Can you be pregnant during all 4 years of residency if you want lots of kids but bio clock?

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despite what I just said, I will respond to this and I hope you actually read what I'm trying to tell you and realize it's not an attack.

I'm not trying to put you down or say you won't be able to do it. I am trying to tell you why you are offending people on this site who have worked hard to enter a field that they are very passionate about, but yet you seem to have very cloudy motivations for pursuing. Telling people that you're doing this just to help yourself isn't going to win you any points in a field the requires service to others.

I have continually said that you should focus on your studies and your activities, rather than posing hypothetical questions that are 12 years down the road. You have ignored the majority of the actual advice given to you.

You can plan all you want, which is fine, but you need to have a backup. And you need to be comfortable with the alternatives. You don't seem to be comfortable with any of the alternatives though, which is why I feel like you're going into medicine for superficial reasons and you don't fully understand what it will take to get where you want. If you can absolutely not see yourself being in debt, that is a problem and you need to be prepared to not get a full scholarship, despite how outstanding your resume may be in 4 years. If you can absolutely not see yourself in a residency that isn't derm, you need to be aware of the reality of what other residency and the matching process is like.

Work hard in college, keep doing your activities, and see where that gets you. If you truly want to practice medicine, then hopefully you will get there. But I do not suggest exaggerating and lying on your applications/interviews. Because if you are lying to them, then you're also lying to yourself, and that could mean that you're really not going to enjoy what you're getting yourself into. People who truly want to go into medicine do not need to manipulate others in this way.
Thank you for your response.

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Not if your habit of falsification ever makes it to light...
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Your reading comprehension blows for damn sure...
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You had to lie/exaggerate to get hired at a Baskin-Robbins?

Seriously, if there was any doubt before that this person was pulling our legs, this post put an end to that.

I didn't know you had to try or put any effort to get hired there...

Op, it is a joke to catch people lying. Tell the truth.
I like how OP is so sure shell get in...and thinks 180K is not enough.

Just like people who name their emails SexyWhiteChickXoxO, in 5 years you'll be looking back at this and face palming.
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I like how OP is so sure shell get in...and thinks 180K is not enough.

Just like people who name their emails SexyWhiteChickXoxO, in 5 years you'll be looking back at this and face palming.

No she won't. She'll be basking in her own awesome glory while we wallow in jealousy/sadness with our mediocre lives.
No she won't. She'll be basking in her own awesome glory while we wallow in jealousy/sadness with our mediocre lives.
You are right. With her rich lawyer husband bails her out since she failed to match derm(LOL at her thinking she'll get it...she's proved NOTHInG of her intelligence or work ethic) and sitting in a job where 95% is serving others.

No, most people don't lie or serve themselves solely. At least, not the laid back pre meds

So remember, live life, have fun and relax.
Honey, if you put as much effort into your classes and ECs as you do posting threads about improbable scenarios regarding your future life, you might actually achieve the goals that you think you want to achieve. Also, I don't really see you doing so well with real patients. You seem pretty socially clueless.
This is real. I don't understand what is so bad about me. Please explain. So what if I want to serve myself and earn lots of money? Everyone wants to. Medicine earns the most money. And I won't hate it, I will enjoy it, so why not? I don't see what I am saying wrong

What is so bad about it? You're so entirely selfish. It actually sickens me. You're trying to take away a spot from someone with all the right reasons (I know, I know, you don't actually care..). Have you ever actually worked with patients? Inevitably, your true personality comes out, whether you realize it or not.
The arrogance needs to end, you need to come down to Earth. You said you had a 3.6 GPA? That's about average at best. You need to realize medicine is about helping other people and you need to learn that this attitude won't get you far. Don't say you can "lie" your way through an interview. Even if you can, I have a feeling that your attendings/patients during your rotations will figure it out at some point.
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What is so bad about it? You're so entirely selfish. It actually sickens me. You're trying to take away a spot from someone with all the right reasons (I know, I know, you don't actually care..). Have you ever actually worked with patients? Inevitably, your true personality comes out, whether you realize it or not.
The arrogance needs to end, you need to come down to Earth. You said you had a 3.6 GPA? That's about average at best. You need to realize medicine is about helping other people and you need to learn that this attitude won't get you far. Don't say you can "lie" your way through an interview. Even if you can, I have a feeling that your attendings/patients during your rotations will figure it out at some point.
No worries, OP has moved on to the greener pastures of dentistry.
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I just got a glare from my professor in class from laughing so hard at that thread
I really should leave the library while reading SDN. Literally had to shut my laptop.
Streampaw, I'm really curious here, are you going to pretend to love your kids too?
From your posts, it feels like you're incapable of empathy...and you're very full of yourself and selfish, are you capable of loving a child?
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Streampaw, I'm really curious here, are you going to pretend to love your kids too?
From your posts, it feels like you're incapable of empathy...and you're very full of yourself and selfish, are you capable of loving a child?
Depends upon how much she is paid per unit of love
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Depends on how much she is paid per unit of love

Pretty much my point, she doesn't seem to care about anything but herself and how much money she makes....
Would she be with her bf if he wasn't going to be a lawyer?
My fiance works in finance (entry level job) for less than 60k a year. He's doing what he wants to do and I love him. Would you "love" a guy like that?

