Which presidential candidate should Osteopathic Physicians vote for and why?

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It would be a great day for America to see Trump win because it would be a slap in the face to the establishment political elite that has control of this country's government and political system.

Hilary vs. Jeb Bush?? Give me a break. Jeb is pure establishment, he comes from a political establishment family, we already had a horrific experience with his older brother as President, do we really want another Bush?

I recall people thinking that Obama would have an uphill struggle winning in 2008, but he clinched the nomination, and he won a landslide victory, then people said he would be only a one term President, and he won again. One thing he has in common with Trump is that he is a showman, he knows how to dazzle people. Trump has a similar kind of charisma.

The difference is Obama was an unknown and was running following one of the least popular Republican presidents in our history. Obama is considered pretty unpopular with a 50% approval rating, Bush had half that. He had his platform handed to him on a silver platter and was running against the war candidate in 2008 after we entered unpopular wars. It was the perfect storm. Even in 2012 he ended up running against the perfect candidate for him. With the focus on growing income inequality and decreasing social mobility the Republicans decide the run Mitt Romney, a guy who refused to release his tax returns. At least the 5-5-5 guy was born dirt poor and would have had a compelling story that the American people would have identified with.

I mean you might be right, Trump does have one thing in common with Obama in that he is seen as an outsider. I still dont see him winning. In the end I will defer to whatever Nate Silver predicts.

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Also the Reagan years. Jesus man, can we not pretend that, that decade was not a combination of tons of disasters ranging from Iran-Contra, ignoring HIV/AIDS, spending billions on bombs to scare a country that had essentially economically been broken by the beginning of the 80s, trickle down economics, releasing mentally ill patients into the streets rather than spend money to keep hospitals open, and generally all sorts of repugnant actions?

I mean, by all means we can pretend we're freer than other nations. But honestly, the notion of America the great is ludicrous these days. Chances are you'll be safer, healthier, live longer, be happier, your children's future will be safer, and etc just by relocating across the Canadian boarder than continuing here.

That being said, it was actually better in those days than today, its even worse today. I mentioned in previous posts that countries such as Saudi Arabia have an incarceration rate 1/10th that of the USA. In other words the average American is 10 times more likely to be put in prison than the average citizen of Saudi Arabia, a country our media loves to portray as den of evil repression.

One of my professors immigrated here from Denmark and it puzzles me why he left that country to live here in the US. Denmark is considered to have one of the highest quality of life indexes on Earth.
That being said, it was actually better in those days than today, its even worse today. I mentioned in previous posts that countries such as Saudi Arabia have an incarceration rate 1/10th that of the USA. In other words the average American is 10 times more likely to be put in prison than the average citizen of Saudi Arabia, a country our media loves to portray as den of evil repression.

One of my professors immigrated here from Denmark and it puzzles me why he left that country to live here in the US. Denmark is considered to have one of the highest quality of life indexes on Earth.

I think it's a bit crude to compare the US where you'll be incarcerated for a blunt to a nation that will incarcerate you for being raped or being a witch and punish you with a scimitar through those pretty cervical bones....

Academia have a habit of moving around the world where the money is for their field. My mentor who is a famous academic in synaptic homeostasis and drug use got his PhD in the UK, worked here, and is now going to Europe to do his work. It's not a very salient example.
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not trying to get into a huge argument or anything but I would just like to utter a thought. there will be TONS and TONS of anti-obama and anti-hillary voters that will turn out and vote for anyone on the republican ticket. And the TONS and TONS of anti-George Bush voters and minority demographics who voted Obama in do not have the same enthusiasm as 2008/2012. There will be no land slides like in 2008. Hillary clinton is boring and no demographic or base is doing summer salts and going bonkers like they were in 2008.

Unfortunately, Hillary Rodham Hussein Clinton could stomp any of the republican candidates in a debate. she would mop the floor with every one of them. Joe Biden would crush all the republican candidates the debates as well - go back and watch how he tore Paul Ryans head off in 2012.

The culture in the united states has eroded. there are too many bottom feeders and marxists. As sad and nauseating as it sounds get used to hearing the words President Hillary Rodham Hussein Clinton.
current "anti-establishment" sentiment makes a Hillary election (or even nomination) seem less certain. Not just referring to Trump, but also Sanders, Carson, etc who are also considered "non-establishment" and gaining significant support...
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current "anti-establishment" sentiment makes a Hillary election (or even nomination) seem less certain. Not just referring to Trump supporters, but also Sanders, Carson, etc who are also considered such.

Carson is not a viable candidate in any way or form. He is unappealing to too many voting pools.

Sanders I think is still up in the air. He has a very strong pull on youth and older audiences. But I have a strong reluctance to believe that a Jewish socialist will win in this country, simply put there are too many barriers.

It's almost certain that we will have a blue president and most likely it will be Hilary.
All of your arguing is pointless since Reps and Dems are the same thing.


