CSU-East Bay Post Bacc Program

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So I might be creating a new facebook account. It seems creating one soon might be a good idea, this way I can join the facebook group for PHAP. Then again, some of my friends from back when I was on facebook were extremely annoying with how often they brag about nonsense. Any suggestions?

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So I might be creating a new facebook account. It seems creating one soon might be a good idea, this way I can join the facebook group for PHAP. Then again, some of my friends from back when I was on facebook were extremely annoying with how often they brag about nonsense. Any suggestions?

We...have a facebook? o.o You can keep your facebook page private. It's somewhere in the settings. I can look up instructions, hold a bit.

Edit: http://www.ehow.com/how_8556444_make-facebook-unsearchable.html

That's how you can become invisible.
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To anyone on the waitlists, I asked about people dropping/the list moving up, this was PHAP's response:

Please enroll in other courses as it is not likely students will drop the class. If you have any further questions, please feel free to email us.

Sadly, most of the sciences are now full as well. So for people who can't sign up...I have no idea what to do anymore. I'll be below the unit cap if this keeps up. -_-"

Edit: Does anyone think emailing Dr. Oscar about this will make a difference? I'm going to guess no.
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Concord is a wheee bit far, so that's probably why no one signed up for it.

When you say a "wheee bit", what does that mean? Google maps says it's about 35 miles, or 46-60 minutes. Is it a lot longer with traffic? I'm not familiar with the bay area, so I have no idea which direction the traffic is heaviest in the mornings and evenings.
When you say a "wheee bit", what does that mean? Google maps says it's about 35 miles, or 46-60 minutes. Is it a lot longer with traffic? I'm not familiar with the bay area, so I have no idea which direction the traffic is heaviest in the mornings and evenings.

Hey Milo. Traffic is usually horrible in the mornings and afternoon during weekdays. I'm not sure about Concord though. And if it says 35 miles, usually you can get there in 30-40 min on good days. Cliff, you love in the bay area too, is my analysis right?
When you say a "wheee bit", what does that mean? Google maps says it's about 35 miles, or 46-60 minutes. Is it a lot longer with traffic? I'm not familiar with the bay area, so I have no idea which direction the traffic is heaviest in the mornings and evenings.

It all depends. People who live in the Bay Area end up commuting to many other cities within the Bay Area so traffic can happen either way. Plus you have to factor in the central valley commute from places like Tracy etc. Some cities and some highways are more congested than others during peak hours. The only way to know for sure is to experience the location and try commuting from each location. Luckily we are on a quarter system, so you can trying commuting to Concord for 1 quarter (10 weeks) if it turns out to be a really bad experience, you don't have to deal with it again another quarter. You should have priority registration of some sort after the 1st quarter and since we have our own registration time as post baccs, I don't see getting into classes being a problem during the 2nd quarter. The issue with getting classes your 1st quarter dealt primarily with admissions and late registration dates. Of course, each individual experience may vary but if you are not familiar with the Bay Area, it might be worth it exploring those options because you might end up liking some of these places.

Hey guys,

I'm just wondering if any of you guys know where to get additional loans for such things as room and board. I am already getting the $12500 loan... do I go to banks for private school loans? If any of you guys are in the same situation, please share your thoughts.

And also, on a different subject, do any of you guys know a decent apt with an option of getting a garage parking? My car's been broken into twice in college :mad::thumbdown: and I really don't want to deal with that when I move up there.

Hey guys,

I'm just wondering if any of you guys know where to get additional loans for such things as room and board. I am already getting the $12500 loan... do I go to banks for private school loans? If any of you guys are in the same situation, please share your thoughts.

And also, on a different subject, do any of you guys know a decent apt with an option of getting a garage parking? My car's been broken into twice in college :mad::thumbdown: and I really don't want to deal with that when I move up there.


Hi Gina,

There are a number of ways to get private student loans. All the major banking firms have some kind of private student loans that they offer. However, it is important to look at all the other firms as some of them do offer really good rates and have low or zero fees. Please visit this website: http://www.finaid.org/loans/privatestudentloans.phtml/ it also includes a long list of available private student loan options. The key thing is to have good credit but more importantly, have a cosigner with long history of good credit. If you have those two factors checked off, then you pretty can apply for any private loan you are most comfortable with and have a high approval rate.

