Veterinary What should I do if I fail a required physics course after being accepted?

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Oct 14, 2011
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Hello! I have been accepted (currently on the overenrolled list) to matriculate into Western University for Fall of 2020 but have had major difficulties in performing well in my Physics class this semester. My main concern is that I may not earn credit for the class due to these difficulties and am now in danger of not meeting that prerequisite requirement for Western. I will be reaching out soon to know what my options would be but I just wanted to know if this has happened before and what usually occurs. I was also wondering if in this situation it is possible to have a time and place to explain my situation to administration. I know this is particular to Western but I just wanted any advice or insight as any would be helpful. Thank you.
You're going to have to keep your admissions office informed. I'm not sure what your options are, but if you fail a prerequisite, you can't matriculate. It will depend on their policies, and I'm sure they have had to deal with similar situations before.

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