2016 Cycle - Complete Mid-July, so much silence, who's with me?!

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Jun 13, 2016
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Hey friends -

I submitted all of my secondary's in mid-july, and have radio silence from 19 schools! As everyone else on here seems to be getting like a million interview invites, I just wanted to create a thread to vent / hear from other people that are in my same boat / on the same seas.

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sdn = selection bias, chill bro. People with II's are more likely to post than those with 0.
I have radio silence from 20 as well lol
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Same here - mid July. Silence from 20, rejected from 2.....this is just comforting to know there are others out there (sdn can get overwhelming when you see everyone getting interviews). However, the process is long from over, our time will come too!
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I feel your pain
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I'm in the same boat, applied at 12, LizzyM of 72ish, strong clinical background, all I've heard is crickets.
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applied to ~25 schools. Rejected from 2. II's from 5. Nothing from the rest. Silence for the last month. Sent update letters 2 weeks ago. I don't think they care.
applied to ~25 schools. Rejected from 2. II's from 5. Nothing from the rest. Silence for the last month. Sent update letters 2 weeks ago. I don't think they care.

Mate, 1/5th of your schools have given you IIs... don't think silence applies in your case
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applied to ~25 schools. Rejected from 2. II's from 5. Nothing from the rest. Silence for the last month. Sent update letters 2 weeks ago. I don't think they care.
You complaining about silence after getting 5 IIs?....
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Meme magic hasn't helped me thus far...0/20
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applied to ~25 schools. Rejected from 2. II's from 5. Nothing from the rest. Silence for the last month. Sent update letters 2 weeks ago. I don't think they care.

Not sure if obnoxious, extremely poor self-awareness, or strange troll job.
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can we revive this thread? any one else on here still feeling this? no IIs

i am feeling really down about the silence. mainly i'm low about the fact that I convinced myself to apply and thought the process could actually be holistic rather than stat-driven. and why isn't anyone talking about how inequitable it is? maybe folx do know and i'm late to the convo, but honestly: spending thousands of dollars (or taking out loans) to simply apply to schools is a serious flaw. keeps low-income people out bc the FAP is barely helpful and who can afford to apply multiple times to many schools? it's all about privilege and access to resources and capitalism blah blah. now i sound bitter and dried up, but, well, yeah. xoxoxo

but i have enjoyed so many of you on here! let me know where you all are at / how you're feeling / have most of you who previously responded gotten IIs? give the deets!
Right there with ya :/ I’ve had one II which I’m super grateful for but it’s hard to be patient.. Been rejected from a handful of schools but silence from the majority of schools I applied to. I know that no news can be good news, but worried that they will turn into silent or eventual rejections. I’m also a reapp so it’s not fun going through this again, but I guess at this point all we can do is hope for good news! Good luck to you all!! Hopefully we’ll hear back from more schools between Thanksgiving and Christmas!
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I had heard nothing (no rejections, no IIs) till November 2nd.
But then I received three IIs and one rejection as of today.
Best of luck to all those out there. Stay patient!
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With bornunderatree on this. I was complete in July, radio silence until October. Then three IIs in a relatively short period of time. You never know what can happen, best of luck to all!
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Same here - mid July. Silence from 20, rejected from 2.....this is just comforting to know there are others out there (sdn can get overwhelming when you see everyone getting interviews). However, the process is long from over, our time will come too!
Is it actually long from over, though? Sure there are months left, but haven't many schools basically filled their interview slots?
Is it actually long from over, though? Sure there are months left, but haven't many schools basically filled their interview slots?

it is basically over for most schools.
it is basically over for most schools.

I wouldn't go that far, it may be past 50% interviews offered, but it's certainly not more than 90%. Research the admissions trackers at UMich, Oakland, CU, and others and cross reference to the MSAR. You'll see it's in the 70% range.

My thought process is this: I know I'm in the bottom quartile of acceptable candidates, so it only makes sense that I'll get my Interview from the bottom quartile of offered interviews.
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I wouldn't go that far, it may be past 50% interviews offered, but it's certainly not more than 90%. Research the admissions trackers at UMich, Oakland, CU, and others and cross reference to the MSAR. You'll see it's in the 70% range.

My thought process is this: I know I'm in the bottom quartile of acceptable candidates, so it only makes sense that I'll get my Interview from the bottom quartile of offered interviews.
Well, I happen to like a good underdog story!
And your logic is bulletproof.
So much silence checking in. 15 schools, 1 reject, 2 pre-II hold. Crippling depression grows by the day!
lol so basically just refer back to my post where I said most schools have given out most of their interviews

More than 50% of interviews out = most interviews out =/= over at most schools

If I gave you 100 cupcakes to eat for 100 days and you still had 30 cupcakes and 30 days, I bet you'd still be stoked. Keep your head up.
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More than 50% of interviews out = most interviews out =/= over at most schools

If I gave you 100 cupcakes to eat for 100 days and you still had 30 cupcakes and 30 days, I bet you'd still be stoked. Keep your head up.

More cupcakes please.
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More cupcakes please.


cGPA (cupcake GPA)
sGPA (sprinkles GPA)
BCAT (Baking College Admissions Test)
Hours Shadowing a Baker?
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Here with you. applied to 25, silences and rejections.... not sure what to do anymore .
1 II, 3 rejections, 14 silence. Starting to think about next year...
Last year was complete most placed September, received 0 interviews.
This year, complete by July.
2 II, both back in August. Resulting in 1 rejection, and 1 (presumably) waitlist at a school with no waitlist movement.
Besides that, 2 holds, 11 pre-II rejections, and 15 silent as of now.