Personally, I'm working a lot this summer to save up so that I won't have to pull out a personal loan. Medical School loans will be extremely high as is, so I'm trying to limit my loans at the moment. As for apartments, I haven't started looking for apartments yet but having a garage is good. My car was broken into last month in front of our drive way. So I finally started parking in the garage.

Hi Gina,

There are a number of ways to get private student loans. All the major banking firms have some kind of private student loans that they offer. However, it is important to look at all the other firms as some of them do offer really good rates and have low or zero fees. Please visit this website: http://www.finaid.org/loans/privatestudentloans.phtml/ it also includes a long list of available private student loan options. The key thing is to have good credit but more importantly, have a cosigner with long history of good credit. If you have those two factors checked off, then you pretty can apply for any private loan you are most comfortable with and have a high approval rate.

Personally, I'm working a lot this summer to save up so that I won't have to pull out a personal loan. Medical School loans will be extremely high as is, so I'm trying to limit my loans at the moment. As for apartments, I haven't started looking for apartments yet but having a garage is good. My car was broken into last month in front of our drive way. So I finally started parking in the garage.

Hey Cliff,
thanks for your informative response. I really appreciate that.
Hey Cliff,
thanks for your informative response. I really appreciate that.

And Gina, make sure you manage your finances. The loans for post bac are no longer subsidized. So interest will build unless you pay it off, it'll be less than private loans, but keep that in mind too. Some of my friends are working part time to pay this off, not ideal, but some people use that option as well. I'm also working full time this summer to avoid loans of doom.
And Gina, make sure you manage your finances. The loans for post bac are no longer subsidized. So interest will build unless you pay it off, it'll be less than private loans, but keep that in mind too. Some of my friends are working part time to pay this off, not ideal, but some people use that option as well. I'm also working full time this summer to avoid loans of doom.

Federal loans for the post bacc or no longer subsidized? Jeeze...I just can't get any good news lately.
Yeah, unfortunately starting on July 1st 2012, enrollment in post bac programs or further education = no more subsidized loans.
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And Gina, make sure you manage your finances. The loans for post bac are no longer subsidized. So interest will build unless you pay it off, it'll be less than private loans, but keep that in mind too. Some of my friends are working part time to pay this off, not ideal, but some people use that option as well. I'm also working full time this summer to avoid loans of doom.
Thanks for the great info. I def understand your concerns about getting loans but, at this moment, I don't really have a choice right now. :( I'll probably work during winter and spring quarter... :)

Thx again, I really appreciate ur input. :) see u guys around.

I don't remember how long it takes but it didn't take too long, roughly about 2 weeks. You should go ahead and sign and submit your master promissory note now. It is still required regardless of how much financial aid you are requesting. Maximum for Post Bacc in the form of student loans is $12,500 per year and is considered 5th year undergraduate status, not graduate school status.


Cliff, do you have to be signed up for classes to see the amount you're awarded? Because it's been about two weeks since I sent in paperwork on my to do list and still no awards...and I did fill out FAFSA.

Edit: And my student agreement says units for 2013? Is there no 2012 in there?
Cliff, do you have to be signed up for classes to see the amount you're awarded? Because it's been about two weeks since I sent in paperwork on my to do list and still no awards...and I did fill out FAFSA.

Edit: And my student agreement says units for 2013? Is there no 2012 in there?

From what I was told from the Financial Aid Office, you will receive an email sometime in late July on when the award is available to be accepted and yes you must be registered for full time status to receive the maximum amount. However, I believe even after the quarter starts you can still attempt to register as a walk-in to receive ful time status and then still receive the maximum amount.

When you log into your mycsueastbay account, click on To Do list, what do you see? Do you see 12/13 Post Bac Status? If so what does it say under status, pending or received? If it says received, then you're all set and have to wait. If it is says pending double check with the office if they received the form.

As for the student agreement saying 2013, I have no idea but I'm sure it means both 2012/2013
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From what I was told from the Financial Aid Office, you will receive an email sometime in late July on when the award is available to be accepted and yes you must be registered for full time status to receive the maximum amount. However, I believe even after the quarter starts you can still attempt to register as a walk-in to receive ful time status and then still receive the maximum amount.

When you log into your mycsueastbay account, click on To Do list, what do you see? Do you see 12/13 Post Bac Status? If so what does it say under status, pending or received? If it says received, then you're all set and have to wait. If it is says pending double check with the office if they received the form.

