus, given the amount of notice they're giving to applicants, having confirmed, timely notification is probably key. If you email someone and don't get a response for a week, do you keep waiting and hope for a reply, send a second email reminding them in case they haven't received the first message, or just move on to the next person you're considering for an interview?

An email would probably be easier on most applicants though, especially given their office hours. Applicants with inconvenient schedules or from another time zone could respond on their own term instead of having to fit around their schedule. Maybe at some point they'll move from the phone call notification to an email system, but for now, we're stuck with calls.
on the bright side a phone call means the phone either rings or it doesn't. An email could mean refreshing your email a few times or checking it a few times an hour, so personally im happy with a phone call
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on the bright side a phone call means the phone either rings or it doesn't. An email could mean refreshing your email a few times or checking it a few times an hour, so personally im happy with a phone call

If it were me, I'd probably be refreshing even more often than that. At least with my class schedule, I can't hover around the phone at any time they would be calling. Plus my home phone number is the only one on my application.
Well it is April 2nd, I guess we will all hear about the interviews in the next couple weeks... but you know...right now I am more concerned about final exams which start in a week!:scared: So I think I will be putting thinking about interviews at the back of my mind.

I have my hopes so low in getting in that I don't think I will be too disappointed if I don't get in... or maybe I'm saying this to make myself feel better.

oh well...

But when they call... I am obviously not home all day, but my mom will most likely answer, so does it matter who takes the call... or do you have to answer, I know this is a stupid question, but I was just wondering.
ye exams are defintily a priority bt interviews r in the back in my mind stilll
Decisions have been made ....according to Dal Online as of late this afternoon .... what does everyone else's application status say? or is everyone's the same regardless of if you get an interview or not? I'm confused!
i signed into dal online and i dont see that written any where
lol does that mean i didnt get an interview

what does urs say
i signed into dal online and i dont see that written any where
lol does that mean i didnt get an interview

what does urs say

Go to web for students ...admissions....check application status then go to the "processed applications" .........it should say "decision made"
can u send me the link bc i still got nothing, does it say decision made or does it say what the decision is
Go to web for students ...admissions....check application status then go to the "processed applications" .........it should say "decision made"

Yeah, I can see that on mine. What does it say as the decision for yours? Mine just says "Written notification to follow".
maybe they made the decision sooner for dalhousie students cuz i am not one i went to dal online through the pharmacy website and it said nothing about decisions being made
Yeah, I can see that on mine. What does it say as the decision for yours? Mine just says "Written notification to follow".

I got the same ...but im scared ...does that mean no interview? Because they make phone calls for interviews :( rejections are letters! haha!! oh no!
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or maybe decisions havnt been made for everyone
i would hold up on that thought and just wait to call tommorow
maybe they made the decision sooner for dalhousie students cuz i am not one i went to dal online through the pharmacy website and it said nothing about decisions being made

farmacie, do you have a banner # for Dal? It seems to me that when I applied last year for undergrad, I got my banner # on my acceptance letter. If you don't have one to log into Dal online with, you won't be able to check your application status.
i would hold up on that thought and just wait to call tommorow

Yeah. If they've started making calls, it was probably just today. If you don't hear anything by Friday, then yeah, I'd call and check. It's too early in to start really panicking.
yeah i dont have a banner number i just have the login for first time users that was made to process the online application.
I guess that is why. I will wait this week to see if I hear from them. Goodluck guys
Hopefully they call soon so we can plan our flights or get it off our minds:cool:

How can you be absolutely certain that you're getting a call though? Does your DalOnline say?
How can you be absolutely certain that you're getting a call though? Does your DalOnline say?

That's part of the problem, I don't think any of us know that they're going to call. All we can really do is hope that they do. You can't really make any plans till you've been called, which is why most of us want calls soon. Even just knowing that other people have been called helps, because you know at least that calls are being made.

If they made their decision, then the calls should be coming in any day now :xf:
if the decision has been made all they really have to do is release it which they could do online, so this phoning business is a little annoying!! we have exams and we just need to know so we can put it aside
has anyone gotten an invite yet?
I also think that this is the first year they're doing the MMI interview technique, so it'd be hard to find someone from from dal pharmacy who has been interviewed with it.
I got a call today...good news, fortunately. I'm from Ontario...not sure if they call out of province applicants earlier (?)
i'm from ontario, heey fellow ontarian ! didnt get a call yet thou =(
I got a call today...good news, fortunately. I'm from Ontario...not sure if they call out of province applicants earlier (?)

I think they do them alphabetically ... lol if you don't mind me asking, what does your last name start with? lol ...also ... what does your dalonline application status say ...so we know what it should say if you're getting a call , since you did? lol!! Does it also just say "written notification to follow" orrrrrr?

