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Jun 24, 2016
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Hi, I am currently an undergraduate student at Duke majoring in biomedical engineering. My goal is to attend USUHS medical school, but my engineering coursework took a real hit on my GPA, (~3). I am looking into ways to raise my GPA, such as post-bacc programs. If I were to raise it to a more competitive GPA, would that ensure my chances. Additionally, I would have to take two gap years before I would even matriculate, and the timeline is long with military medical career...Is it worth it? I'll take any relevant advice!

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So your GPA is ~3.0? Or was that just this last semester? What is your MCAT?

Have you done any shadowing with physician veterans or active duty ones? Connection with the military?

I took 6-7 gaps years and I think there are classmates of mine that took 18 gap years. Is it worth it? Depends on the individual I suppose. One of those 18 gap year classmates experienced a tragedy in the Korengal Valley that eventually drove him to become a doctor. I think in the grand scheme of things it will be worth it for him...though I should not presume such matters for another man. For me, it's worth it, my finances are secured while I study medicine and I'm working with awesome people. I couldn't hope for more.