As for the student agreement saying 2013, I have no idea but I'm sure it means both 2012/2013

It says received. And as a dependent student, you get $5500? Is that for the entire year or per quarter?

Edit: Also, for financial aid, I just emailed Stephen, got my answers. But Gina and everyone else, my mistake, you can still get subsidized loans based on your FAFSA and your EFC. Pretty much you'll know when you get your package.
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It says received. And as a dependent student, you get $5500? Is that for the entire year or per quarter?

Edit: Also, for financial aid, I just emailed Stephen, got my answers. But Gina and everyone else, my mistake, you can still get subsidized loans based on your FADS and your RFC. Pretty much you'll know when you get your package.

$5500 is subsidized
$7000 is unsubsidized (need to be independent student to qualify)
Okay, for some reason I'm getting really confused with what is an elective and what is a core class as an academic enhancer. Is it just $383 per unit for any academic enhancer class or are there classes that count as the $295 per unit elective price? (Budgeting and trying to see exactly how much this will all cost. )
Okay, for some reason I'm getting really confused with what is an elective and what is a core class as an academic enhancer. Is it just $383 per unit for any academic enhancer class or are there classes that count as the $295 per unit elective price? (Budgeting and trying to see exactly how much this will all cost. )

I asked the same question and this is what they responded with:

"It is $383 a unit and most members of our program are taking 12-13 units per quarter."

For my budgeting I just assumed $383.

On that note, has anyone that has registered for classes actually paid for their classes yet? I'm not receiving any financial aid, but the financial office said that my bill would be posted to my student account sometime in mid-July. I'm just wondering what the final amount for the fall actually is.
I asked the same question and this is what they responded with:

"It is $383 a unit and most members of our program are taking 12-13 units per quarter."

For my budgeting I just assumed $383.

On that note, has anyone that has registered for classes actually paid for their classes yet? I'm not receiving any financial aid, but the financial office said that my bill would be posted to my student account sometime in mid-July. I'm just wondering what the final amount for the fall actually is.

You guys bring up a really important factor that I have not quite looked into yet. I have registered for a lot of units and just realized I might need to reduce my units because of the cost. I don't think they start billing you until closer to when school actually starts, would be odd for them to bill 2 months in advance.
I guess it's just a waiting game now. Must calculate budget. Whoo. xD
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My application finally went through and I was accepted... so it looks like I'll be moving to the bay in Sept! But considering I was accepted so late in the game, oh no... I'm waitlisted for two classes (WL positions: 2 and 5)!

Anyone in the program have WL experience? Is it pretty much a lost cause...? :(
I actually don't think that it'll be weird for a school to bill u for classes u enrolled in 2 months in advance. I think, correct me if I'm wrong (I've been out of school for very very very long time), but don't schools usually bill u for classes u as soon as u pick those classes? I believe you have 2-3 weeks to pay for classes or u r dropped (unless ur record shows FA award).
My application finally went through and I was accepted... so it looks like I'll be moving to the bay in Sept! But considering I was accepted so late in the game, oh no... I'm waitlisted for two classes (WL positions: 2 and 5)!

Anyone in the program have WL experience? Is it pretty much a lost cause...? :(

I can't even sign up for classes until my final transcripts come in. So I have emailed them about waitlists and they said to take other classes. There's sadly not much else they can do.
My application finally went through and I was accepted... so it looks like I'll be moving to the bay in Sept! But considering I was accepted so late in the game, oh no... I'm waitlisted for two classes (WL positions: 2 and 5)!

Anyone in the program have WL experience? Is it pretty much a lost cause...? :(

congrats on being accepted! i read through some of your previous posts because i noticed you're a uci grad (zot zot), and it sounds like CSUEB will be a good fit for you :)

i'm also on a waitlist as number 5, and i asked them about my chances. here is the response:

"Please maintain your position on the waitlist and perhaps there will be students dropping on the first day of class. If there are no spaces available, you can add the Concord course later on in the first week of school."

even though i'm still not sure about chances, it sounds like there might be at least some hope for getting off the waitlist...? in the meantime, like previous posters, it's probably a good idea to register for backup classes and then drop them if you end up not needing them. concord is also an option for some classes, though it's quite a drive based on the advice of others on this forum.
TGIF y'all,

Any update on when we can click 'accept' financial aid awards on mycsueb?