Congrats by the way!
My last name is Hewitt...so the alphabetical order makes sense. and thanks.

My Dal Online application summary reads the same today as it did yesterday (before the call): 'application status' > decision made; 'decision' > written notification to follow
My last name is Hewitt...so the alphabetical order makes sense. and thanks.

My Dal Online application summary reads the same today as it did yesterday (before the call): 'application status' > decision made; 'decision' > written notification to follow

If that's the case, I'm hoping it's more random than alphabetical :scared: Though where there was the issue with my application, I think if I'm on the short list for interviews, I'm probably down near the bottom.
hmmm I haven't received a call yet. My last name starts with T, and I'm from BC. I think I might be cut :S
Does anyone have any further information on MMI's? The second example that is posted on the Dal site is extremely vague....
lots of examples can be found about MMI, university of saskatchewan under medicine has a list of examples, MMI's are well established and have been being used in things like medicine and dentistry for years, there is lots of literature out there on them
Mjar did u get an interview?? If so can u share the first letter of ur last name too ?
I did. I got a call this afternoon. My last name starts with J.
Also - thanks for the tip about the USask site.
i heard last year they used percent avg of last full year of uni & avg in prereq courses.........it seems on the site under FAQ they are now using cumulative GPAs for interviews.....hmm does any 1 know more info about this

also how many will they interview?
i heard last year they used percent avg of last full year of uni & avg in prereq courses.........it seems on the site under FAQ they are now using cumulative GPAs for interviews.....hmm does any 1 know more info about this

also how many will they interview?

I think they'll be using the prerequisite marks and last full year marks for this year's batch of interviews, since they didn't change the FAQ page until about a month after applications were due. I don't know anything official though.

I heard that they interview about 200 students in total, with probably about 20 of those students being out of region. Hard to say for sure though.
not necessarily billbette cuz they also didn't post that they were doing MMIs till recently and theyll still doing them, but i guess if u have a high percent avg, ur GPA should be likewise, id just be nice to know something official so if any1 gets in contact with the office of admissions, ask about this stuff and let us know
Does anyone have any further information on MMI's? The second example that is posted on the Dal site is extremely vague....

The second example isn't vague ... it's a very popular type of question for the MMI interviews ... basically it's so vague because you're supposed to initiate and lead a professional conversation with that person as a co-worker on a business trip. They want to see your people skills. :)
I just got my call. I think they do the interviews in alphabetical order because i'm from Nova Scotia and my last name starts with B. Two hour long interview though, should be a fun time. They didn't have much options for the time to do the interview though...either Saturday at 8 am, 11 am or sunday at 8 am. Anyone else get calls today?
I applied to pharmacy too and I haven't heard back yet :( I got an interview last year and i'm worried I didn't get one this year.

What kind of averages do you guys who've heard back have? I'm worried mine's just not good enough this year. I have a 92.4 average and I don't know how to convert that to a GPA?
The second example isn't vague ... it's a very popular type of question for the MMI interviews ... basically it's so vague because you're supposed to initiate and lead a professional conversation with that person as a co-worker on a business trip. They want to see your people skills. :)

I agree also if it involves an actor it means they will be talking to you, so its not one way, your are suppose to engage in a conversation naturally not scripted
I applied to pharmacy too and I haven't heard back yet :( I got an interview last year and i'm worried I didn't get one this year.

What kind of averages do you guys who've heard back have? I'm worried mine's just not good enough this year. I have a 92.4 average and I don't know how to convert that to a GPA?

WOOOAHH, ur worried that your average isnt good enough, I'm pretty sure you could do any program with an average like that, if you have even decent social skills you are good !!!
I agree also if it involves an actor it means they will be talking to you, so its not one way, your are suppose to engage in a conversation naturally not scripted

Yes, it makes much more sense now, knowing there are actors involved.
man i hate waiting, I havnt gotten a call yet
& if ur B and they called today it means they aren't doing it alphabetically
someone with J got a call yesterday
i was thinking they were doing the out of province people first, then doing everyone else alphabetically...since they called alot of people yesterday who are out of province only and started with me early this morning. Thats just a general assumption though.
That was what I was thinking too, out of province first, if you look at the thread from last year it looks like it went that way too.
By calling out of provice people first, it allows them to make travel arrangements
I got my call this afternoon!

I'm from Nova Scotia and my last name starts with T ... I hear they don't actually do it alphabetically at all ...so don't worry everyone, I'm sure you're still okay even if you're earlier in the alphabet!!

Good luck guys!