CA Northstate Interview

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It's because of people like you, i genuinely hope that everything with the school works out. But, I also hope the school is more student friendly and centered.
Thanks steveysmith. Although I have been heavily leaning towards MCPHS-Worcester for a week or more now, I do hope that CNCP becomes much more considerate to its future students as well.

Man. SDN is such a distraction. I have midterms coming up and yet all I do is hit the refresh button! Good luck everyone, wherever you are and whatever you're doing :luck:. May we all strive to become the best pharmacist we can be.

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If you disagree with me then dispute the facts. I am not going to stop because you don't like what I say. It has been months since CNCP withdrew their pre-candidate application but yet, its website still states:

The ACPE Board of Directors will meet in January 2008, to consider the College's application. The College will be notified of the Board's decision as soon as feasible following the meeting

It clearly shows the school is either knowingly misleading potential students or it can't even get its act together to update their website.
Oh, thanx steveysmith, didn't know that. I kinda posted that before I saw the other posts about the deposits lol...knew some1 would tell me if I was wrong tho! Ok cool, but it's not that high of a deposit still...I hope they update their website and become successful too though. Does anyone have any idea what the cost of living down there is? Thanks :)
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Give me a break! The location of CNCP means nothing. The CA Board of Pharmacy has nothing to do with pharmacy school accreditation. Its mission is to the protect California residents, not students. That's the job of the ACPE.

FINALLY some logic in this thread.

Washington, DC is one of the most dangerous cities in the US.
Sacramento is one of the poorest/least desirable areas of California to live.

Location has nothing to do with accreditation. HICP was closer to the capital of Hawaii than currently operating University of Hawai'i, Hilo.

ML King stood for peace...but if you're standing on any ML King Blvd. in the country past 10pm, you'll probably get shot.

Pshh...Sacramento = safety in accreditation? Gimme a break! Dumbest thing I've read all day.
Lets not forget what the purpose of this thread is for. Students come here to gain insight from other students on a certain school. Regardless if its good information or bad information, at least its helpful information. Students don't come to the forum to read students bashing on each other or a certain school, in this case CNCP. No one has anything to gain if CNCP does not receive pre-cand in June, while other students have everything to gain when CNCP does receive pre-cand in June. For those of you who are "trying to warn" against CNCP, thank you for the information and concern, but a lot of these facts are repeated over time and becomes redundant.

As for me, I'd like to hear an update from that guy/girl who was going to follow up with UCD to see if CNCP had in fact established a rotation site there. Any thoughts on this?
As for me, I'd like to hear an update from that guy/girl who was going to follow up with UCD to see if CNCP had in fact established a rotation site there. Any thoughts on this?

My *opinion* -- HIGHLY unlikely. Since UCD is part of the UC system, priority will go to providing APPE rotation sites for UCSF and UCSD. Given the exclusive nature of the UC system, I think it is unlikely that such a pairing would occur....a brand new for profit school and a non-profit, prestigious, educational behemoth like UCD.

BUT it could happen, especially if CN pays $$$ much like Midwestern CPG pays to get students placed while Univ. of Arizona gets the priority in most rotation locations.

My issue is not just pre-accred., but the competition for rotation sites. If CNCP gets pre-accred and launches (which it probably won't, but I'll entertain that idea for a moment) will be DEAD LAST in priority for rotation sites behind UCSF, Touro, UCSD, USC, Loma Linda, Western, and UOP. Slim pickings indeed.
Pshh...Sacramento = safety in accreditation? Gimme a break! Dumbest thing I've read all day.
Stats for inquiring pre-pharmacy students
cGPA=3.08 // sGPA=2.88 // PCAT = 92
BS Biology, Univ. of California. 2 months community pharmacy experience.

Applied 10/07, interviewed 1/08
{Accepted 1/08} -- Univ. of Hawaii Hilo
{Accepted 2/08} -- Jefferson Univ.
{No interview, pending} -- USC
{Supplemental invitation, not submitted} -- Touro Univ. CA, Midwestern CCP.
Somehow what I said has been twisted by the same two people who keep lashing out at the school or at anyone who talks anything remotely good about the school.