There's more to life than money. Things don't always work out, despite how much you plan everything out. You're 18, expect things to change on you at any time, it's life and that happens since so much is out of your control.
OP, I might have a solution for you.

Since youre going to start college soon, why not have 1 baby now to get it out of the way?

Then have the 2nd in college so its not too tough on your schedule.

You can have the 3rd one during your gap year or senior year of college since it will give you more free time.

And you can have the 4th baby during your PhD years in medical school!
OP, I might have a solution for you.

Since youre going to start college soon, why not have 1 baby now to get it out of the way?

Then have the 2nd in college so its not too tough on your schedule.

You can have the 3rd one during your gap year or senior year of college since it will give you more free time.

And you can have the 4th baby during your PhD years in medical school!
Because I can't afford a baby right now.
Pretty much my point, she doesn't seem to care about anything but herself and how much money she makes....
Would she be with her bf if he wasn't going to be a lawyer?
My fiance works in finance (entry level job) for less than 60k a year. He's doing what he wants to do and I love him. Would you "love" a guy like that?

There's more to life than money. Things don't always work out, despite how much you plan everything out. You're 18, expect things to change on you at any time, it's life and that happens since so much is out of your control.

Haha, streampaw's bf is going to be a lawyer? Enjoy supporting him while he works at Starbucks.

Also, tbf, your fiance is probably not going to stay at below 60k for long, so it's not like he's doing what he wants to do as a starving artist or something.
I dont have multiple personalities. I only have one, and that is to become rich and have 4 kids that are rich. I just fake my personality so that others won't bully me like you guys do on here.

Personality disorder would be your answer, my good sir


But perhaps, let's not offend people with actual personality disorders. There's a difference between a personality disorder and a messed up personality.
Haha, streampaw's bf is going to be a lawyer? Enjoy supporting him while he works at Starbucks.

Also, tbf, your fiance is probably not going to stay at below 60k for long, so it's not like he's doing what he wants to do as a starving artist or something.

I know. Don't worry about that, but he makes more than enough to keep us both happy and fed (CVS doesn't pay the bills). He has worked there less than a year, gotta work your way up, I get it. I'm not even all that worried about it. I was just making a point.
I know. Don't worry about that, but he makes more than enough to keep us both happy and fed (CVS doesn't pay the bills). He has worked there less than a year, gotta work your way up, I get it. I'm not even all that worried about it. I was just making a point.

No worries. I was just pointing out that your bf in finance is probably better off than OPs future lawyer husband. :)
Personality disorder would be your answer, my good sir
Not a sir
And I wasn't trying to make fun of people who have those types of disorders in the slightest
Stop making fun of me, guys. How do I quit SDN and delete all of my posts?
1) Stop being so entertaining

2) Close your internet browser. Screenshots mean this will never, ever go away.
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Why do you want to get an MD/PhD if you are not interested in research as a career? And why is it so important that you go to Harvard as opposed to any other school? You can match knot derm from anywhere
Honest to god question: Have you talked to your boyfriend about any of this? Does he know about your four kids and Harvard future?
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Why do you want to get an MD/PhD if you are not interested in research as a career? And why is it so important that you go to Harvard as opposed to any other school? You can match knot derm from anywhere

It's all about the money. Simple as that.
What about those dentistry dreams?
I was just about to suggest dentistry. OP, I've heard they make more money and have a better lifestyle. Maybe you should just continue exploring that option. Plus, they are less competitive in terms of academics so your 3.6 GPA from community college should be fine.
Believe? Not so much...

Love? How can you not love a gift that keeps on giving.
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So smart
Much dreams
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Honest to god question: Have you talked to your boyfriend about any of this? Does he know about your four kids and Harvard future?

OP's boyfriend approves. Speaking of which, if OP doesn't get into Harvard because of the school's stupidity, her boyfriend will intervene and ensure Harvard accepts OP. Remember, her boyfriend will be one of the nation's best lawyers after law school. Just thinking about that gives me nightmares.

Plus, he will definitely love kids (4 or 100). Who doesn't?
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Forget about the troll. The fact that premeds believe and love OP is more entertaining than OP herself.
I would much rather hang out here than sit around in the panic thread anxiously waiting.
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