
  1. A

    Specializing in Perio

    Hi I’m a dental student now. I am married with a small family right now. Does anyone know how competitive it is to get into Perio? I am probably ranked right in the middle of my class. I’d like to know how competitive it is and also how much more competitve are the programs that are free or...
  2. 8

    Periodontic Residencies

    Hello everyone! I am a 3rd year dental student at UPenn and I am considering doing a periodontics residency. I love all aspects of dentistry, but after shadowing Oral Surgeons, Endodontists, Periodontists and Prosthodontists, I have found a special interest in Periodontics. I have a 3.78 GPA...
  3. E

    Perio Residency 2018 entry

    This thread is for application cycle of summer of 2017, for programs starting 2018. I am getting ready to apply and any advice is appreciated. I'll share the info I gathered so far: (info based on estimates and generalizations for summarization) Applicants apply for 5-10 programs out of a...
  4. udba

    Washington, DC Area Perio Practice for Purchase or Short-Term Buy-In

    WASHINGTON DC - MARYLAND AREA Long-standing, well established practice for sale with collections of $1.2 million. State-Of-The-Art Digital Office with Seven (7) Operatories, and CT Scanner Practice is Fee For Service Can purchase the practice day one or associate with short term buy-in...
  5. S

    To specialize in perio or not?

    Dear Dentists of SDN, I am currently a 3rd year dental student, who is very interested in specializing in perio. I am interested in gaining insight about how periodontists are currently performing in private practice. I understand that the private conventional perio office might not be as...
  6. acnelson13

    Perio Residencies

    Hey all, I'm applying to Perio this summer 2016 to (hopefully) start in summer of 2017. There are lots of threads on here about residencies from '06 or '07 and I wanted to know some more current/up-to-date info about various perio residencies around the nation. Which programs are heavy...
  7. udba


    AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY EXISTS to PURCHASE this $1.5 Million Periodontal Practice in the Central Piedmont Area of North Carolina! United Dental Brokers of America would like to present the following information about our newest Periodontal listing: Extremely Profitable - EARN $800,000 ON...