What I said was: "CNCP is in Sacramento, our own friggin CAPITAL. It's not East Palo Alto. It's not up in some no-man's land. Have you forgotten that California is known for its higher education? To say CNCP will fail is inaccurate with the history of California education. Do you realize how shameful it would be to California pharmacy education if the school IN ITS OWN CAPITAL fails to succeed?"

I never mentioned accreditation and I never mentioned safety. I was referring to an innate responsibility or drive if you will for the CNCP administration to NOT fail and put a shame to California pharmacy education. Location is everything to do with it. If a school fails in California, everyone will say "dang have you heard about the school that failed in CALIFORNIA?" or "Have you heard about the new CALIFORNIA school that failed? I heard it's in the capital! Wow... What the heck happened there!"

You guys are assuming that CNCP is run by complete *****s who are aiming to fail. Unless they've become psychotic or something, your reasoning is far from REALITY.

There is a fine line between informing when someone may be wrong and insulting someone just to stroke your own sad ego. Take steveysmith for a great example of the former. He is probably on the same side as you, but he doesn't go around insulting other people like you do. If you can't show respect to your fellow future pharmacists, then I don't see why I should show respect to you either.

It's funny how you twisted my quote and THEN said it was the dumbest thing you've read today. Cuz your STATS are the dumbest things I read EVERY day.

Okay. I am done. I'm not even leaning towards CNCP, but I just can't stand you going around trampling on other people's hopes.

I guess now we're both sinners.
Somehow what I said has been twisted by the same two people who keep lashing out at the school or at anyone who talks anything remotely good about the school.

What I said was: "CNCP is in Sacramento, our own friggin CAPITAL. It's not East Palo Alto. It's not up in some no-man's land. Have you forgotten that California is known for its higher education? To say CNCP will fail is inaccurate with the history of California education. Do you realize how shameful it would be to California pharmacy education if the school IN ITS OWN CAPITAL fails to succeed?"

I never mentioned accreditation and I never mentioned safety. I was referring to an innate responsibility or drive if you will for the CNCP administration to NOT fail and put a shame to California pharmacy education. Location is everything to do with it. If a school fails in California, everyone will say "dang have you heard about the school that failed in CALIFORNIA?" or "Have you heard about the new CALIFORNIA school that failed? I heard it's in the capital! Wow... What the heck happened there!"

You guys are assuming that CNCP is run by complete *****s who are aiming to fail. Unless they've become psychotic or something, your reasoning is far from REALITY.

There is a fine line between informing when someone may be wrong and insulting someone just to stroke your own sad ego. Take steveysmith for a great example of the former. He is probably on the same side as you, but he doesn't go around insulting other people like you do. If you can't show respect to your fellow future pharmacists, then I don't see why I should show respect to you either.

It's funny how you twisted my quote and THEN said it was the dumbest thing you've read today. Cuz your STATS are the dumbest things I read EVERY day.

Okay. I am done. I'm not even leaning towards CNCP, but I just can't stand you going around trampling on other people's hopes.

I guess now we're both sinners.

wow. i gave you the benefit of the doubt when you made that post regarding keeping your composure and keeping cool, but this is the second time you yourself have minimized someone's accomplishments. the first when you insinuated that people who didn't apply to CNCP didn't go the extra mile... (you said "There are leaders and there are followers. The people interviewing now for the most part are the ones who walked that extra mile to bug the crud out of their professors, pharmacists, etc. etc. for the extra LORs. The rest of the people coming to this thread either don't care about the school or are the ones who are too afraid to put their foot down, and so they are just waiting")

one of the things i love about sdn is that it's an open discussion. just because people don't agree with you and would like to focus on the factual details, doesn't mean they're out to bash the school. like in many productive discussions, there are going to be people on both sides and when there isn't it's always smart to look at the other side.

