2008-2009 Harvard Secondary Application Thread

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hey, i still feel like im playing streetball :scared:

i just hope my game is legit enough for the big time.

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He's stalking this thread because everyone applies to Harvard at heart. Those who didn't officially apply here just didn't think they could make the cut in the first place.

Hey, not everyone gets to play in the NBA with the all-stars. Sometimes you gotta settle for streetball.

Hahahahahaha that's absurd enough that I have to comment. Look kid, arrogance can be charming occasionally, but yours has descended into pure delusion. I PROMISE you, you're not that cool cause you got into Harvard. No really. I promise.

Some people didn't apply cause they don't like Boston, some people didn't apply cause they have no interest in PBL, some people didn't apply for fear of being surrounded by pretentious, arrogant people. Believe it or not, not everyone wants to go to Harvard.

Edit: to all of you who have gotten in and realize how lucky you are and aren't suffering from delusions of grandeur, congratulations. This is obviously an incredible accomplishment and I hope you enjoy it!
Anyways, back on track...did anyone receive an acceptance packet yet?
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to all the kids w/ hms and hopkins acceptances, DAMN I hope you all go to harvard, get me off the waitlist!

Don't worry...they will. And that's a good thing.

and LOL @ this thread. You'll fit right in.

Welcome to the family! Took this picture fresh for you.


PS. this is all in good fun... I love you buggers.
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Don't worry...they will. And that's a good thing.

and LOL @ this thread. You'll fit right in.

Welcome to the family! Took this picture fresh for you.


PS. this is all in good fun... I love you buggers.

nice shirt :p

sounds like you've made your hopkins/hms decision? wish i could be as decisive...
He's stalking this thread because everyone applies to Harvard at heart. Those who didn't officially apply here just didn't think they could make the cut in the first place.

Hey, not everyone gets to play in the NBA with the all-stars. Sometimes you gotta settle for streetball.

Wow. I had no interest in Harvard to start with and it definitely wasn't for lack of credentials. After reading the posts written by some of the people accepted on this thread, I'm so glad I'm not going to be subjected to their pretention for the next four years. If you have such a huge superiority complex that you deify a place like Harvard and think of it as some sort of pinnacle that everyone aspires to, I think you need a serious reality check.
nice shirt :p

sounds like you've made your hopkins/hms decision? wish i could be as decisive...

Really the biggest difference is whether you want an ordinary MD or a HARVARD MD *insert dramatic music here*

See attached page from interview day pamphlet:

Don't worry...they will. And that's a good thing.

and LOL @ this thread. You'll fit right in.

Welcome to the family! Took this picture fresh for you.


PS. this is all in good fun... I love you buggers.
Wow, that's REALLY vile.
:laugh: that's hilarious.

Hey Tupac, when are you coming 'round these parts again?

I'll be working in SF all summer so we should def get the ol' SDN team back together for some dinner! I'll msg you and shemarty later and we can set somethin up :thumbup:

Wow, that's REALLY vile.

:p If by vile you mean amazing, I agree. I wore this proudly to the H-Y game this year.
Really the biggest difference is whether you want an ordinary MD or a HARVARD MD *insert dramatic music here*

See attached page from interview day pamphlet:


you forgot about this


apparently, they innovate, educate, discover, and serve...id like to do all those things, maybe it IS the right place for me :idea:

Wow. I had no interest in Harvard to start with and it definitely wasn't for lack of credentials. After reading the posts written by some of the people accepted on this thread, I'm so glad I'm not going to be subjected to their pretention for the next four years. If you have such a huge superiority complex that you deify a place like Harvard and think of it as some sort of pinnacle that everyone aspires to, I think you need a serious reality check.
As much as I dislike the lack of humility shown in this thread (that post you quoted was particularly ludicrous), I doubt that what has been said here is indicative of the atmosphere to be found at Harvard. The HMS medical students that I know and those whom I met during my interview day seem to be quite humble about the good fortune that they had received, and it is likely that the majority of those who were accepted two days ago are as well. I would guess that the atmosphere is very similar to those found at other schools of varying prestige.

