what would you do? (4th yr electives)

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Mar 3, 2005
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here's the scenario:

applied (got lucky) and unexpectedly was accepted to about a dozen 4th year rad onc electives between 2 months. there's overlap. having a hard time deciding where to go. most are programs i'd love to do residency, even though there's no chance at several i'd ever be accepted.

local rad onc mentor went to one program and has encouraged me to consider it. got an elective at that school, which is also at the same time as an elective at my "dream school." local rad onc has been extremely helpful and supportive, would prefer not to lose that. doing the rotation would only help keep that support. not doing it would be a snuff. no big names at the local rad onc's school, but at least one at the "dream school".

although no big names, the fine folks on this board have consistently ranked the local rad onc's program as one of the strongest on the east coast.

what's most important: big name for a letter, dream school, or keeping good with your network?

holla back,

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First, congrats on the opportunities -- those electives can be quite hard to come by.

This is really a tough decision. Personally, I would stick with your home school b/c, as I understand it, networking is critically important in RadOnc. Also, you have an improved chance to enter a residency program where the faculty knows you and supports your aspirations.

However, I'm not sure why you can't do two rotations. Is it b/c of scheduling conflicts?

Added: The dream school is also a good choice, particularly if your mentor trained there. He/She may be able to put you on the "in" track.
if the rotations are at the same time see if you can move one. If not, try to assess how much of a snub it would really be to your home school. You can always say that you got the dream school acceptance first if this is the cas.e Good luck.
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Gfunk6 said:
First, congrats on the opportunities -- those electives can be quite hard to come by.

This is really a tough decision. Personally, I would stick with your home school b/c, as I understand it, networking is critically important in RadOnc. Also, you have an improved chance to enter a residency program where the faculty knows you and supports your aspirations.

However, I'm not sure why you can't do two rotations. Is it b/c of scheduling conflicts?

Added: The dream school is also a good choice, particularly if your mentor trained there. He/She may be able to put you on the "in" track.

thanks Gfunk6. i have 7 electives scheduled for one month and 3 for the second. too much of the good thing i'd say has hit me a vengence. i can do two electives, maybe even 3 if i'm really, really creative (and a money tree grows in my backyard). i want to make a decision very soon because i know other students would like to do these electives and i don't want to hog them.

my home school unfortunately does not have a rad onc program. my connections are far and few between in this community, which is why i'm so torn about possibility of ticking off the one person i know in rad onc who has shown a sincere interest and has helped me. i scheduled electives thinking i wouldn't get any and i got most of them, so there's a lot of overlap. the "dream school" elective overlaps with the one scheduled at his alma mater. i know the importance of these rotations in helping programs decide who to interview, which is why i'm struggling with letting my dream school elective go.
radonc_gal said:
my home school unfortunately does not have a rad onc program.

Ouch. That is a very tough spot to be in.

Perhaps you should solicit your mentor's advice. It is possible that he may think it's in your best interests to go elsewhere to rotate. A good bet would be to rotate at (a) a "reach" school for you and (b) a program where you know you would be competitive.
stephew said:
if the rotations are at the same time see if you can move one. If not, try to assess how much of a snub it would really be to your home school. You can always say that you got the dream school acceptance first if this is the cas.e Good luck.

thanks stephew. several phone calls and emails later, the programs were very accomodating and willing to help. everything sorted itself out in the wash.. dream school here i come!