just because CNCP is in CA, doesn't mean anything. saying that is like (this is a false simile just in case you try to use it against me) saying every CA pharmacy student is better than other students from other states whose education is not up to par with CA (again, completely false). this is not the case because it is completely illogical just like tying in CNCP with the reputation of CA's educational system. Region has nothing to do with anything. this is a private profit institution which is a separate entity from CA and other existing programs here
wow. i gave you the benefit of the doubt when you made that post regarding keeping your composure and keeping cool, but this is the second time you yourself have minimized someone's accomplishments. the first when you insinuated that people who didn't apply to CNCP didn't go the extra mile... (you said "There are leaders and there are followers. The people interviewing now for the most part are the ones who walked that extra mile to bug the crud out of their professors, pharmacists, etc. etc. for the extra LORs. The rest of the people coming to this thread either don't care about the school or are the ones who are too afraid to put their foot down, and so they are just waiting")
And for that I am truly sorry. Believe me I feel very torn, but I just felt I had to do something. I tried to keep my composure but couldn't any longer when I saw that what I said had been twisted and mocked. SDN has been a home to me for 2 years now and I never said anything way out of line until today. I am sincerely sorry, everyone.

one of the things i love about sdn is that it's an open discussion. just because people don't agree with you and would like to focus on the factual details, doesn't mean they're out to bash the school. like in many productive discussions, there are going to be people on both sides and when there isn't it's always smart to look at the other side.
I agree, but factual details can be given in different ways. If you pay attention to others' tone you can see when people are just setting out to bash someone or something versus being on a side but being nice about it.

just because CNCP is in CA, doesn't mean anything. saying that is like (this is a false simile just in case you try to use it against me) saying every CA pharmacy student is better than other students from other states whose education is not up to par with CA (again, completely false). this is not the case because it is completely illogical just like tying in CNCP with the reputation of CA's educational system. Region has nothing to do with anything. this is a private profit institution which is a separate entity from CA and other existing programs here
Agreed again, but that is only to our own healthcare community. The outside world (meaning people not in healthcare or maybe even some who are but don't know) on the other hand have different perceptions than we do. Many common people don't even really know private from public schools. They just know schools by location.

I apologize again, and I'd like to bring the thread back on topic.

PharmDee2Bee from above said:
"As for me, I'd like to hear an update from that guy/girl who was going to follow up with UCD to see if CNCP had in fact established a rotation site there. Any thoughts on this?"
wow. i gave you the benefit of the doubt when you made that post regarding keeping your composure and keeping cool, but this is the second time you yourself have minimized someone's accomplishments. the first when you insinuated that people who didn't apply to CNCP didn't go the extra mile... (you said "There are leaders and there are followers. The people interviewing now for the most part are the ones who walked that extra mile to bug the crud out of their professors, pharmacists, etc. etc. for the extra LORs. The rest of the people coming to this thread either don't care about the school or are the ones who are too afraid to put their foot down, and so they are just waiting")

one of the things i love about sdn is that it's an open discussion. just because people don't agree with you and would like to focus on the factual details, doesn't mean they're out to bash the school. like in many productive discussions, there are going to be people on both sides and when there isn't it's always smart to look at the other side.

just because CNCP is in CA, doesn't mean anything. saying that is like (this is a false simile just in case you try to use it against me) saying every CA pharmacy student is better than other students from other states whose education is not up to par with CA (again, completely false). this is not the case because it is completely illogical just like tying in CNCP with the reputation of CA's educational system. Region has nothing to do with anything. this is a private profit institution which is a separate entity from CA and other existing programs here

Why are you telling the "one guy" trying to defend the school to keep his composure??? Looks like both sides are equally not keeping their "composure." Isn't that sorta biased??? Well based on what you posted, I have to guess that you're severely disagreeing with the fact the CNCP will become an accredited school, am I correct? I believe its unfair to just gang up on the person that does not match your predictions...can i say, hypocrite? This whole thread is getting out of hand, equally on both what you just posted does not help the fact at all for everyone to keep their "composure"...only the ones disagreeing with you...
I don't get it. jscho was talking about CO2012, unless you have two user accounts and CO2012 is also you? Anyway, I agree with jscho, a lot of people have been bashing on those of us who applied to CNCP and have spoken positively about the school. A lot of this bashing has been directed at shikamaru and I find that really unfair. Just because students applied, interviewed, and accepted their offer does not mean that they're blindly and stupidly going to attend the school without considering all of the factors that have been mentioned on this forum already. Thank you all who have provided positive comments and those who have provided their own different perspectives on the school. That said, I think some people have taken it too far. I respect your opinions, but I think you've crossed the line when you start bashing on other people and disrespecting them purely because you don't like the school.
My issue is not just pre-accred., but the competition for rotation sites. If CNCP gets pre-accred and launches (which it probably won't, but I'll entertain that idea for a moment) will be DEAD LAST in priority for rotation sites behind UCSF, Touro, UCSD, USC, Loma Linda, Western, and UOP. Slim pickings indeed.