Oh, if any of u guys went apt hunting (or already found a place) please share your thoughts here. It will b very helpful to some of us here who do not resides in that area. I'll probably head over there sometime in August, so I will post some insights on couple apts around the campus. :)

Have a great weekend!

Oh, if any of u guys went apt hunting (or already found a place) please share your thoughts here. It will b very helpful to some of us here who do not resides in that area. I'll probably head over there sometime in August, so I will post some insights on couple apts around the campus. :)

I visited the area in mid-June and took a tour of the campus, and also tried to look for apartments. I'm not familiar with the area either, but I learned a few things that might be helpful for others.

I visited three apartment "complexes":

1. City View - I called about a week before my visit to schedule a tour. I was sent an email with a link to the leasing application (https://www.on-site.com/web/online_...operty_id=1427&lease_id=0&unit_id=0&required=). When I got there, I met with a leasing agent and she explained how their rental process works. I don't know about anyone else who has looked into their apartments, but I was confused as h*ll. Their "prices" are CONSTANTLY fluctuating, so for example even if I saw an apartment listed online as $1,082, that apartment might be $1,250 the next day or the next week or whenever they "decide to change the value of the apartment". And even if their website says a certain price, she said to call because they don't always "updated the prices in a timely manner". The apartments that I lived in during undergrad all just had one set price, and that was that. I have no idea why City View has this system, but even the leasing agent didn't seem 100% confident in her explanation. Since it was June, the leasing agent said my options were to either "hold" the apartment until September, or press my luck looking again in August (might not be available). The other downside was that even though they are "flexible" with the leases, I did the math and it worked out that having a 11 or 12 month lease was often times cheaper than a 9 month lease (for those only in the program for 3 quarters) because the rent goes up with a shorter lease (typical).

Next I was given a tour of the entire property and a few empty apartments. I was only looking for 1-bedroom apartments. The first apartment was an older one, pretty basic (white appliances, older-style wood cabinets, updated bathroom fixtures & tile, carpeting in bedroom and living room) but still more than enough room for 1 person (in my opinion). The bedroom had a huge closet (enough for 2 people), and I'm sure you could fit 2 twin beds in the one bedroom.

The second apartment was one of their "upgraded" versions (black appliances, laminate/fake granite countertops, updated bathroom fixtures & tile, carpeting in bedroom and living room). It also had a "view", so they said the price would be higher. Don't be fooled by their website though, because in buildings with 3 floors: the "2nd floor" is actually the "ground level" with the cars, the "1st floor" is actually "underground" and the "3rd floor" is actually just one small flight of stairs above the 2nd floor. The leasing agent said most people prefer the 2nd floor if it was in a building with 3 floors. In the buildings with 2 floors: the 1st floor is actually even with the "ground level" and the 2nd floor is one flight of stairs up (but w/ no one above you). Since I'm not too picky, I didn't see the need to pay more for a semi-nicer looking apartment or a view (we're already paying enough for tuition!! :eek:).

The upstairs of their clubhouse had a gym (one room for cardio, one room for weights), pool tables, kitchen, couches, and one meeting room. Next to the clubhouse is a pool, spa, and BBQ area. There was also a cute pond with greenery. Living there, you would have access to the Hidden Hills Racquet Club, which has an insane number of tennis courts if that's your thing. The property itself is pretty huge (maybe 300+ apartments?). Parking seemed convenient, and you're assigned a spot hopefully near your apartment.

2. My next stop was to Sunhill apartments. I had tried calling a week ahead, but a man on the phone told me that they only had 3 bedroom apartments (not even 2 or 1 bedrooms as advertised). I decided to visit anyways just in case. Long story short, it was a weird and awkward experience. I tried to get into their main building, but it was locked (during the day??). This random guy was able to open it for me. I walked in and found a man who appeared to be a manager, sitting in a room no bigger than a closet, papers and clutter everywhere and very disorganized. The master keys were just thrown into an open drawer (um, is that legal? or safe?). I told the man I was interested in leasing an apartment. He initially brushed me off, saying there was no room. I told him I needed it for September. He then asked what I was looking for, and I told him a 1 bedroom. His reply: "you'll have to wait 10 years for that, we only have one 1-bedroom in this complex". Uh, okay. So I asked about 2 bedrooms, and he said "maybe" but to call back in July or August. I asked if he had a leasing application, and first he said no. But then as I was about to leave (I had had enough of this nonsense) he said, wait wait I can write your name down. So he took my name down on some sheet of paper (which is probably now lost in his tornado of an office), and then hesitantly handed me an application. The price was going to be much more than City View, for what seemed like a pretty run-down place to live. No thanks.