The pretentious posts here are either designed to be inflammatory (trolling) or are representative of only a few future HMS "outliers" (it was, after all, only a small group of individuals who made such posts...) Personally, I can't see the post that you quoted being anything other than an attempt to troll, since the poster's MDApps makes a reference to the randomness/unpredictability of the process.
He's stalking this thread because everyone applies to Harvard at heart. Those who didn't officially apply here just didn't think they could make the cut in the first place.

Hey, not everyone gets to play in the NBA with the all-stars. Sometimes you gotta settle for streetball.

What the hell is HYPSM?
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Harvard Princeton Yale Stanford MIT, ive never seen it with the M though, i think PC added that himself ha :laugh:

That's what I thought, totally pathetic. Not because MIT isn't of the same caliber, but because of the insecurity it shows in needing to point it out. :rolleyes:
As much as I dislike the lack of humility shown in this thread (that post you quoted was particularly ludicrous), I doubt that what has been said here is indicative of the atmosphere to be found at Harvard. The HMS medical students that I know and those whom I met during my interview day seem to be quite humble about the good fortune that they had received, and it is likely that the majority of those who were accepted two days ago are as well. I would guess that the atmosphere is very similar to those found at other schools of varying prestige.

The pretentious posts here are either designed to be inflammatory (trolling) or are representative of only a few future HMS "outliers" (it was, after all, only a small group of individuals who made such posts...) Personally, I can't see the post that you quoted being anything other than an attempt to troll, since the poster's MDApps makes a reference to the randomness/unpredictability of the process.

okay yea, this thread has gotten pretty rediculous...but it is quite hillarious...PC is a d-bag, ill give u that, but who cares? its an online anonymous forum, he could be sum radomn 43 year old hairy chest misty eyed plumber making fun of us neurotic premeds during his lunch break...point is, the people making all these "im sooo glad ill never be your classmate," and "this is why i didnt apply to harvard" comments need to lighten up, get a sense of humor, and take it for what it is...

lmao at the streetball comment tho, some of this best ballers throw down on streets my friend....rafer alston aka skip to my lou managed to make it to the big leauges, and is now a starting pg for the rockets...so for those streetball hopefuls, all hope i not lost! :laugh:
He's stalking this thread because everyone applies to Harvard at heart. Those who didn't officially apply here just didn't think they could make the cut in the first place.

Hey, not everyone gets to play in the NBA with the all-stars. Sometimes you gotta settle for streetball.

You will learn (soon, hopefully) that there is nothing more uncool than bragging about going to an Ivy League institution.

I'll be working in SF all summer so we should def get the ol' SDN team back together for some dinner! I'll msg you and shemarty later and we can set somethin up :thumbup:

:p If by vile you mean amazing, I agree. I wore this proudly to the H-Y game this year.

Hahaha... our Stanford / Cal T-shirts are generally never that graphic.

I'll be in China for a month in June, but I'll be around otherwise! :)
An attempt to throw MIT in with Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Stanford.
Honestly, I've only seen HYPS on SDN.

How about we just name our undergrads or else speak in true generalities?
Agreed. EVERY medical school class is going to have a few d-bags at least for sure. Personally, my acceptance has given me great pause and compelled me to step back and realize how incredibly fortunate I am to be holding a spot that many applicants (not all) would have wanted. I think Harvard is committed to picking not only exceptional people, but people who are able to connect with others (not that those who didn't get in can't/don't), and I have confidence that the majority of my classmates will be of this latter classification, not the former. The few HMS students I know/have known are just great people and I'm humbled to stand in their company.

In other news, no mail for me today..hopefully by Friday!
I'll be working in SF all summer so we should def get the ol' SDN team back together for some dinner! I'll msg you and shemarty later and we can set somethin up :thumbup:

:p If by vile you mean amazing, I agree. I wore this proudly to the H-Y game this year.
That seriously made me feel a little sick lol. I can't get that image out of my mind. :(
Agreed. EVERY medical school class is going to have a few d-bags at least for sure. Personally, my acceptance has given me great pause and compelled me to step back and realize how incredibly fortunate I am to be holding a spot that many applicants (not all) would have wanted. I think Harvard is committed to picking not only exceptional people, but people who are able to connect with others (not that those who didn't get in can't/don't), and I have confidence that the majority of my classmates will be of this latter classification, not the former. The few HMS students I know/have known are just great people and I'm humbled to stand in their company.