i don't think getting rotation sites is a big deal as compare to getting accreditation...they'll get their sites alright but it's a matter of the quality/quantity
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I've asked myself why some people bother to post negative comments and bash schools they know nothing about. Especially when they have nothing to benefit from. Before, I thought maybe they were just being precautious for others who may not understand the repercussions involved incase a school failed to achieve certain goals like pre-accreditation. After reading the comments of some people, we all know that their intentions are far from this and whatever they are, we are still to find out. I would like to point out that when some schools like Sullivan started out, some of these our "self appointed school bashing ambassadors" who also post here were the first to make their negative comments to prevent others from applying. Now that Sullivan has pre-accreditation, they use it as an examples of successful cases in their quotes and facts. Please also notice that some of this same people have been accepted to pre-accredited schools which I would say is taking a chance given that these schools are not yet fully accredited. And yet they have the guts to tell people not to take chances.
For those of you applying, don't give up hope. What do you have to lose? Look at University of Hawaii, hilo COP. Remember "our bashing ambassadors" were even harder on them because it was in hawaii that the last pharmacy school failed. But they still got pre-accreditation. If CNCP makes it, imagine how u would feel if you had listened to "our self appointed ambassadors". And if they fail, oh well at least you tried. It's not like you would lose anything.
It's not like you would lose anything.

Just time, money, hope. If anybody wants to disagree with the facts, then dispute them. This is a forum afterall.
just pointing out something different, give another perspectives, the right and wrong, the good and ugly...and as long as not directing at others
Just time, money, hope. If anybody wants to disagree with the facts, then dispute them. This is a forum afterall.

In my opinion, time and hope should never be considered a loss when making decisions in regards to ur future. As for the money, it is more like an investment. Like u said, SDN is a forum where people come to agree and disagree. Some people have posted great criticisms while others, their intentions need to be questioned. Looks like some pple also come here to share negative energy. Again, as an SDN member, I'm just sharing my opinion.
Looks like some pple also come here to share negative energy

There are also people who post in this forum to share positive energy so i think it balances it out. I don't think it matters what some people post, whether it is positive or negative, as long as it is based on facts.
as long as it is based on facts.

"Based on facts"??? So was that what the negativity was based on?? I believe facts should always be backed with prove. As for opinions, everyone has a point of view and I have no right to tell people not to express theirs.
"Based on facts"??? So was that what the negativity was based on?? I believe facts should always be backed with prove. As for opinions, everyone has a point of view and I have no right to tell people not to express theirs.

facts have been stated by (incluiding myself) several others outlining how they handled themselves from the start.
This forum is freakin ridiculous...I come on here to see if any1 answered any useful questions, and it's pages and paragraphs about the same crap...who cares about every1's negative and positive remarks, no1 knows anything until June. Hope every1 on this dang forum will just drop it and get on with their lives.
This forum is freakin ridiculous...I come on here to see if any1 answered any useful questions, and it's pages and paragraphs about the same crap...who cares about every1's negative and positive remarks, no1 knows anything until June. Hope every1 on this dang forum will just drop it and get on with their lives.
Hey RXist,
The cost of far as I know its around $700-900 for 1 bedroom. I have a friend up there and thats how much she is paying, but its similar pricing for most city places in Cali.
Hey RXist,
The cost of far as I know its around $700-900 for 1 bedroom. I have a friend up there and thats how much she is paying, but its similar pricing for most city places in Cali.

