carving/waxing and OMFS

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Especially if there's a happy ending.

We seem to be agreeing on more and more these days!

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Especially if there's a happy ending.

I know what you mean, I love it when at the end they offer to do all of your dry cleaning for free for a month.... I JUST LOVE THAT..... nothing like free dry cleaning after a nice massage.... happened to you too huh? I thought I was the only one....;)
Most of the good oral surgeons I know make sure and use a little ketamine or propafol in their patients' IV so that within 10 seconds or so amnesia sets in. This way they can let those "delicate, gentle hands" inject 8 carpules of anesthesia across four quadrants at warp speed. After about 20 - 30 seconds, which is all it takes for these hot shots to unceremoniously unload (via gentle, delicate, tender and deliberate hands) all 8 carpules, all the way eliciting excessive moaning and groaning from their amnesic patients.

Propofol is not an amnestic. And it's propofol, not propafol, hot shot.
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you're in your first year, so i guess you haven't learned that getting through school is about having friends in your class and not trying to be an ass. it's waxing, get over it. if that's what keeps you from getting into omfs then you don't really need to apply when the time comes. you're main concern is getting through the first few years and then getting into clinic and finding out what you really want to do. there are plenty of people in my class who came into school swearing that they wanted to do omfs, pedo, ortho, etc. and now that we're a semester from being done, the majority of them want nothing more than to be a GP and start making some $$. the ones that want to go on are those that claimed they just wanted to get through when school started but they found something they wanted and they decided to go after it. i don't know of a single person who's been held back because their wax was a little off. get over the fact that you're not the best around anymore, you're in higher education now and suprise others are as good or better than you.

why are you assuming too much? i am more socially successfull in class than i am on SDN. so your remarks were uncalled for. besides, this whole idea of people just wanting to get through and then deciding to go on for something else and the opposite trend is an exageration. when i volunteered at the OMFS clinic before dental school, most of the residents there knew they wanted OS from day one of dental school and then they worked hard to get there.
The only god-given right of the periodontist is that they endowed with small genitalia, small brains, and an unhealthy obsession of pretending to be gingival plastic surgeons.

I've been saying the same thing for ages... I am surprised the moderators didn't ding you on your use of the word genitalia. I received an infraction for saying genitalia not too long ago. Genitalia.
...Someone made fun of Perio (yes we are in an OMFS thread and they like to make fun of Perio guys) so all I said was, "Lets make fun of an even more ******ed specialty: oral medicine." (no offense it is just a joke:D )...(yes for your reference this is an ACTUAL specialty. By-the-way...a mandiblectomy is ALSO a real procedure done to the mandible in extreme cases of oral cancer)

And it looks like my kissing tail in this thread earned me some points because you didn't get much love from anyone after your off the wall comment.

I hope you do well on finals...and on your wax ups.

one: you're a first year so it's a bit arrogant of you to diss oral med, perio, or any other specialty for that matter. just because daddy is an oral surgeon and wifey likes to brag about it, that does not mean that you have the right to diss perios.

two: i know that mandiblectomy is a real procedure. when i said "lame" i was talking about the whole joke.....

three: you are right. your "kissing tail" did earn you some points. good for you....

four: as far as my "not getting love" from anybody, well, who told you that there werent any SDNers who sent me PMs agreeing that you were....

five: no. i dont think you hope i do well on my finals..but whatever
Propofol is not an amnestic. And it's propofol, not propafol, hot shot.

So my little fact-checking Butternuts here wants to be a wiseguy, huh? I'm impressed. Most OMS guys wouldn't have caught that. You might have even been able to pull off med school!

For future reference, I'm not here to try beat anybody at pharmacology 101. Just trying to learn a little about sock stuffing and chest beating.:D
So my little fact-checking Butternuts here wants to be a wiseguy, huh? I'm impressed. Most OMS guys wouldn't have caught that.

