Usmle Iii?

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Jun 24, 2002
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Does one have to do USMLE III when graduating from a DO college?

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osteopathic schools have their own exams, the COMLEX. dont need to take the USMLE
USMLE has 3 steps....I, II, and III

step one is taken after your first two year. Step two is taken upon graduation, and Step three is taken after your internship year.

Osteopathic students do not have to take the USMLE, but some allopathic residencies might like to see you take it so it will be easier for them to compare you to other students.

I've heard that studying for and taking the COMLEX prepares you for the USMLE, so it is mostly just going through the hassle and headache of taking another exam.
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The USMLE Step III is taken after graduation from an accredited US MD-granting institution, usually during one's internship year (PGY-1) for licensure as a physician.

A US DO PGY-1 is only obligated to complete all three Levels of the COMLEX to get licensure in all 50 states as a DO. Some DO students take the USMLE as well, but this is optional and depends on many factors which have been discussed to death in the Osteopathic forums (do a search!) :D

So, unless you are doing a Preliminary year (or an Osteopathic Rotating Internship) and applying for an ACGME residency during your PGY-1 year, there is little need to take the Step III exam, since you are already in residency (who is left to impress? :laugh: )
I dont want to start a debate or anything. But I find it curious that a lot of people say that preparing for COMLEX also prepares you for teh USMLE. But you look at the statistics of DO students taking the USMLE, the pass rate isn't very high on first time test takers. I believe I read that it was in the mid 60s?
Originally posted by lmbebo
I dont want to start a debate or anything. But I find it curious that a lot of people say that preparing for COMLEX also prepares you for teh USMLE.

Moral: don't believe everything you read on SDN ;)

Seriously, though, the largest gap between US MD and US DO students is seen on administration of the Step I exam. The performance of US DO students on Step II and III is almost indistinguishable from their MD counterparts, but FMGs still lag behind. You can verify all this on the official USMLE site.
Originally posted by lmbebo
I dont want to start a debate or anything. But I find it curious that a lot of people say that preparing for COMLEX also prepares you for teh USMLE. But you look at the statistics of DO students taking the USMLE, the pass rate isn't very high on first time test takers. I believe I read that it was in the mid 60s?

Actually the numbers are in the 70s - I think 77% at most DO schools but the problem with this number is that not everyone is taking this exam so it is a tough comparison. So you are right the average is lower when compared to MD programs but I think the numbers are not comparable.