In other news, no mail for me today..hopefully by Friday!

:thumbup: Agreed. I feel the exact same way and the recent discussion on this thread is making me kinda sad.
You will learn (soon, hopefully) that there is nothing more uncool than bragging about going to an Ivy League institution.


well duh, every1 knows that if you go to harvard and someone asks you where you go to school you say, "I go to school in Boston."

lmao...as if they dont know what school youre talking about :laugh:

ive always thought this was even more pretentious, but hey.
:thumbup: Agreed. I feel the exact same way and the recent discussion on this thread is making me kinda sad.

Don't worry Zpiff, HMS is going to be FAN-freakin-TASTIC...I am so excited, I can't even put it into words

See you at revisit
Don't worry...they will. And that's a good thing.

and LOL @ this thread. You'll fit right in.

Welcome to the family! Took this picture fresh for you.


PS. this is all in good fun... I love you buggers.
Lmao lmao...
As much as I dislike the lack of humility shown in this thread (that post you quoted was particularly ludicrous), I doubt that what has been said here is indicative of the atmosphere to be found at Harvard. The HMS medical students that I know and those whom I met during my interview day seem to be quite humble about the good fortune that they had received, and it is likely that the majority of those who were accepted two days ago are as well. I would guess that the atmosphere is very similar to those found at other schools of varying prestige.

The pretentious posts here are either designed to be inflammatory (trolling) or are representative of only a few future HMS "outliers" (it was, after all, only a small group of individuals who made such posts...) Personally, I can't see the post that you quoted being anything other than an attempt to troll, since the poster's MDApps makes a reference to the randomness/unpredictability of the process.

Wonderful post.

I consider myself to be quite a lucky guy. I never thought at the outset that I wouldn't have done as well as I did during this application season, and I am certainly thankful for that.

I went to undergrad in Boston, and no, it wasn't Harvard. But like What up doc said, I never flaunt it, and when people ask where I go to school, I say Boston, and I stop at that. Hell, I don't even wear my class ring all that much! In the end, I don't think any more of your "HYPSM" people than I do of any other college students. When you come from a family where neither of your parents has a college degree, you learn to appreciate any higher education in any of its forms, and I am thankful for that!

Wanna hear a funny story? So my interview at Harvard was amazing. Simply amazing, and not because it sold Harvard to me instantly. My interviewer and I spent two hours just having a real, down-to-earth conversation, and it was great. In fact--and here's the greatest part--he probably did more to sell Hopkins to me than anything else, since he himself had to choose between the two when he was going to med school. He told me that he went against Harvard because he didn't buy into the "elitist" ideology, and I thought that was wonderful of him to admit candidly.

Up until I got the acceptance, I was certain that I would turn Harvard down instantly, since I'm tired of being so far from home. Now, though, I do consider the fact that I've been here for a while and have grown somewhat comfortable with the city. But I'm still very much far from certain on staying. At the moment, I'm considering HMS as much as I am my state school.

I don't want to knock anyone on this forum at all, and everyone here is free to express their opinion. Getting in to HMS is quite an accomplishment, and people are free to feel proud about that. But I sure hope that people are really not all like they may seem on here in real life. I am a relatively new member here on SDN. I stayed away from this place for so long because it seemed to me as if the only people who posted here were neurotics and robots. I'm sure that isn't the case, but I do get an uneasy feeling every now and then.
Wonderful post.

Wanna hear a funny story? So my interview at Harvard was amazing. Simply amazing, and not because it sold Harvard to me instantly. My interviewer and I spent two hours just having a real, down-to-earth conversation, and it was great. In fact--and here's the greatest part--he probably did more to sell Hopkins to me than anything else, since he himself had to choose between the two when he was going to med school. He told me that he went against Harvard because he didn't buy into the "elitist" ideology, and I thought that was wonderful of him to admit candidly.

