anyone planning to apply to SRMC for july 2007?

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Apr 25, 2006
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hi everyone...i'm planning on applying to SRMC to be in the july 2007 batch..anyone else planning to do the same thing? also..if anyone has any advice as far as ways to secure my admission please help me...thanks

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oh yeah forgot to tell you guys...i'm a junior in high school still...anyone here the same year as me and planning on applying to SRMC? also..if youre currently at SRMC or will be this year..please give me advice on admissions procedures, etc...thanks..and please help me! ;)
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I'm currently doing my first year straight outta high school and for admissions, I recommend calling as soon as possible and getting information. Even after you get information keep calling and asking questions so when the time comes to select the students they have your name in their heads. It's not a sure-fire thing, but it helps.
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oh yeah forgot to tell you guys...i'm a junior in high school still...anyone here the same year as me and planning on applying to SRMC? also..if youre currently at SRMC or will be this year..please give me advice on admissions procedures, etc...thanks..and please help me! ;)
Jr. in high school right?

What compells you to go to SRMC (sop this is a med school)?

(Btw, Im just curious)
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i want to do medicine bt im hesitating.
bein a gul i fear i might,after bein a doc,nt b able to give enuf time to my family.plz rep
im 18 yrs
waiting for hsc results
ill try 2 come 2 india 4 studies if im doin medicine.
iv done maths chem n physics main
i want to know if doctors gt enough leisure time n how female docs cope with work,householdchores,children n love life.
ur advice will b precious to me
thx in advance
Dont come under the spell of your parents or relatives. Think rationally. Do some research. Those good old days when foreign medical graduates used to come and do residency in Cardio surgery or Dermatalogy are over. Now a majority of them manage to enter only primary care residencies. I can bet a $100000000 that in 6-7 yrs, even that will be hard. I dont have anything against Indian Medical Schools or Primary Care Physicians.

Now only IMGs have a hard time to match in Derm, Cardio, Ortho, Surgery,etc. I dont think you all wanna be Family practioners or IM or Pediatrician. Dont you wanna be a top surgeon or someone who is really in demand.

In the next 5-6 years. with more new Osteopathic Colleges opening in USA, and more harsher rules applied. Its gonna be really bad for IMGs.

You guys are just in high school. Go study hard get a 28 or above in ACT and apply for 6-7 yr md programs offered by Medical Schools in USA to high school students.

You guys have the potential to be the top most physicians why do you wanna be a bunch of Internists or Family practioners. Already in every lane you get a board of Dr. Patel (Internal Medicine), MD or Dr.Shah, MD (Family Practioner) or Dr.Khan (Pediatrician). There are like hundreds out there like cattle in a grass land. Even if you bcom a a MD in primary care, its gonna be a tough market competition for you guys. Just do a Physician search in your area and see how many IM or Family practioners are there. In 6 years another 10-20 will be added. There will be so many doctors with so less patients.Who will come to your clinic except your family. he he he!

The future holds good for specialities. Primary care is good only for areas where there is a shortage. And guys, plzzzzzz keep in mind. Getting residency is not as easy as it looks. Its very very hard for IMGs. And day by day its getting more harder. There are constant laws and bills trying to be pass to stop flow of IMGs as the local MD & DO population is increasing.
hey all im plannin on joinin up for SRMC for the july2007 batch for BDS
did you get your admissions decision yettt???
not yet...mabe nxt month...wat about u?
dont do it. stay in the us. u r making the biggest mistake in your life. you can kiss ortho and radio goodbye. say hello to family practice residency in mobile alabama or harlem. and that is if you are lucky.

why not go to a us med school if u dont get in go to europe or the carribean.

please read my other posts. dont be pressured into giving up a shot at being a surgeon or radiologist. you are way too young to even know u want medicine let alone knowing which speciality. how sure are you that you dont like obg or surgery? how do you know u like family medicine? have u been to harlem or mobile? the decision you are making has no logical basis. read my other posts.

if look at it both in terms of carreer or fun u r making the wrong desicion. dont be pressured into giving up your dreams.
Yes most likely will be there in July.