let me know if you guys want roommates, i'm interested...after June that is.
My cousin is applying at this school so I have been reading up on all the stuff that is going on at this school..My prospective is if this school gets accred then this will be a great thing for people in northern california and an excellent oppurtunity....but my concern what if this place doesnt get accred...then you pretty much screwed.....I would like to see my cousin attend UOP but he missed the deadline, so he is apply to this school....I hope everything works out at this school and it gets accred...I am hoping for the best...:)
hahahahaha u guys are at each others throat for no apparent reason man. Take sometime and go back and read what u wrote. It's amazing how u ppl are arguing like this. If the schools open and gets it accreditation then great and if not then oh well better luck next time. It's not that complicated to understand ya all. Relaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Every school has to go through this phase.
I'm not surprised that people are questioning the school's credibility. Being realistic, I see it as very suspicious that the school is requesting deposits with out pre-accred and with delays in site evaluations. For those with hope, I say chances are very slim that the school will achieve accredidation since the school has no other established programs and represents just a stand-alone pharmacy school. The reason is obvious to why people are bashing/questioning the school as other newly accreddited schools such as LLU, Touro, and UCSD all already have established and accredited programs in the medical field...Just remember that these schools are just adding another program whereas CNCP is starting from scratch. I'm not saying the school will be a complete failure, but as stated by previous posters, simply the facts would cast doubt upon those who are even considering attending CNCP. I am in no way being negative towards the school but wtih the given facts at the moment, I would definately not consider this school. To each their own.
For those who got in CNCP, can you state your statistics here? And what other schools that you got accepted/interviewed? :luck: Thanks!
For those who got in CNCP, can you state your statistics here? And what other schools that you got accepted/interviewed? :luck: Thanks!

BS in Economics (Vietnam)
BS in PharmChem (UCSD): cum GPA is 3.15 by Pharmcas (should be higher now with some As from Fall & Winter)
Very good LORs
Worked as dental assistant and care giver
Volunteer: blood donation, breast cancer, retail pharmacy, clinic pharmacy
Planed to finish pharmacy technology program by this summer
Interview at Western this Saturday.

Want to be cautious and think positively at the same time.
BS in Economics (Vietnam)

Volunteer: blood donation, breast cancer, retail pharmacy, clinic pharmacy

Want to be cautious and think positively at the same time.

Less than a year WORKING in a pharmacy - if i were the adcom, i'd say NO! there are reasons and explanation for 'no'...not necessary to state here :rolleyes:
Hi guys!

I did not have B. A degree, only AA GPA 3.73. Do you think I have a chance to get in this school? I am out-stater. Thanks
I think you have a chance though I can't tell you how good of a chance. CNCP is a new school so its much easier to get into than other more established schools. No pharmacy schools I know of require a bachelors, so you're safe..but a bachelors degree makes you WAY more competitive. That GPA is great obviously, but then again I assume its based on the community college education system (since you said you have an AA) so I don't know how that fends off against other students who attended universities. I notice that pharmacy schools look only at GPA anyways, so I guess that's a plus for you. You should apply to test the waters. However, there are pros and cons of this school so you should do some more research first.:)
Hey RXist,
The cost of far as I know its around $700-900 for 1 bedroom. I have a friend up there and thats how much she is paying, but its similar pricing for most city places in Cali.

I think you have a chance though I can't tell you how good of a chance. CNCP is a new school so its much easier to get into than other more established schools. No pharmacy schools I know of require a bachelors, so you're safe..but a bachelors degree makes you WAY more competitive. That GPA is great obviously, but then again I assume its based on the community college education system (since you said you have an AA) so I don't know how that fends off against other students who attended universities. I notice that pharmacy schools look only at GPA anyways, so I guess that's a plus for you. You should apply to test the waters. However, there are pros and cons of this school so you should do some more research first.:)

Thanks PharmDee2Bee, I just know about this school..and I am doing some reasearch about it...and still want to hear more from all of you guys! Thanks
Less than a year WORKING in a pharmacy - if i were the adcom, i'd say NO! there are reasons and explanation for 'no'...not necessary to state here :rolleyes:

lol, i had 2 months of pharmacy experience when i applied. all my pharmacists/interns at work had zero.

as for the batch of schools opening in 2008, it is the most behind and least credible, this is based on a direct comparison of facts. It's the only school not to achieve pre-accreditation and require cash deposits after sending out acceptances.

Regis University in CO pushed their date opening class to Fall 2009 facing the same start up hurdles as CNCP. Don't forget the lack of regional accreditation is a second hurdle being faced.

There are your facts, no opinion in the above post.