Shout, we had the exact same interviewer. Older man with white hair? He spent the interview talking a lot about Hopkins too (I almost thought he knew I was accepted there somehow). He even got me to admit that I was choosing between Hopkins and HMS. He said "Don't take Harvard too seriously, they already take themselves too seriously." And that advice almost made it all okay (jk with the almost...sorta).

Did he give you a hug at the end too?
I don't know what all this talk is about "people on this thread." As far as I can tell, there are many down-to-earth, appreciative acceptees and a few trolls/d-bags/haters causing trouble. If you are not a fan of HMS, that's fine, but there is no reason to bring others down or generalize it as elitist, pretentious, etc. That is exactly the image I think the Admissions Committee actively works against in selecting the class, and as far as I can tell from interview day and personal insight, they are successful. So, enough negativity let's just be happy for each other and hopeful for our future of making a difference in medicine, wherever your MD might be from.
Agreed. EVERY medical school class is going to have a few d-bags at least for sure. Personally, my acceptance has given me great pause and compelled me to step back and realize how incredibly fortunate I am to be holding a spot that many applicants (not all) would have wanted. I think Harvard is committed to picking not only exceptional people, but people who are able to connect with others (not that those who didn't get in can't/don't), and I have confidence that the majority of my classmates will be of this latter classification, not the former. The few HMS students I know/have known are just great people and I'm humbled to stand in their company.

I wholeheartedly agree. As a current Harvard undergrad, I've gotten to know a fair number of current HMS students, as well as many (if not most) of the people from Harvard admitted to HMS '13 (who make up something like 10% of the class). I can assure you that those I have met are, without exception, friendly and modest people with whom I would be delighted to spend the next four years. There are certainly many valid reasons to turn down a place at HMS -- but it would be a big mistake to think of the student body as one of them. Clearly, not everyone in the (our?) class will be perfectly agreeable, but I have always considered the people that come to Harvard to be one of the institution's greatest assets. A couple of posts, which for all any of us know might not even be from admitted students, should not spoil your opinion of a school that has so much to recommend it. I realize that most of you know to ignore the negativity you read here, but for those in whom it may have instilled doubt about HMS, I hope that the fact I registered an SDN account purely to post this message speaks to the strength of my faith in my classmates, present and (likely) future.

@ Tupac: Scooooorrrrrreeeeebooooaaaaarrrrrrrddddddd...... haha :)
Shout, we had the exact same interviewer. Older man with white hair? He spent the interview talking a lot about Hopkins too (I almost thought he knew I was accepted there somehow). He even got me to admit that I was choosing between Hopkins and HMS. He said "Don't take Harvard too seriously, they already take themselves too seriously." And that advice almost made it all okay (jk with the almost...sorta).

Did he give you a hug at the end too?

And Hopkins doesn't take itself too seriously? My PI has told me horror stories about her interviews there...how calling an attending in the middle of the night is considered a serious weakness, grounds for a horrible recommendation. Point is, it's the nature of the game probably at any top 10 medical school. Doesn't mean one has to subscribe to or adapt that philosophy while still benefiting tremendously from what else the school has to offer.
while we are sharing interview stories...

hms was my first interview, and i literally could not sleep at all the night before (actually ran across the street from hotel to a 24h supermarket at around 2:30am and tried to OD myself on nyquil and tynenol PM, to no avail)...but at the at the end of my faculty interview at the end of the day the guy actually said "I think you are a perfect fit for Harvard, and I'm going to do everything I can to convey that in my evaluation."

I was on cloud nine walking out of MGH into the Boston cold...doesn't get any better than that friends.
Also, who's excited to take Paul Farmer's class???!?!