3. I had found an ad on Craigslist about "University Village" housing. I had their address, and it happened to be right next to City View. The only catch? Um, construction had not even started. Their leasing agent I spoke to on the phone said they are currently making a list of "interested renters" and you can send in the application. I tried to get a glimpse of the property (it's surrounded by overgrown trees), which looked like the old "dorms" of CSU East Bay. Apparently they are renovating these abandoned dorms and turning them into apartment-style housing. I think it's something like $900/month for a 1-bedroom (maybe studio?) apartment. It's said to be finished by September, but I have my doubts. And since I wanted to secure a place before moving up there, it wasn't going to work out for me.

In the end, I ended up finding a house in the Hayward Hills very close to campus that was renting out a room. I suggest looking around for these types of deals, as they tend to 1) be cheaper than renting your own apartment ($500-700), 2) be in a home that is already furnished (if you don't have your own furniture), and 3) somewhat closer to campus than other places in Hayward or near the BART (though the hills are so steep that you might still need a car to get to campus if you end up in a house at the very top).
TGIF y'all,

Any update on when we can click 'accept' financial aid awards on mycsueb?

Oh, if any of u guys went apt hunting (or already found a place) please share your thoughts here. It will b very helpful to some of us here who do not resides in that area. I'll probably head over there sometime in August, so I will post some insights on couple apts around the campus. :)

Have a great weekend!


Hey Gina,

I was told late July from the Financial Aid Office. Not sure what the official date is and it could be different for each individual. Some factors may include any holds that are pending in the application process for applicants and also if someone is already registered for classes. I would wait until the end of the month to see what happens. Let me know when you start looking for apartments.

Quick question, the shuttle still runs from BART to the school, right? xD
I visited the area in mid-June and took a tour of the campus, and also tried to look for apartments. I'm not familiar with the area either, but I learned a few things that might be helpful for others.

I visited three apartment "complexes":

1. City View - I called about a week before my visit to schedule a tour. I was sent an email with a link to the leasing application (https://www.on-site.com/web/online_...operty_id=1427&lease_id=0&unit_id=0&required=). When I got there, I met with a leasing agent and she explained how their rental process works. I don't know about anyone else who has looked into their apartments, but I was confused as h*ll. Their "prices" are CONSTANTLY fluctuating, so for example even if I saw an apartment listed online as $1,082, that apartment might be $1,250 the next day or the next week or whenever they "decide to change the value of the apartment". And even if their website says a certain price, she said to call because they don't always "updated the prices in a timely manner". The apartments that I lived in during undergrad all just had one set price, and that was that. I have no idea why City View has this system, but even the leasing agent didn't seem 100% confident in her explanation. Since it was June, the leasing agent said my options were to either "hold" the apartment until September, or press my luck looking again in August (might not be available). The other downside was that even though they are "flexible" with the leases, I did the math and it worked out that having a 11 or 12 month lease was often times cheaper than a 9 month lease (for those only in the program for 3 quarters) because the rent goes up with a shorter lease (typical).

Next I was given a tour of the entire property and a few empty apartments. I was only looking for 1-bedroom apartments. The first apartment was an older one, pretty basic (white appliances, older-style wood cabinets, updated bathroom fixtures & tile, carpeting in bedroom and living room) but still more than enough room for 1 person (in my opinion). The bedroom had a huge closet (enough for 2 people), and I'm sure you could fit 2 twin beds in the one bedroom.

The second apartment was one of their "upgraded" versions (black appliances, laminate/fake granite countertops, updated bathroom fixtures & tile, carpeting in bedroom and living room). It also had a "view", so they said the price would be higher. Don't be fooled by their website though, because in buildings with 3 floors: the "2nd floor" is actually the "ground level" with the cars, the "1st floor" is actually "underground" and the "3rd floor" is actually just one small flight of stairs above the 2nd floor. The leasing agent said most people prefer the 2nd floor if it was in a building with 3 floors. In the buildings with 2 floors: the 1st floor is actually even with the "ground level" and the 2nd floor is one flight of stairs up (but w/ no one above you). Since I'm not too picky, I didn't see the need to pay more for a semi-nicer looking apartment or a view (we're already paying enough for tuition!! :eek:).

