UBC class 2010-Guess what guys??---I got in

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Jun 24, 2006
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Well, I haven't heard from the faculty yet, thought I had a better chance before the interview than after. I thought when I get the interview, it will be a walk-in-the-park------but I did everything wrong that one could possibly think of---the bad thing is, nobody actually believe I acted that way).
However, to those who will receive the good news next week. Make sure you guys let us know.
Congrads in advance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

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So what exactly did you do wrong?
I'm sure lots of people made alot of mistakes, so don't give up all hope yet!
Btw, are you a UBC student? if so what is your year/major?
vancouver said:
Well, I haven't heard from the faculty yet, thought I had a better chance before the interview than after. I thought when I get the interview, it will be a walk-in-the-park------but I did everything wrong that one could possibly think of---the bad thing is, nobody actually believe I acted that way).
However, to those who will receive the good news next week. Make sure you guys let us know.
Congrads in advance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

What? you got in? How do you know already without getting a notice? Did they tell you after your interview or are you just assuming?

Good Luck to everyone who got an interview.
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Haha, I think the thread title is to just get your attention, but of course we all hope that we're accepted! We'll know by the end of this week. Remember to tell us what happens.
starstrike said:
What? you got in? How do you know already without getting a notice? Did they tell you after your interview or are you just assuming?

Good Luck to everyone who got an interview.

No I didn't get in. After the interviewed, I don't think I have a very good chance. I was a bit depressed and now anxious awaiting the final decision. Just wanted to start a thread so that people can post their good news.
So make sure you guys post your good news when you get it. :)
Wow, you shouldn't start thread titles like that vancouver, you scared the crap out of me. I thought they had sent out all their acceptances already and that I was done since I hadn't received anything. I didnt realize there was so many UBC students on here. My msn is [email protected] if anybody wants to add me just to chat about waiting for acceptances, being accepted, being rejected etc.
RyanMaverick said:
Wow, you shouldn't start thread titles like that vancouver, you scared the crap out of me. I thought they had sent out all their acceptances already and that I was done since I hadn't received anything. I didnt realize there was so many UBC students on here. My msn is [email protected] if anybody wants to add me just to chat about waiting for acceptances, being accepted, being rejected etc.

Same and Same. I freaked out when I read the thread title; my heart is still beating really fast. I hope we all get in and I hope to see you all in September.
Nah... Vancouver , u shouldnt lose confidence like that.. why are u so sure that u did poorly in your interview?
AvaP said:
Nah... Vancouver , u shouldnt lose confidence like that.. why are u so sure that u did poorly in your interview?

I don't think it could have been that bad. They take into consideration that everyone will be a little bit nervous and that they won't be able to say everything they would have liked in the time alotted. All that counts is that you tried your best and answered honestly; that's what they are looking for.
Just want to stay to everyone .. cross your fingers guys, I'm 99.9991251% sure that results are going to be out tommorow.

Good luck :thumbup:
FungManX said:
Just want to stay to everyone .. cross your fingers guys, I'm 99.9991251% sure that results are going to be out tommorow.

Good luck :thumbup:

Same here, Good Luck to all. Just out of curiousity, how do you know that the results will be out today (tuesday)? I was informed it would be by the end of the week, so that could mean any day. Did you happen to call the school and find out for sure?
Yeah definately, good luck to everybody else here as well. FungmanX had a great idea of having a little UBC SND drinking night if we get in, we might have to set that up. Everybody should know my email address so feel free to add me if you want to get to know me at all. Anyways, today seems like judgement day, or fittingly, independance day, so goodluck to everyone and I'll see you at the white coat ceremony!
well don't be so pessimistic...you never know until u get the letter!
*runs off for some heart attack meds*
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This thread almost gave me two heart attacks. once when i read the title and now that I've read results should be out tomorrow.

Now i can't sleep and am hyperventilating b/c I'm so nervous.

Given this rediculous trend of waiting for updates for extremely long times:

PCAT scores = 2months.
From application submitted -> interview status = 3.5months.
Interview -> application status = My calculations says we should know by November of 06....
3.30am PST Tuesday morning (I'm sitting at work bored on the graveyard shift..), and there is still no update (no surprise here..).
Sorry guys for being the cause of some of you guys almost 'hypertensive stage', several heart attacks, and possible nervous breakdown. :D

Tuesday morning now----no news yet.
vancouver said:
Sorry guys for being the cause of some of you guys almost 'hypertensive stage', several heart attacks, and possible nervous breakdown. :D

Tuesday morning now----no news yet.

