washington university

  1. LindaAccepted

    Medical George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences Secondary Application Essay Tips

    The curriculum and goals of George Washington SMHS center on its ability to graduate “Physician Citizens.” Since the school is located in the most powerful city in the U.S., Washington D.C., GW emphasizes the opportunities to treat the area’s diverse communities. It is essential to have years of...
  2. M

    Georgetown vs. WashU

    With all of my current accepts, I am definitely leaning towards Georgetown. The one school I am waiting to hear back from is WashU. I realize at this point it is more likely a waitlist than an outright accept. So, if I am accepted to WashU at some point, I could definitely use some outside...
  3. M

    Northwestern vs. Washington U. - Gap year - Accepted to M.S. in BME

    Hello all, I am graduating this May (non-BME engineering B.S. from Missouri S&T) and will be starting my Master's in biomedical engineering this fall (for my "gap year"). I am applying to MD programs in the next cycle for 2019. I have already been accepted to BME MS programs at Northwestern and...
  4. D

    AACOMAS messed up my application - Withdraw or keep applying?

    Hey everyone, This will be/is my second time applying. Last year I received 2 IIs and 2 WLs at DO programs. I had a 3.21 sGPA, 3.28 cGPA, and 500 MCAT. I have very unique, continuous ECs with different types of clinical exposure and volunteering with the underserved. I also have a compelling...
  5. Glexz29

    Premed Undergrad? Brown vs. UChicago vs. Duke vs. others

    Hi everyone! I'm currently a senior in high school and was recently accepted to Brown University. I was also waitlisted at several other universities, including the University of Chicago, Duke, Johns Hopkins, Dartmouth, Wash U, Cornell, Northwestern, and Vanderbilt. After speaking to my...
  6. L

    Program-Specific Info / Q's USC vs. Washington University in St. Louis

    Hey guys, Now that a lot of acceptances have gone out is anyone having a dilemma of choosing between USC and Washington University? I currently live in Los Angeles so moving expenses and finding an apt aren't an issue for me versus if I moved to St. Louis I would incur the cost of moving plus...
  7. T

    Wash U vs Vanderbilt vs Northwestern vs Weill Cornell

    Hey all I have been lucky enough to be accepted into Vanderbilt, Wash U, Northwestern, and waitlisted to Cornell. I am really confused on where to attend school and would appreciate any advise/insight! Money will not be a factor in my decision because I have possibly the kindest parents in the...
  8. O

    Program-Specific Info / Q's WashU vs MGH vs Murphy Deming vs UTC OTD

    Hello! In January I was accepted into Washington University in St. Louis, and in the last weeks I was accepted into MGH IHP in Boston, Murphy Deming college in Virginia and University of Tennessee Chattanooga. I am having a lot of trouble deciding between the 3. WashU- I am in St. Louis now...
  9. B

    Washington University in St. Louis vs Vanderbilt (MSTP)

    I created this thread because I have been going back and forth in my head for several weeks now about which school is for me. I know that they are both good schools and I enjoyed the atmosphere and environment at both institutions, but I don't know how to decide what institution will be best for...
  10. L

    Program-Specific Info / Q's Thomas Jefferson and Washington University DOT programs

    Has anyone applied to these DOT programs? If so, what are your stats and have you heard anything from them? Cheers!
  11. T

    WashU (St. Louis) vs Rosalind Franklin (Chicago)

    Hi guys! I hope everyone is doing well. I have a huge dilemma: WashU vs Rosalind. The quality/type of education and being away from family are two factors I'm worried about. I'm from Chicago, and Rosalind would be a 30-40 minute commute, cutting costs in half b/c I wouldn't dorm. I talked to...