The upstairs of their clubhouse had a gym (one room for cardio, one room for weights), pool tables, kitchen, couches, and one meeting room. Next to the clubhouse is a pool, spa, and BBQ area. There was also a cute pond with greenery. Living there, you would have access to the Hidden Hills Racquet Club, which has an insane number of tennis courts if that's your thing. The property itself is pretty huge (maybe 300+ apartments?). Parking seemed convenient, and you're assigned a spot hopefully near your apartment.

2. My next stop was to Sunhill apartments. I had tried calling a week ahead, but a man on the phone told me that they only had 3 bedroom apartments (not even 2 or 1 bedrooms as advertised). I decided to visit anyways just in case. Long story short, it was a weird and awkward experience. I tried to get into their main building, but it was locked (during the day??). This random guy was able to open it for me. I walked in and found a man who appeared to be a manager, sitting in a room no bigger than a closet, papers and clutter everywhere and very disorganized. The master keys were just thrown into an open drawer (um, is that legal? or safe?). I told the man I was interested in leasing an apartment. He initially brushed me off, saying there was no room. I told him I needed it for September. He then asked what I was looking for, and I told him a 1 bedroom. His reply: "you'll have to wait 10 years for that, we only have one 1-bedroom in this complex". Uh, okay. So I asked about 2 bedrooms, and he said "maybe" but to call back in July or August. I asked if he had a leasing application, and first he said no. But then as I was about to leave (I had had enough of this nonsense) he said, wait wait I can write your name down. So he took my name down on some sheet of paper (which is probably now lost in his tornado of an office), and then hesitantly handed me an application. The price was going to be much more than City View, for what seemed like a pretty run-down place to live. No thanks.

3. I had found an ad on Craigslist about "University Village" housing. I had their address, and it happened to be right next to City View. The only catch? Um, construction had not even started. Their leasing agent I spoke to on the phone said they are currently making a list of "interested renters" and you can send in the application. I tried to get a glimpse of the property (it's surrounded by overgrown trees), which looked like the old "dorms" of CSU East Bay. Apparently they are renovating these abandoned dorms and turning them into apartment-style housing. I think it's something like $900/month for a 1-bedroom (maybe studio?) apartment. It's said to be finished by September, but I have my doubts. And since I wanted to secure a place before moving up there, it wasn't going to work out for me.

In the end, I ended up finding a house in the Hayward Hills very close to campus that was renting out a room. I suggest looking around for these types of deals, as they tend to 1) be cheaper than renting your own apartment ($500-700), 2) be in a home that is already furnished (if you don't have your own furniture), and 3) somewhat closer to campus than other places in Hayward or near the BART (though the hills are so steep that you might still need a car to get to campus if you end up in a house at the very top).
Thanks for that comprehensive apt review, milosavljevic :)

If you don't mind me asking, how much are you paying for your room? Are you there already? How do you like it so far?
Hey Gina,

I was told late July from the Financial Aid Office. Not sure what the official date is and it could be different for each individual. Some factors may include any holds that are pending in the application process for applicants and also if someone is already registered for classes. I would wait until the end of the month to see what happens. Let me know when you start looking for apartments.

Thanks, Cliff!
Quick question, the shuttle still runs from BART to the school, right? xD

It saids.....

"CSUEB Shuttle
The University provides complimentary shuttle service between the Hayward BART station and CSUEB. The main shuttle is funded by parking citation fees and the peak time shuttle is funded by an Alameda CTC/Bay Area Air Quality Management District grant. The shuttle runs Monday-Friday* and is available to all current students, faculty, and staff. A valid CSUEB ID card is required to board the shuttle.

*Note: The CSUEB Shuttle does not run on weekends or on days when the University is closed. Shuttle times may be effected by traffic or weather conditions. While every effort is made to stick to the schedule, we cannot guarantee the times.

And here's the Shuttle Schedule

any of u guys have fb?

I had a fb account a long time ago back when it was required to have a .edu email address. Contemplating whether or not to sign up for a new account. Perhaps I might sign up if there is a good reason.