Been frustrating since I know I have a competitive application; strong research (6000+ hrs), 35 MCAT, upward GPA trend at top 10 undergrad, above avg EC's and leadership, strong letters, but also a pretty egregious IA (disciplinary suspension, substance/behavior related) from 5 years ago that's I am assuming is the thing that has really been holding me back. Not a great feeling to think I worked my tail off for the past several years only to not be given a chance due to a mistake from way back that I've already overcome.

I'm already prepping for next year by looking into MCAT study resources since my current MCAT would be expiring for most schools next cycle. I'll have to study while working almost 50 hours a week, and it'll be difficult to do as well as I already have. Challenge accepted, I guess lol.

I've just been trying to mitigate depression and be positive this past month, though it's been extremely tough. Going to the gym often has really helped but also getting some fresh perspective from others. It's easy to forget that we're all smart and capable people who are destined for success even if the MD path doesn't work out now, or ever.

We all really need to count our victories; I know I have a lot to appreciate right now even if I feel like hating myself. With Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks coming up, let's all promise ourselves to go out and see friends/family, destress, and just enjoy life.
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Last year was complete most placed September, received 0 interviews.
This year, complete by July.
2 II, both back in August. Resulting in 1 rejection, and 1 (presumably) waitlist at a school with no waitlist movement.
Besides that, 2 holds, 11 pre-II rejections, and 15 silent as of now.

Been frustrating since I know I have a competitive application; strong research (6000+ hrs), 35 MCAT, upward GPA trend at top 10 undergrad, above avg EC's and leadership, strong letters, but also a pretty egregious IA (disciplinary suspension, substance/behavior related) from 5 years ago that's I am assuming is the thing that has really been holding me back. Not a great feeling to think I worked my tail off for the past several years only to not be given a chance due to a mistake from way back that I've already overcome way back.

I'm already prepping for next year by looking into MCAT study resources since my current MCAT would be expiring for most schools next cycle. I'll have to study while working almost 50 hours a week, and it'll be difficult to do as well as I already have. Challenge accepted, I guess lol.

I've just been trying to mitigate depression and be positive this past month, though it's been extremely tough. Going to the gym often has really helped but also getting some fresh perspective from others. It's easy to forget that we're all smart and capable people who are destined for success even if the MD path doesn't work out now, or ever.

We all really need to count our victories; I know I have a lot to appreciate right now even if I feel like hating myself. With Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks coming up, let's all promise ourselves to go out and see friends/family, destress, and just enjoy life.
I know sometimes if you're application is too strong for the school they'll reject you, assuming you'd choose to attend a better school. Think that's your issue?

Otherwise, I'm sorry they can't look past your past! Schools claim they are getting more and more holistic in reviewing but that quite obviously isn't true yet.
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Last year was complete most placed September, received 0 interviews.
This year, complete by July.
2 II, both back in August. Resulting in 1 rejection, and 1 (presumably) waitlist at a school with no waitlist movement.
Besides that, 2 holds, 11 pre-II rejections, and 15 silent as of now.

Been frustrating since I know I have a competitive application; strong research (6000+ hrs), 35 MCAT, upward GPA trend at top 10 undergrad, above avg EC's and leadership, strong letters, but also a pretty egregious IA (disciplinary suspension, substance/behavior related) from 5 years ago that's I am assuming is the thing that has really been holding me back. Not a great feeling to think I worked my tail off for the past several years only to not be given a chance due to a mistake from way back that I've already overcome.

I'm already prepping for next year by looking into MCAT study resources since my current MCAT would be expiring for most schools next cycle. I'll have to study while working almost 50 hours a week, and it'll be difficult to do as well as I already have. Challenge accepted, I guess lol.

I've just been trying to mitigate depression and be positive this past month, though it's been extremely tough. Going to the gym often has really helped but also getting some fresh perspective from others. It's easy to forget that we're all smart and capable people who are destined for success even if the MD path doesn't work out now, or ever.

We all really need to count our victories; I know I have a lot to appreciate right now even if I feel like hating myself. With Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks coming up, let's all promise ourselves to go out and see friends/family, destress, and just enjoy life.

It's too early to give up....those silent schools have at least another month or two of IIs to send out. If you got two IIs, you'll most likely get more. Less than half of the applicants for MD school matriculate, so you're hardly alone...don't feel singled out. Try to enjoy the holiday, and keep up the positive activities that make you feel better. I'm a long-distance runner, so I know how therapeutic exercise can be. Have you considered DO?
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It's too early to give up....those silent schools have at least another month or two of IIs to send out. If you got two IIs, you'll most likely get more. Less than half of the applicants for MD school matriculate, so you're hardly alone...don't feel singled out. Try to enjoy the holiday, and keep up the positive activities that make you feel better. I'm a long-distance runner, so I know how therapeutic exercise can be. Have you considered DO?


And yes, I'm aware a lot of people are in stressful situations. I'm sharing my story so others might connect or gain other perspectives on a site where we constantly see success stories. Was thinking about submitting last minute DO apps, but have decided I'll do it next year. One of the things I've been thankful for is that I enjoy my current lab job, and I don't really mind working here another here.

Gym has been great, but not looking forward to losing my gains while studying for MCAT again lol

What! It's super easy and quick to lose muscle compared to months of hard worked hours put into exercise and diet each week.
Sorry if it makes me sound out of touch at all, but for me it's a valid concern :)

cGPA (cupcake GPA)
sGPA (sprinkles GPA)
BCAT (Baking College Admissions Test)
Hours Shadowing a Baker?

I meant to respond to this just been so busy shadowing for 300000 hours at the top bakery in the US. my BCAT was strong as is my lizzy-eats Score but I lacked in the puff pastry score. ;)

Still no offers to eat and make cupcakes though.