There isn't a single OMS who doesn't know that. If you're putting drugs into a patient's body, you HAVE to know why. "Because it makes them quit squirming" is not good enough.
I know what you mean, I love it when at the end they offer to do all of your dry cleaning for free for a month.... I JUST LOVE THAT..... nothing like free dry cleaning after a nice massage.... happened to you too huh? I thought I was the only one....;)

Oh **** I can't believe you just said that!
why are you assuming too much? i am more socially successfull in class than i am on SDN. so your remarks were uncalled for. besides, this whole idea of people just wanting to get through and then deciding to go on for something else and the opposite trend is an exageration. when i volunteered at the OMFS clinic before dental school, most of the residents there knew they wanted OS from day one of dental school and then they worked hard to get there.

Yeah, I'm SDN social misfit, too. I just got berated in the international dentist forum. Talk about a sad excuse for a man. Let's me and you cut our losses and go specialize in community dentistry now.

That's fine when used as a sole sedative, as per your quoted abstract... Note that the Diprivan website states that it is ot as effective as midazolam in producing amnesia.

As an adjunctive sedative when used with midazolam and propofol, as I think a good number of OMFS use it, I think the bulk of the patient's amnesia comes from the midazolam. The little 15-30 mg boluses when you whack in your local or are removing bone/elevating teeth wear off so quickly...
So my little fact-checking Butternuts here wants to be a wiseguy, huh? I'm impressed. Most OMS guys wouldn't have caught that. You might have even been able to pull off med school!

For future reference, I'm not here to try beat anybody at pharmacology 101. Just trying to learn a little about sock stuffing and chest beating.:D

No need to check facts. That one was already rolling around in my brain somewhere... And there's no 'might have been able to'... I did.

As far as sock stuffing goes, you should stick to the perio threads. They're all over that. We men of OMFS keep it real. Just ask your wife. She seemed to like it last night.
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four: as far as my "not getting love" from anybody, well, who told you that there werent any SDNers who sent me PMs agreeing that you were....

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I would love to continue the alpha dog argument. Basically you should have taken my first and second post at face value: SARCASTIC.

I really do hope you do well on your finals though.
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I would love to continue the alpha dog argument. Basically you should have taken my first and second post at face value: SARCASTIC.

I really do hope you do well on your finals though.

well, i am glad that my post is making you laugh this time because my "off the wall" comment--which was perfectly fit for you by the way--pissed you off even if you stated otherwise. i guess the proof is that you whined to your wife until she actually made the effort to send me a smuggy pm informing me that your papa is an OMFS. what were you folks thinkin....jeez...what? you have the right to diss perios cus your pap's an OS?..bull

frankly, you and your wife are arrogant, smug and full of it. who the heck do you think you are when you're dissin specialties knowing that you're just a first year? it's annoying ...
Yeah, she likes getting tickled. Its weird, I know. 3rd grade, here we come!:idea:

Having her duodenum tickled, you mean...
i heard it was the epiglottis and vocal cords...
I heard it was her colon...

No, remember we are talking about ICED's proboscis here. Insert that diminutive fragment into anyone's colon and you're guaranteed not to get enough friction to tickle.

More than likely ICED slipped into some sebaceous gland duct and managed to get some Van der Waals forces going, which he mistook for enough friction to tickle a colon. The wife probably started laughing (by coincidence) about the same time when she caught a glimpse of ICED's cauliflower ainus.

Just a thought. Anyone??? :thumbup:
this is a fast mover tonite!

Nothing like some juvenile humour to kick things up.
No, remember we are talking about ICED's proboscis here. Insert that diminutive fragment into anyone's colon and you're guaranteed not to get enough friction to tickle.

More than likely ICED slipped into some sebaceous gland duct and managed to get some Van der Waals forces going, which he mistook for enough friction to tickle a colon. The wife probably started laughing (by coincidence) about the same time when she caught a glimpse of ICED's cauliflower ainus.

Just a thought. Anyone??? :thumbup:

The glimpse of my anus probably came as I was giving her the chili dog...
You mean, on the way to tickling the carina, yes?

actually, u know those tricky airways... i heard this was one of those situations when u insert blindly, u know when u are more likely to end up finding the cardiac sphincter....
Countdown until this thread gets closed.....4.....3......2.....
in this situation the cardiac sphincter gets another anatomical name... TRAMPOLINE:smuggrin:
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