Question for those interviewed: did anyone ask what the "exit plan" is? ACPE is now requiring a "fail safe" plan in the event a school must close its doors so that students aren't left without any recourse.
and for those going there....cost of living in that area is CHEEEEAAAP compared to the metropolitan areas of San Francisco, LA, Orange County, and SD. Out of all the schools in CA, CNCP will probably have the 2nd cheapest cost of living behind UOP in ghetto as shit stockton.
Hey I interviewed here on Feb. 1st. Anyone who interviewed that day here back from them yet?
I'm from OC and been in SD for several years. Really want to move to somewhere that is much more affordable in Cali.
Lets do a roll call many have been interviewed and how many have been accepted? :)
Is there anyone just recently applied to CNCP? I recently applied to CNCP, for those who for an interview, how long does it take to process the application and receive the invitation of interview?
Is there anyone just recently applied to CNCP? I recently applied to CNCP, for those who for an interview, how long does it take to process the application and receive the invitation of interview?

My application was complete once my last LOR was turned in around late December. Recently, on 2/7 they sent me an interview invitation by email and also calling my cell phone. In the email they gave me 9 different dates I could choose from within the month of February.

I, however declined their invitation since I have already been accepted to another program.

Good luck.
My application was complete once my last LOR was turned in around late December. Recently, on 2/7 they sent me an interview invitation by email and also calling my cell phone. In the email they gave me 9 different dates I could choose from within the month of February.

I, however declined their invitation since I have already been accepted to another program.

Good luck.

Which school did you get accept? I called to CNCP, and they told me that they will review my file within 2 to 6 weeks. It's kinda long!! Also, could you tell me your statistics?
Which school did you get accept? I called to CNCP, and they told me that they will review my file within 2 to 6 weeks. It's kinda long!! Also, could you tell me your statistics?

I have already been accepted to Touro, and on hold for another school. I am also still waiting for other California schools.

I think they probably are receiving some more applications now because more people are hearing about them. I think that they'll respond back to you soon, so just be patient (easier said than done). The faculty seems nice as I had a chance to speak with one (I forgot his name though).

When I applied I had a CUM: 3.30, Sci: 3.22, and Math: 3.21.
I have already been accepted to Touro, and on hold for another school. I am also still waiting for other California schools.

I think they probably are receiving some more applications now because more people are hearing about them. I think that they'll respond back to you soon, so just be patient (easier said than done). The faculty seems nice as I had a chance to speak with one (I forgot his name though).

When I applied I had a CUM: 3.30, Sci: 3.22, and Math: 3.21.

Thanks for your statistics. Did you hear anything from Western? or UOP? I guess I just have to wait! =( Hopefully, I will hear back from them soon. I've been checking my email and this forum the whole time to see whether there's any updated news!
I guess I just have to wait! =( Hopefully, I will hear back from them soon. I've been checking my email and this forum the whole time to see whether there's any updated news!

You'll want to wait until June anyway. I interviewed and got accepted; the people there are really great and genuinely friendly. However, the whole dilemma is their pre-candidate status. ACPE will meet in April and decision in June. Without it, they are not a school and cannot enroll students for Fall 2008. Many people already mentioned this in the forum, you should read a few of the posts.
First off, I wish everyone best of luck in their pursuit for CNCP.

Second, I wanted to know from applicants why this school has won them over even though they are still waiting for the pre-candidate status. I've been scanning this thread and I've seen some who may choose CNCP over other CA schools?? Was it the optimism that you observed at the campus during interviews or a particular part of the curriculum? For 4 yrs, 35k tuition I assume CNCP must prove their promising future in order to attract more applicants. Any thoughts?
For all of you idiots out there who are bashing on CNCP about their road to accredidation...Why don't you just shut the *&^^ up already. Eventhough this school as you might say "is not in existence", so what? What benefits are you gaining from degrading and defaming the school. I got accepted in CNCP, I understand the risks, but can we wait until June to talk about it? I made my deposit and still have another interview to attend at Pacific University. To those who are bashing on CNCP and their accredidation process, go get a life dude!
Hey I interviewed here on Feb. 1st. Anyone who interviewed that day here back from them yet?

I had an interview that day and got my acceptance letter today.