I don't think they'll send it anything right now. If they are going to send it today, they will send it in the afternoon. I think it seems more likely that they'll send out the notices tomorrow or Thursday.
Way to almost kill off all your competition... my heart skipped like 10 beats when I read your title :(

I've been checking my email like every hour ever since Friday. What was up with the piece of paper that said to make sure you check your email over the weekend?

PS: Glad there's so many UBC students here!
m@rk said:
Way to almost kill off all your competition... my heart skipped like 10 beats when I read your title :(

I've been checking my email like every hour ever since Friday. What was up with the piece of paper that said to make sure you check your email over the weekend?

PS: Glad there's so many UBC students here!

Well it said to check your email "Diligently". They said to keep in mind that Monday is a holiday and that they expect to send out the replies by the end of next week(this week now).

PS: I'm glad to see that there are so many UBC students too :D
starstrike said:
Well it said to check your email "Diligently". They said to keep in mind that Monday is a holiday and that they expect to send out the replies by the end of next week(this week now).

PS: I'm glad to see that there are so many UBC students too :D

Sorry fella's my bad, I just went to see Margaret at her office and she said that they should 'hopefully' be out by tommorow
FungManX said:
Sorry fella's my bad, I just went to see Margaret at her office and she said that they should 'hopefully' be out by tommorow

its not like i was sitting here checking my mail every 15 seconds anyways... haha

Thanks for the info man, I would've wasted the day sitting here haha
PsychUBC said:
its not like i was sitting here checking my mail every 15 seconds anyways... haha

Thanks for the info man, I would've wasted the day sitting here haha

hahahahaha. Sure sure ;)

Margaret said she hoped to have the notices sent out by tomorrow, so that technically could mean by the end of today :laugh: (more like :scared: ).
Okay guys, it's definately not Today, so we can stop checking our emails every 15 seconds :scared: We can freak out all of tomorrow now. Good Luck to all again.
At least we know when to expect it now.... it was driving me nuts knowing I could get the email any second...

like that episode of Family Guy where Brian is supposed to hit Stewie to get even but doesn't tell him when he'll do it... so Stewie freaks out every time he sees Brian :oops:
What a cruel trick all this waiting is! I got off graveyards at 6am and woke up at 9am, 12am, 1pm and 2pm all to check my email over and over until I heard they weren't coming out today...then I got about 2 solid hours of sleep and now I'm back here on 12hr nights again, and dead tired! I'm glad they gave us a tentative time, but its the "hopefully" part that worries me. Hoping is a lot different then being confident they'll be out tommorow. I suspect if they do come out it'll be in the afternoon, it sounds like they still have some deliberating to do.

Goodluck again fellas.
RyanMaverick said:
What a cruel trick all this waiting is!
Almost every passing second I think of something else that I might have scrweed up on during the interview... I'm kinda freaked out that I might have answered some things wrong.. or something that would make them not consider me anymore... but hopefully it won't matter as much because those were a questions asked near the begining/middle .. and from what I learned in psyc 101, people tend to remember things in the begining and end more.... and less of the junk in the middle...... I guess it doesn't help much either that they wrote down pretty much everything I said... :scared: turning into a nervous wreck here!
FungManX said:
Almost every passing second I think of something else that I might have scrweed up on during the interview... I'm kinda freaked out that I might have answered some things wrong.. or something that would make them not consider me anymore... but hopefully it won't matter as much because those were a questions asked near the begining/middle .. and from what I learned in psyc 101, people tend to remember things in the begining and end more.... and less of the junk in the middle...... I guess it doesn't help much either that they wrote down pretty much everything I said... :scared: turning into a nervous wreck here!

Me too, I feel the same way you do. The moment I walked out of the interview till now and will continue on until tomorrow. I guess we will all find out the final results tomorrow. "Hopefully"
Fingers crossed for everyone here. :luck:
To tell you the truth... im so paranoid that even though they said the results would come out tmr, I was still checking my mail every 15 seconds!!!

You know what I need? I need to be in the "circle of calmness" RIGHT NOW...
PsychUBC said:
To tell you the truth... im so paranoid that even though they said the results would come out tmr, I was still checking my mail every 15 seconds!!!

You know what I need? I need to be in the "circle of calmness" RIGHT NOW...

