Medical What to do if a letter of recommendation doesn't get submitted

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Sep 28, 2009
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I recently interviewed at a T20 school and was told that I could add additional letters post-interview, Thinking it a good idea at the time, I had asked my former manager from a biotech job to write an additional letter for me.

I made the mistake of assigning this letter to the T20 school before it was actually received in AMCAS.

Fast forward to now and my manager has still not gotten around to submitting a letter even though the deadline we'd previously agreed upon was two weeks ago. At this point decisions are just around the corner and I don't want this pending letter to affect the processing of my application in any way. I am also beginning to suspect that since this person cannot stick to the deadline, they are unlikely to submit a letter that is very good / worthwhile (I already have 5 LOR).

I know this is a tough situation but my question is what is the best way to handle things from here on out? Do I keep playing "wait and see" with my clearly disinterested writer or cut my losses and send a sincere email to the admissions at this T20 school and inform them the letter is no longer coming. If I choose the latter, is this mistake going to ruin my chances of gaining an acceptance there? Thanks.
I would not worry about this letter. If the school interviewed you, they are interested in you, with or without the letter, and if your letter-writer does not submit, it is unlikely to have a negative impact on your application. I would err on the side of not saying anything. Letter writers often do not submit their letters, and I doubt the admissions committee is paying close attention to your "missing" letter.

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