Will I have a life during residency

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Sep 19, 2002
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I was hoping some interns and residents from the various specialties could comment on the social scene during residency...will I have time to date and start a relationship...i recently became single again:cool:

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you will work your behind off but you will have time for social life - some months more than others. a lot of poeple during my intern year (all specialities) socialized and i have a lot of dirty stories and secrets... we worked hard and then played hard.
I started residency as a new single and was a bit pessimistic about meeting someone (as it seemed everyone around me was married, nearly so, etc.). However, within weeks I did find someone and we've been together since.

This is not to say that the same will happen to you (ie, meeting someone) and it would be dishonest to say that we spend as much time together as we'd like or that I study much outside of the hospital. I'm sure my (our) training exam scores would be higher if I (we) were single, but its important for us to spend time together since we have relatively little of it.

As with most things, you'll have to learn to compromise. My apartment is MUCH messier than I would like it, my test scores lower and I don't go to the gym as often as I care to. But I don't
care because these things allow me time to nurture a relationship. Therefore, you may find that you have to give up on some things semi-important to you if you value finding and keeping a romantic relationship.

best of luck to you...
Well, this sounds pretty hopeful...I am alright with a messy apartment and slightly lower scores on exams...however, one thing I cannot live without is working out...I've been lifting for almost 13 years now...I am a freak...I rarely miss a workout...I guess I'll just have to find someone at the gym:D
How were you able to keep training at the gym up during 3rd and 4th year rotations?
I've been a competitor in the past and still can't fathom how I'll get by on less then 3-one hour workouts per week. I know 5 per week is out, even though that's ideal - I've given that up since starting med school.
Smaller and weaker? - Heaven forbid (LOL)!
I've actually gone out more as an intern than I did as a med student. It's been great.
It all depends on which rotation your doing during 3rd year. OB/GYN, surgery, and IM sucked big D@#$!!!

OB/GYN I was on L&D every third night...could not leave until the next morning when we rounded with the attending for post-partum checks and post-op C-section soaps...clinic was all day, colpo was it's own odd little entity, and GYN surgery days were light...that's when I hit the iron...

Surgery sucked as well...that's too short, that's too long...are you sleeping...keep holding that...can you do anything right?? move the camera to the right...your other right einstein:mad: I loved coming in a 5:30 in the morning to do my carbon copy SOAP notes on 10 pts. to be ready in the OR by 6:45..I worked my ass off during this rotation...I discovered 24 hr fitness:clap:

IM was the killer...overnight in house call q3...being called down to the ER to do an H&P on a drunk, homeless guy with EtOH liver dz and ascites or a CP r/o MI at 4 AM sure was a treat...I also love it when they don't beep you and you wake up and find out your patient crashed overnight and was moved from telemetry to the ICU 15 minutes before you have to round with everybody else...staying in the hospital for hrs waiting for the attending to round with us...I calculated my hrs/wk at around 125-130...I didn't work out for 3 months...I was exhausted +pissed+

All the other core rotations were pretty flexible.

Now that I'm a fourth year..it's like I'm on vacation...I have plenty of time to workout..it's great...I'm not a bodybuilder..I just have a well proportioned physique..not too big, not too small...but I'm ripped!!!:cool
I generally work 8 to 5 as a resident :) Think path! hehe

Hiya Kim.
I actually thought about path...the only thing that scared me away was the tremendous self discipline of hours upon hours of self study...reading and reading..I'm much more of a hands on learner...even though the hours suck sometimes
Yeah..some of them are really cool..how come they all have engligh accents, wear bow ties and golf shoes to work...I guess some of them are still trapped in the 80s when they could finish work by 2 and then go play 18 holes