countdown to sept 13 release

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Baby Doctor
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15+ Year Member
Jul 27, 2006
Reaction score
I know its early.. but anybody else ready to get these scores back?? my app cycle depends on them!

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this is what im doing:

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This is terrible. I have class in 6 minutes and I am on SDN obsessing with others about my MCAT score. Good luck guys, after today (hopefully!) the nervous wait will be over. Now, off to class for me!
This is terrible. I have class in 6 minutes and I am on SDN obsessing with others about my MCAT score. Good luck guys, after today (hopefully!) the nervous wait will be over. Now, off to class for me!

Good luck, try to focus... (I know that's a stupid request, as I have physics this afternoon and probably wont hear a word he says).
ty, I was just thinking about doing that myself!

according to the other thread someone called and said they would be out after 5pm today. :thumbdown:

Quote from the other thread "The person I spoke to told me that, according to the latest update he had received, the scores were going to be posted today some time after 5pm. I assume that his update came from a supervisor. If anyone else wants to call, the number is 202-828-0690. I wasn't even put on hold. Good luck!"
This has to be the most anticipated MCAT date result for the summer. The reason is probably it is a score release date for both Aug 9th and Aug 14th tests.
When they released my scores in May it was around 4 or 5 pm CST...I dont know if that is still the norm but I don't see why they would change. Relax guys, go get some lunch and that 30 will be on the screen before you know it. Good luck.
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ok the woman at aamc said that they would be released after 5 but then i asked her where she got that information. She said that she read it on the score release form. The same one that we have. I think they could still be released before (or after) that.
ok the woman at aamc said that they would be released after 5 but then i asked her where she got that information. She said that she read it on the score release form. The same one that we have. I think they could still be released before (or after) that.

My guess is they all leave the office around 5pm. So They post the score then leave so no one can call to ask them questions. Let people fume over it over night and only the people that are really upset will call back the next day and the rest will just have moved on.
I just figured there is no point in stressing out...damage was done over a month ago....can't really change it. At least it's not like last year where you wait until mid October to find out your score....Good luck guys!:D
Do you think all the scores will be sent out at once or will the three different sessions be released at varying points during the day?
Why, God, why? My 2:00 Biochemistry class was cancelled, so now I have nothing to get my mind off of the MCAT! If scores aren't released today, I'm not going to be happy.
I have a 2pm biochem class too! but not cancelled :(

I was thinking skipping to sit here and refresh the THx page...
I've just registered after lurking for a long time... I can't believe how anxious I am... but I also find it strangely comforting to read SDN over and over :D.

I have an 3 hour EMT class tonight from 6-9pm. The scores better be out before then...

I know that writing my english paper would help distract me, but I just can't do it.
haven't been able to eat anything but some toast and a bowl of soup for the past two days my stomach is so queasy! these next two hours are going to be brutal. i think i may take some tylenol pm or something to just sleep through it!
its going to be chaos when someone posts "scores are up"

we'll all be nervously scrambling.....ahhh the moment is not far away.
its going to be chaos when someone posts "scores are up"

we'll all be nervously scrambling.....ahhh the moment is not far away.

Actually I remember this from my May score release. FYI I did horrible on it and that's why I took it again in August. Anyways, I kept on refreshing the THX page and the score release thread in two different windows every 2 min. When finally the scores were released, both pages froze. I was literally having a panic attack; it just felt like a bad omen...

And then... when the SDN page finally came back, the refresh clicks which had gotten queued earlier before freezing from my nervous finger action kept on going and going. I saw the thread being exploded with pages after pages of people writing their scores, mostly good ones... I took a breath and went to see my other window to check mine and the second attack came. Aint that harsh? I hope none of you people on this thread experience this today. Fingers crossed!
yea im just going to wait for someone on here to post...bc i know ill keep obsessively checking the link....but then again im obsessively checking sdn, so i dont how much better that is.
lets come up with some random non-MCAT topic to discuss....haha any thoughts?
Favorite Doctor t.v. show?
Mine would have to be house, even though its very predictable in the sense that you know what the storyline is going to be like for every episode.
yea lot of my friends watch House...but of course I am a fan of grey's anatomy!! and scrubs is hilariously tooo. i cant wait for grey's to come back.
and I have got to say ER is soo boring. Everytime I put it on, I lose interest after 2 seconds. It has really gone downhill.