"Every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under." - H. L. Mencken


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All of your arguing is pointless since Reps and Dems are the same thing.

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"Every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under." - H. L. Mencken

Antisemitic caricatures are apparently ok. No seriously, I still can't believe that intelligent people believe that the Jews control the world in the shadows or some stupid crap like that. Oh well, I guess it's easier to blame someone else than to admit that your own kind are the source of your undoing.

Also Jesus at Ron Paul being apparently a viable route toward a future worth living in and not one that leads to our children inheriting an even greater mess than the one we came into...
Similar arguments have been lobbed against Trump since entering the race, yet with constant controversy, insults, gaffes, half-true statements, negative media coverage, etc why has his polling only been improving? What exactly will it be that will bring him down and why hasn't it happened yet?

pessimism will not move our country forward. Enjoy your attitude, I will keep telling myself that someday things will be better.

Namely because his brand of wacky racism is appealing to the plebians?
Antisemitic caricatures are apparently ok. No seriously, I still can't believe that intelligent people believe that the Jews control the world in the shadows or some stupid crap like that.
Were u talking about my post or did you just misquote me?
Yes, your image is antisemitic, though i'll assume you didn't notice it or did not understand it.
I honestly googled "republicans = democrats", but I deleted it since I can't stand those anti-bilderberg/New World Order crazies either. And yes most of them are anti-semites.
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I think it's a bit crude to compare the US where you'll be incarcerated for a blunt to a nation that will incarcerate you for being raped or being a witch and punish you with a scimitar through those pretty cervical bones....

Academia have a habit of moving around the world where the money is for their field. My mentor who is a famous academic in synaptic homeostasis and drug use got his PhD in the UK, worked here, and is now going to Europe to do his work. It's not a very salient example.

I wanted to give you a dramatic example, but I have a friend who actually lives over there in Saudi Arabia and says its nothing like what the Western media portrays, its actually a fairly safe and comfortable society. He has also been to the UAE and Qatar which have an even higher standard of living, these are rich countries. The Western media is biased against Middle Eastern countries and will only focus on the negative of these societies.

Anthony Bourdain did a little mini documentary about Saudi Arabia and he said he had a very good time over there, and his personal experience broke many stereotypes about the country. His host there was a woman.

I was also thinking the same thing about my professor, I guess he came to the US because there are more jobs for Phds in the Sciences and he got his Phd here. He is a double migrant, he was originally from a Central European country which I found to be interesting, but his family integrated quite well into Denmark, had no issues with discrimination. He has no plans to return since he has two kids here and is married.

I was wondering about my own family because Japan in many ways has a better quality of life than the US, its more expensive but its generally safer and has fewer social problems.
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Sure, as long as you play the rules and have a penis.
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What the heck is an osteopathic physician? Do you want to know what the best candidate for physicians? Or are you talking about those 0.1% of DOs who run biz out of those little private osteopathic voodoo shacks?--they would probably vote for kanye or Bernie . Physicians like most of the MDs and DOs that I know would probably prefer someone like Benjamin or Donald.

Most osteopathic schools receive significantly less funding than other MD schools despite the DO contribution to primary care shortages. It may be a private school thing instead of a DO thing, but its hard to rationalize taking out 300-400k of debt only to go into a field that would require them paying off those loans for decades. I think not enough funding goes into subsidizing primary care and rural doctors and too much goes into research. there is an imbalance. I don't know for sure. Please enlighten me.
And how is America so safe and equal, you yourself said it best.

I think there's a valid difference in the intensity of the issues. No one is saying that America isn't a patriarchy, but at least we let our women drive...
I think there's a valid difference in the intensity of the issues. No one is saying that America isn't a patriarchy, but at least we let our women drive...

Russia and China also have lower imprisonment rates than the US as well. Also Russia is kind of ahead of America when it comes to women's issues, one of the best Soviet snipers in World War 2 was a woman, one of earliest Cosmonauts was a woman. The Russians had no debates about whether or not women should serve in combat.
Russia and China also have lower imprisonment rates than the US as well. Also Russia is kind of ahead of America when it comes to women's issues, one of the best Soviet snipers in World War 2 was a woman, one of earliest Cosmonauts was a woman. The Russians had no debates about whether or not women should serve in combat.

Things have changed significantly since the Soviet Union fell...
I was just saying that there is no practical difference between a DO pcp and a MD pcp... They both consider the same pros /cons of the candidates. There is no candidate that cares more or less about DOs to my knowledge. DOs don't take a different approach to patient care than MDs unless they are those weird few that are obsessed with at still.

