Work/Life Balance

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Apr 24, 2002
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I was wondering how some of the women out there find a work/life balance, how you engage your partners to help and use this thread for ideas whether your have 3 kids or maybe are just starting to think about kids. With all the balances of life with house, school, work, and hobby activities life is hard sometimes.

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I don't know how women who have responsibilities other than themselves (husband, kids) do it. I can hardly take care of myself. My apartment is frequently some kind of mess, there's always laundry to be done, and I haven't cooked a proper dinner in weeks. It's like, when I'm done with my workday I go into this mundane state where I flip TV channels or sleep. My current rotation has me drinking heavily to cope. (and I'm a lightweight, so that means 2 beers or glasses of wine and I'm out.)

I can't imagine coming home to a 4 year old who wants to play or a 13 year old who needs help with homework....but on the flipside I fantasize that my kids would be lovely and a nice distraction from the lifeblood-sucking patients I see. And I guess if I had a husband I could actually have sex every now and then. :idea:

So I bet there's perks to having others around.
I'm finding balance by choosing family medicine over OB/GYN or cardiology, my two other loves... ;)

I don't really know, though...ask me in a year when I'm halfway through my intern year and tearing my hair out!

(Did I mention we're trying for baby #1, uh...right now?!)
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I was wondering how some of the women out there find a work/life balance, how you engage your partners to help and use this thread for ideas whether your have 3 kids or maybe are just starting to think about kids. With all the balances of life with house, school, work, and hobby activities life is hard sometimes.

How did I engage my husband to help? We talked about it. When the kids came...we had to hours were & still are variable & his are regular....he always had to be in for office for late afternoon he dropped the kids off & I picked them up. Finally, we had to decide someone's job had to take a priority - we just both couldn't reach for the moon at the same time. So...we chose - together.

Many years later (our kids are 21 & 24 now) as we talk about it....were there times we were poor parents - yes......were there times we were poor (insert your career title here) - yes. But..we tried the best we could at the time. Looking back...we didn't do too badly, didn't come away too bruised, our kids love us, we love them & they are successful (well...getting there).

The thing I lost & found over time was ..... time to myself....or time to develop something for me. But....when kids arrive, no matter the parent's jobs, the parents are second for a bit...I found myself again.
Communication is such an important part of relationships. Currently I'm trying to gage when I want to have children and how to even think about doing it. Either start before med school and continue while in med school so that way they are pre-school age by residency ... or just wait all together. Also, being a newlywed you want that time with your spouse to be together, but also we know there is never a good time for family/work issues. I've taken the attitude that things will figure themselves out. We might have to hire help to get by (well we will definitely need to do that since we don't have any family in the immediate area) but we'll figure a way out. But since we are both still in the "medical school/residency" phase of life, things are so uncertain as it is. Throwing additional uncertainties into your life is just so complicating (and mindboggling to think about those who have come before me!)

I can't keep my household together as it is with two people let alone throw in someone else (and my 4-7 animals I have).
How did I engage my husband to help? We talked about it. When the kids came...we had to hours were & still are variable & his are regular....he always had to be in for office for late afternoon he dropped the kids off & I picked them up. Finally, we had to decide someone's job had to take a priority - we just both couldn't reach for the moon at the same time. So...we chose - together.

Many years later (our kids are 21 & 24 now) as we talk about it....were there times we were poor parents - yes......were there times we were poor (insert your career title here) - yes. But..we tried the best we could at the time. Looking back...we didn't do too badly, didn't come away too bruised, our kids love us, we love them & they are successful (well...getting there).

The thing I lost & found over time was ..... time to myself....or time to develop something for me. But....when kids arrive, no matter the parent's jobs, the parents are second for a bit...I found myself again.