I know exactly how you feel. It's scary to think that 24 hours later, we could be the happiest people in the world or be the saddest people in the world; I hope it's the former, I really do.
Good luck everyone! :D

On the bright side... at least it's better to wait a week than more than a month >.> (interviewed in early June, got accepted early July last year) - now that's a lot of waiting
Did anybody else get tired of them saying the "circle of calm" thing over and over to every single person who walked in? I heard it about 12 times and couldn't evne do the courtesy laugh at the end anymore... They probably should have went with some new material.
lol, i didnt hear it THAT many times.. probably a good 6 or 7 times, but the circle of calm was no calm thing at all, then i went to get myself some water and during the interview, i felt like i needed to go pee. lol But it sure felt good trying on the pharm lab coats. :)
I likened that whole circle to ducks on a pond. Everything looks quiet on the surface but underneath things are just flailing around. My buddy FungManX called the labcoats a "sweet sweet taste". I thought it was a pretty big tease but I guess they needed to know sizes...still hurts if you don't get in though.
AvaP said:
But it sure felt good trying on the pharm lab coats. :)

That was the WORST tease ever...... just a few more hours after we sleep..
We shouldn't make this a pharm is all/end all type thing though.. If we don't get in, don't take it too hard because in reality.. life does go on.. and its just ONE year wasted... prepare for the worst and hope for the best guys
ok, i was just trying to be positive, but yes it is cruel to make us have a taste of pharmacy and then take it away and then having to see your fellow competitors going through it too. Man I can't sleep, I'm addicted to this forum.
Just checking, did anybody have their interview at 3:30pm Thursday, or 4pm Thursday? If so I was the good looking guy in the black suit.
Just wondering.. are you guys all vancouver applicants? I might know some of you :p

2nd year general Science right now .. grad 04
RyanMaverick said:
Just checking, did anybody have their interview at 3:30pm Thursday, or 4pm Thursday? If so I was the good looking guy in the black suit.

Were you trying to copy my style? I was wearing a black suit too...
Granted, but I said I was the "good looking one" :D
is it just me or has anybody else had dreams of either being accepted or rejected over the last few days. a sign of things to come maybe?

either way, good luck to everyone
Haha, two nights ago I had both dreams. My first dream I was rejected and remember saying something like "f-that" in my head and right after had a dream where I was accepted. It was kinda cool, don't think it means squat however.
I keep getting new emails in my inbox and even though its midnight I still run to go see what it is. This junkmail has never hurt so much. On the bright side, apparently "Rolex's are on sale" and "some girl wants to meet me tonight". Sigh... this needs to end.
In my dream I went to some office to check my status and they said that they had my acceptance letter ready, when I opened it it was just a bunch of coupons and flyers
in my dream, i recieved an acceptance email and it seem so real. when i first woke up, i still thought that i had gotten in. then reality finally hit me...
Jaquabeem said:
in my dream, i recieved an acceptance email and it seem so real. when i first woke up, i still thought that i had gotten in. then reality finally hit me...

OMG! I had the exact same dream and just recently too. It was so real that I felt I really got in. I woke up so happy that morning, it wasn't until later that reality sunk in and I realized that nothing had been sent out yet. I guess it's only a few more hours of waiting until we find out.

By the way, is anyone else surprised at just how many Pre-Pharm UBC students there are on SDN? I had no idea that there were so many. In fact, it looks like we've taken over this portion of the forum in the past week or so :oops: It looks like everyone came out of hiding at the same time or they happened to find the forum at the exact same time.

Anyways, Good luck to all again (I keep saying this, but it's true). I hope all the SDN members get in. Can you imagine that? We'd have 10 new friends already :D
I've been here for a LONG time =p, then the next one was RyanMaverick, I originally came here for the pre-med stuff, but pharmacy caught my attention and I'm all about it now!
FungManX said:
I've been here for a LONG time =p, then the next one was RyanMaverick, I originally came here for the pre-med stuff, but pharmacy caught my attention and I'm all about it now!

Cool! :cool: Well I guess it's time for bed now. Gotta go to work early in the morning :oops: I wish all of you the best of luck (for the 100th time :laugh: ). If I have time during my break, I will check SDN for updates and then I will check my email in anticipation and fear. Goodnight :)
Just thought I'd post a list of all the SDN members I could find who were awaiting their letters, I'm curious what our SDN success rate will be. Perhaps we can all hang out next year!


Goodluck to these folks and if you got an interview and aren't on the list please add your name!