General What should I do - sub 3.0 GPA?

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Member Question
Volunteer Staff
Mar 22, 2021
Reaction score
I am making the decision between applying to SMPs or PostBacc programs that record enhancers. Which one should I do? My cGPA is 2.9 and my sGPA is 2.6. I have no one to talk to, and I don't know if I could pay someone for advice. I need help. I read Goro's forum to reinvent, but I do not know if I should stick to the post bacc programs since they affect my undergrad GPA.

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I don't think you need to pay anyone for advice. But I do think you need to be realistic that since you are in such a hole, you are likely to need more than 1 year to be ready to apply to med school.

Realistically, with a GPA<3 I think you would run into problems even getting accepted to an SMP. Rather than spending money to do a formal post-bacc, I think you could just do a DIY post-bacc where you aim to get a 3.7+ over ~30 upper level science credits. I don't think that this would be sufficient to get you into med school, but it may bring your cGPA over 3.0, at which point you may be viable for an SMP. If you can again get a 3.7+ in the SMP you will have shown that your undergrad GPA is no longer reflective of your ability. You will likely be looking mostly at DO schools and state MD schools depending on your MCAT score.

Charting the course is easy. The hard part is actually performing at a high level in these difficult science classes. What are you going to do differently this time that will allow you to get a different result than what happened up to this point? Did you have mental health problems that you are now taking care of? Did you spread yourself too thin on ECs and not focus enough on school? Something else? You don't have to outline that here... but you should be able to answer that question to yourself. If the problem that led to your subpar performance previously remains a problem now, then I would address that problem first before launching headlong into more coursework. There is a path to getting into med school, but it is very very narrow, and any stumble during either a post-bacc or an SMP likely would spell the end of your med school journey.
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Probably will have difficulty in getting into strong SMPs. You should pick the path that will get you the strongest GPA because as said above, your current academic record will make it very very difficult to be accepted to any medical school. You have to weight the pros and cons of a post bac which is usually a DYI vs an SMP which will have more connections but are usually more competitive.
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