Seems like these sorts of negotiations will be essential if both people in the relationship are career-driven. I hope I'm good enough at compromising my goals too when my husband and I face these kinds of issues.
Communication is esssential - he should be willing since he's supported the decisions that got you here. My husband is awesome and has picked up more and more responsibility as my med school requirements have gotten heavier. As a parent, you have to time manage to survive. A prior poster spoke of mindless tv flipping - I don't get that luxury. I'm mom until 8:30 when kids go to bed, then I get to pull out the books. I can't read the book 3 times before I get the material learned - I'm lucky if I get through it once. You do what you have to do - but my son was born my freshman year of college - so I've never really had to study WITHOUT kids!
Good luck.
what specialty do u do? how long since you have been out of residency?.. I have to say - i am in my 1st yr residency and if it werent for my husband helping me out i could never do it.. laundry cooking bills .. so much to juggle on a too many work hour a week schedule.. i hate that it seems no one cares that we overwork ourselves trying to help improve other peoples health without any balance in our own because of the ridiculous expectations and hours..sorry i took it and kinda flew with it.. but it is true

I don't know how women who have responsibilities other than themselves (husband, kids) do it. I can hardly take care of myself. My apartment is frequently some kind of mess, there's always laundry to be done, and I haven't cooked a proper dinner in weeks. It's like, when I'm done with my workday I go into this mundane state where I flip TV channels or sleep. My current rotation has me drinking heavily to cope. (and I'm a lightweight, so that means 2 beers or glasses of wine and I'm out.)

I can't imagine coming home to a 4 year old who wants to play or a 13 year old who needs help with homework....but on the flipside I fantasize that my kids would be lovely and a nice distraction from the lifeblood-sucking patients I see. And I guess if I had a husband I could actually have sex every now and then. :idea:

So I bet there's perks to having others around.
Do you think having a housekeeper would have made a big difference? I can afford either a full time nanny or daycare and a housekeeper. I would rather not entrust childrearing to another person, so I am leaning toward the housekeeper/daycare combo. Please let me know what you think.
I dunno how you people do it...I love my boyfriend very much and want to be with him forever but he's going to dental school next year so we're clearly very ambitious. But we both desparately want kids and while we're relatively young. Any advice? We don't really want our kids in daycare and do have family close by...we're both starting dental/med school next year but I'm debating not doing it I dunno...I don't know how to place these priorities.
what specialty do u do? how long since you have been out of residency?.. I have to say - i am in my 1st yr residency and if it werent for my husband helping me out i could never do it.. laundry cooking bills .. so much to juggle on a too many work hour a week schedule.. i hate that it seems no one cares that we overwork ourselves trying to help improve other peoples health without any balance in our own because of the ridiculous expectations and hours..sorry i took it and kinda flew with it.. but it is true

omg :oops: :laugh: I just read what I wrote back in November and I sound like one of my step 3 vignettes. I'm an intern, not an attending. And, I think I've finally adjusted to internship, crazy hours etc, taking better care of myself. You find time. And you learn how to be efficient with admits, etc. (YES, I do still see the patient every time ;) )--to cut down on fatigue.

Anyway, I'm going to be a general surgeon. And, from what others have written on here, regarding handling life and all that comes with it, you just do it. And take vacations. :)
I have to say that somehow (I still don't know how) everything eventually falls into place, and works out in the end. I am taking the MCAT in a few months, and although I am not there yet, I'm not afraid nor feel I won't be able to handle the load. I say if you can be a mom you can be anything!!!! It's been tough getting through college while having kids (3....maybe 4;)) but it all comes together with suport. My husband is great, we used to divide chores but after the baby (now 1y/o) things got a lot more ectic around here, especially now studying for the test. Now we just roll with it, we work towards the same goal; to keep the house clean and clutter free (for most of the time!) the kids well fed and happy, homework with my eldest is done with whom ever is there at the time...nothing scheduled, just living in synergy towards a happy healthy life...and med school:laugh:.
Seriously, for the mom's who have more than 1 child, if you remmember having thoughts on where the love for your 2nd. child will come from and will it be enough, you'll know what I'm just comes to you, just like the obstacle that are thrown your way, you deal with it. It's your family, and you will get this strange energy to do things like you have never done before. Kinda like superwomam!:D
Keep up the great work this thread!
For those with no partners who feel they can't even take care of themselves... Well, partners don't just take work, they also help lighten your load :D That is, if you have a good partner.

Communication is definitely key. My husband has been supporting me since my second year of college and is just great in almost every way :luck: :love: (almost, since he's more of a slob than I am :scared: :laugh:). He is supportive of every decision I've made, even those about which I have been less than certain. He knows that his schedule is much less hectic than mine, and acts accordingly. For example, he does all the grocery shopping and laundry. On a really rough week that's all you really *have* to do, if you think about it (at least if you don't have kids).