I guess I was just thinking from more of a schools perspective. Practically there are no difference between DO/MD physicians, but ca$h rules everything around me and it would be good to see some of these schools get that cheddar for pumping out PCPs on the reg.
Right now, the only party supporting more residency slots are the Dems. I want a residency slot. Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act of 2015 (S. 1148/H.R. 2124) was put on the table by Dems and is being stoppered by the Puggies. Which candidate will actually move to increase residency slots? All that free stuff Bernie is allegedly giving away will call for lots of jobs, including Dr. jobs. I want a Dr. job. That's why I went to med school.
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Right now, the only party supporting more residency slots are the Dems. I want a residency slot. Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act of 2015 (S. 1148/H.R. 2124) was put on the table by Dems and is being stoppered by the Puggies. Which candidate will actually move to increase residency slots? All that free stuff Bernie is allegedly giving away will call for lots of jobs, including Dr. jobs. I want a Dr. job. That's why I went to med school.

I don't think Dr. Jobs are at a shortage... So that won't be an issue for you. But talking about free stuff from Bernie, you (and me) will be the lucky ones paying those free hand outs.
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I don't think Dr. Jobs are at a shortage... So that won't be an issue for you. But talking about free stuff from Bernie, you (and me) will be the lucky ones paying those free hand outs.
There are more medical school graduates than residency match positions. Every year about 5K medical school students don't find a Dr. job. I do pay my taxes, and I feel that it is my civic duty to do so, one of the first acts of our Federation was to oversee the collection of taxes to support the state, the state from which we all benefit. I do not resent the 36 dollars I pay to support food stamps nearly as much as the $3750 I pay to subsidize corporations that outsource jobs and bank offshore. I do enjoy that flush plumbing/sewage collection combo thing those damn socialists thought up, though......
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What is this thread? Why is it a thing?
It's a thing because Tronald Dump is a thingy thing. Politics is always a thingamongous thing-a-ring. I know that sounds like magical circular logic thinking, but if Dump wins "...there will be Hell's toupee...."
There are more medical school graduates than residency match positions. Every year about 5K medical school students don't find a Dr. job. I do pay my taxes, and I feel that it is my civic duty to do so, one of the first acts of our Federation was to oversee the collection of taxes to support the state, the state from which we all benefit. I do not resent the 36 dollars I pay to support food stamps nearly as much as the $3750 I pay to subsidize corporations that outsource jobs and bank offshore. I do enjoy that flush plumbing/sewage collection combo thing those damn socialists thought up, though......

Where are you getting this info? There are more residency slots than med school grads. The gap is closing, but I'm not sure where you #s are coming from.
It's a thing because Tronald Dump is a thingy thing. Politics is always a thingamongous thing-a-ring. I know that sounds like magical circular logic thinking, but if Dump wins "...there will be Hell's toupee...."

I like Trump but now he crossed the red line, he started making some very inappropriate remarks about Carly Fiorina, he made some heated remarks about immigration that made news, but when you start making the remarks he made about Fiorina, you are in some serious hot water.

Anyway I got a little hint that Hilary is going to be the one in 2016. Carson is likely to be the Republican nominee, he seems to be a clever fella, but I just do not him winning next year, he will need strong African American and minority voter support to win.
Captain DO plans to run independently.

Captain DO has medical professionals' interests in mind as he gets ready to lead the free world.

1 - reimbursements to increase dramatically
2 - Every DO given a cape to wear to work with matching undies.
3 - More funded residency spots in all fields

And I'm just getting started!
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I was just saying that there is no practical difference between a DO pcp and a MD pcp... They both consider the same pros /cons of the candidates. There is no candidate that cares more or less about DOs to my knowledge. DOs don't take a different approach to patient care than MDs unless they are those weird few that are obsessed with at still.

DOs are more likely to wind up as primary care providers than MDs, most MDs specialize because they are able to specialize, the high cost of medical school is the reason so many decide to specialize, there is glass ceiling for DOs wanting to specialize, DOs can specialize but its generally harder for them to do so compared to their MD counterparts, also most DO schools are private and charge higher tuition rates than MD schools, so most DO students wind up with more debt when they leave school.
GME does not need increased funding. Don't drink the kool aid kids, unless you like serving it...

That said, all of these politicians are FOS. Expecting true change from the top down is an exercise in futility at best, and certainly one of blinded wishful thinking.
It's a thing because Tronald Dump is a thingy thing. Politics is always a thingamongous thing-a-ring. I know that sounds like magical circular logic thinking, but if Dump wins "...there will be Hell's toupee...."

But he will prevent autism:

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I think it's a bit crude to compare the US where you'll be incarcerated for a blunt to a nation that will incarcerate you for being raped or being a witch and punish you with a scimitar through those pretty cervical bones....

Academia have a habit of moving around the world where the money is for their field. My mentor who is a famous academic in synaptic homeostasis and drug use got his PhD in the UK, worked here, and is now going to Europe to do his work. It's not a very salient example.

I actually did volunteer work for troubled youth in Dorchester Massachusetts, a poor part of Boston. A lot of kids were getting picked on by police simply because of their color.