<----THIS GUY:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
And Hopkins doesn't take itself too seriously? My PI has told me horror stories about her interviews there...how calling an attending in the middle of the night is considered a serious weakness, grounds for a horrible recommendation. Point is, it's the nature of the game probably at any top 10 medical school. Doesn't mean one has to subscribe to or adapt that philosophy while still benefiting tremendously from what else the school has to offer.

my hopkins interview was the epitome of the hopkins stereotype of cold-hearted ruthlessness. he was cold and stoic showing absolutely no reaction to anything i had to say. by the end i was trying to get him to crack a smile just to see if i could. i left demoralized, but luckily my student was almost the exact opposite. i think it was all for show, but not sure what he was trying to get out of that. regardless, it was my first acceptance, and definitely worth the pain. :cool:
Haha congrats docontheroc...see you at Revisit

Why isn't my signature showing up:(
the man has time to teach a class with everything he has on his plate? aMAzing...O_O

YES! I sat in on it during my interview day. I also saw it on the course list they linked to us in the e-mail. Just a testament to the kind of people HMS attracts.
That's what I thought, totally pathetic. Not because MIT isn't of the same caliber, but because of the insecurity it shows in needing to point it out. :rolleyes:

ouch, how did MIT get dragged into this?? go tech!
And Hopkins doesn't take itself too seriously? My PI has told me horror stories about her interviews there...how calling an attending in the middle of the night is considered a serious weakness, grounds for a horrible recommendation. Point is, it's the nature of the game probably at any top 10 medical school. Doesn't mean one has to subscribe to or adapt that philosophy while still benefiting tremendously from what else the school has to offer.

Huh? I was quoting what the HMS interviewer said. The "taking itself too seriously" thing he mentioned was referring to something entirely different than what you reference about Hopkins. What he was referencing definitely is unique to Harvard as an institution (not just med). It's just a question of whether or not you mind that.

Both are great schools, you can't go wrong. It's just different strokes for different folks.

Best of luck.
Shout, we had the exact same interviewer. Older man with white hair? He spent the interview talking a lot about Hopkins too (I almost thought he knew I was accepted there somehow). He even got me to admit that I was choosing between Hopkins and HMS. He said "Don't take Harvard too seriously, they already take themselves too seriously." And that advice almost made it all okay (jk with the almost...sorta).

Did he give you a hug at the end too?
Yes!!! The very same! Wasn't he awesome? Did he tell you the story about one of his advisees applying to residency? He was at Hopkins and asked the residency director (not verbatim, of course, but to the best of my memory), "You know, this is all so great and intense. But what do you guys do in your lives outside of medicine?" The residency director's response: "Medicine IS our life." Hopkins is just pure medicine through and through.

Sorry, don't mean to steer this too off course from Harvard, but yeah, both are great and yet, at the same time, somewhat unique. I'd bet good money that Hopkins' clinical training blows Harvard's out of the water, but Harvard is generally much more well rounded. As our interviewer told me, "We'd like our students to have lives here."

But Harvard is generally very wonderful. In the end, I think financial aid is going to play a large part in my decision on where to go, especially since I'm not really planning on being a neurosurgeon just to pay off my $200K debt. Harvard, I hear, is very generous with their money, so here's hoping.
Have those that did not get the acceptance email received anything via snail mail?
Got my rejection through snail mail today.
Got my rejection through snail mail today.

I guess mine will make it to my mailbox tomorrow...

Does HMS have a sizable waitlist pool? Sorry in advance if someone already asked this earlier.
I guess mine will make it to my mailbox tomorrow...

Does HMS have a sizable waitlist pool? Sorry in advance if someone already asked this earlier.

I wouldn't imagine Harvard's waitlist to be very large. I read somewhere that 80% of the people who get accepted into Harvard choose to matriculate there, versus only 29% of the people who get accepted into New York Medical College choose to matriculate there. Even really good schools like Mount Sinai and Cornell have matriculation rates of 37% and 43%, respectively.

In other words, pretty much everyone who gets accepted into Harvard will end up going there so the size of their waitlist pool is probably very, very small. If you do some snooping, you might be able to find some actual data on the size of their waitlist pool from previous years. :luck:
I guess mine will make it to my mailbox tomorrow...

Does HMS have a sizable waitlist pool? Sorry in advance if someone already asked this earlier.
I believe someone said earlier their WL is only around 80-100 people, and still almost none get off it.
I believe someone said earlier their WL is only around 80-100 people, and still almost none get off it.

I know someone who got in off of the waitlist. Also, I was specifically told at my interview that there is waitlist movement (though there might not be a lot, and this was my HST interview not NP).
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