We both work/go to school in a different state from where we live, so to maximize our us time, we try to commute together as much as possible. Driving home together gives us time to talk about our day. This is important, because when we get home our daughter becomes the center of attention. I have to admit that having him drive me to school- assuming I am rotating at a hospital near him- also gives me a chance to get an extra 1/2 hour or so of sleep in the car :D

I'm pregnant, and during my 1st trimester when I couldn't eat most things, he would bring me edible food on my call days to make sure I didn't live off of crackers and preggy pop drops :love: He recognizes that I don't have the time or means to support him in the same way he supports me. That is something any spouse of a resident/MS is going to have to recognize, even if you're not as high maintenance as I am :rolleyes: (degree varies according to just how high maintenance you are!). At the same time, he recognizes that he doesn't have to deal with simultaneously gestating and smelling necrotic bowel at 2 am :laugh: And since having kids is just as much his idea as mine- if not more!- he feels he should do whatever he can to take on his share of that burden :thumbup:
Gosh how does one keep their head above agua? I'm married to a wonderful man who loves being a student(BA,BS,MDiv) and now attends med school. We have up-routed ourselves from our home state, family and pretty much all we know. Now we are establishing a new life and expecting a new one too:love:!! My husband spends all of his time studying, besides that he eats, sleeps and occasionally watches sports & plays call of duty. The everyday responsibilities fall on my shoulder. I cook, clean, shop, pay bills, attend school(finish BS in Nursing), drive my hub to and from school and give much love to my 5month belly. Where do I get all this energy? I wonder? Anyway I just pray it keeps coming. I often think if I will ever be able to fully understand what my husband is going through and viceversa will he? I don't know what it's like to study for 10-12 hours at a time, my husband barely knows how to write a check out and pay bills. I don't think we spend enough time appreciating one another for all the hard work we do. We've scheduled a date night out of the week, where we go out to a movie or to eat but that is not where I need reassuring. I rather stay home and talk about all the sacrifices that we both make for our family. This would help me continue the struggle and keep the baton going. My husband tries his best to spend sometime with me :thumbup: during the week. I feel that I've become very needy (or high maintenance however you wish to put it) with being pregnant and all. I end up driving him away to the solitude and dungeons of school to study; just how he likes it. I wouldn't be so needy if I knew more of this town and had people I could spend time with around. We don't even have a pet I could one-way talk to:laugh:!! I just take a deep breath and remind myself that with out him putting so much dedication and pulling grades where would we be headed? Without me putting in tenacity to balance our life where would we be now? This thinking brings me back to the surface and reminds me to back off him. I still haven't figured out a rhythm to our new life changes and I have a feeling it may be a while before I do, but knowing me, it's game. For now I'll continue my most favorite, listen to music while I cook and sing at the top of my lungs!! Releases stress and makes me happy:hardy:.
TainoMDWife, hang in there! It's not easy being married to a med student, especially when you're dealing with all the stuff of pregnancy too! Yes, do talk about this with your hubbie. Even just talking about how excited you are about the future will make you feel more connected. There are probably lots of other med school spouses out there. I'd really recommend meeting some of them. If they have a social hour, great, if they don't, start one! They won't all have exactly the same experience, but you'll have a lot in common to talk about, and it will give you folks to hang out with in this new city.

Good luck to you!
I know many women who have transitioned into full-time and/or part-time non-clinical careers. This allows for tremendous flexibility for family time.

Also, some like to continue with some part-time clinical work and some part-time non-clinical work at home. There are many options once you get your degree and training.
I'm married to a wonderful man who loves being a student(BA,BS,MDiv) ...My husband spends all of his time studying, besides that he eats, sleeps and occasionally watches sports & plays call of duty.

I think we're married to the same person :p
life is hard sometimes

when you feel you are fully exhausted, with no help around, then you feel like leaving everyhing and running off.
mainly women are deemed to primarily take care of the house hold chores responsibilities

but women are intelligent and clever too.

so i think that women should be very crafty and tactful in dealing with situations and family members.

if she is in a position that husband and children offer her help without her asking for it -- that's the biggest victory.

when u feel that everyone supports you, then you never feel exhausted.