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wow. that must've been looooooooooong ass time ago, cliff. :) yea let me know and i'll add u.
Finally able to register for my classes! Despite my final transcripts not there yet. Had to talk to admissions in order to do this. But yay! Finally have a schedule.
Finally able to register for my classes! Despite my final transcripts not there yet. Had to talk to admissions in order to do this. But yay! Finally have a schedule.
Congrats, Mika!

Are you in the aet or cc? Hope to see u in orientation. :)
Congrats, Mika!

Are you in the aet or cc? Hope to see u in orientation. :)

I be AET, though I accidentally registered as CC. ^^; So need to go and change that once classes start off...

Hope to see you all too.
So how many units is everyone planning to registering for?
Is anyone using Sallie Mae or have used Sallie Mae before for private loans? I was looking at their Smart Option loan choice but many many people said stay away from it if possible. It supposedly has an uncapped interest rate, and users were saying that their interest rates exceeded 10%. Some users were in the in the 13%-15% range.
Is anyone using Sallie Mae or have used Sallie Mae before for private loans? I was looking at their Smart Option loan choice but many many people said stay away from it if possible. It supposedly has an uncapped interest rate, and users were saying that their interest rates exceeded 10%. Some users were in the in the 13%-15% range.

13-15% is fairly steep, you should still try to look else where if possible. The target rate is 8% or lower but that can be hard to get unless you have good credit and have an even better co-signer. Applying for more loans will ding your credit as well, so the ultimate decision is whether you can live with 13-15%. I highly doubt it ever goes above 15%.
Anyone in CCT? It just seems everyone is in AET. So I might not even be in any of your classes.
hi everyone! I just found out today that I got accepted for Career Changer. I'm leaning toward accepting but still just a bit on the fence and have a few questions. I'm not from anywhere close to the area (I live in FL right now), so does anyone have any tips on places to live nearby? Anyone need a roommate? :)
hi everyone! I just found out today that I got accepted for Career Changer. I'm leaning toward accepting but still just a bit on the fence and have a few questions. I'm not from anywhere close to the area (I live in FL right now), so does anyone have any tips on places to live nearby? Anyone need a roommate? :)

Welcome and congratulations! Not sure if I'll be living here where I am now or not but if I choose not to, I definitely will be looking for a roommate.

Psyched that I have been admitted to this program and will be starting this fall as an AET! Did not think that my application would go through. I have a few questions about the classes that I did not initially realize.

As I seem to understand we are limited to only registering for classes that have sections for the Post Bacc Extension program? Anyone know if we can special register for open classes without PHAP sections?

14 units. =D

So how many units is everyone planning to registering for?

I registered for 14 units with two classes at the Concord Campus. This is has much as I would wanna take and would prefer to have slightly less than this.

hi everyone! I just found out today that I got accepted for Career Changer. I'm leaning toward accepting but still just a bit on the fence and have a few questions. I'm not from anywhere close to the area (I live in FL right now), so does anyone have any tips on places to live nearby? Anyone need a roommate? :)

Congrats on making the move out to California. I am originally from FL and will be moving to East bay from a very different part of California. PM you have any questions and I could be interested in an apartment share.
Psyched that I have been admitted to this program and will be starting this fall as an AET! Did not think that my application would go through. I have a few questions about the classes that I did not initially realize.

As I seem to understand we are limited to only registering for classes that have sections for the Post Bacc Extension program? Anyone know if we can special register for open classes without PHAP sections?

I registered for 14 units with two classes at the Concord Campus. This is has much as I would wanna take and would prefer to have slightly less than this.

Congrats on making the move out to California. I am originally from FL and will be moving to East bay from a very different part of California. PM you have any questions and I could be interested in an apartment share.

Welcome! I hope you're a big fan of college football like I am. To answer your questions:

Yes, you can register for classes outside of PHAP but they have to be open enrollment type classes (open university) where anyone from the community can register for. Other than that, we are only allowed to register for classes within the PHAP cohort. This is because PHAP is a special program with classes specifically designed for those in the program. For that reason we're also charged a premium per unit just for being in the program.

Please forgive me if I'm doing this wrong, but I looked at the file that was posted earlier on this thread for the CC cohort classes for fall. They all seem full. Is there some way around it? Otherwise how could I confirm my attendance if there are no classes in which to put me?