"Transfer" to another school

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You're P-Freaking-1. Jeezz... Just wait until P2/3 for the good stuff. And just be happy you're on tract to be a pharmacist.

You'll learn plenty on your rotations and when you get out and start working.
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I would recommend against transferring--why lose that time and money (and of course, no guarentee you would be accepted at the school you want, schools are often leary about transfers from other pharmacy programs.) About your concerns...

"outdated" curriculum--basic science courses are required in any pharmacy program, esp if you are going to a 0-6 program, all those courses will be required, since most students will not have had them previously since they started school there. The importance of these classes will be seen once you hit kinetics & other higher level pharmacy classes. I can't imagine that the school you want to transfer to, doesn't offer these courses and/or require that students would have already taken them.

high tuition--not good, but doesn't the federal government determine who is eligible for federal aid? If you aren't eligible for federal aid at your current school, I wouldn't think you would be eligible for federal aid at the school you are transferring into?

few friends/far from home--any new environment will take awhile to get used to. Almost any job you start, your co-workers will already know each other. That doesn't mean you won't eventually fit in and find your place. How long have you been at this school, 1 month? Give it some time, by December, your outlook may be alot different than it is now. Just stay positive, get involved with clubs/fraternities/associations/study groups, the more involved you are, the more friends you are likely to make.
You're P-Freaking-1. Jeezz... Just wait until P2/3 for the good stuff. And just be happy you're on tract to be a pharmacist.

You'll learn plenty on your rotations and when you get out and start working.


You've been at this school for what, one month? Give it time; the first month of school sucks for everybody. If you feel left out, pry your butt out of the library and go get involved in pharmacy organizations so that you can meet some of your classmates. There's no guarantee that you'll automatically fit in at your new school, either.

As far as the financial aspect of things, bear in mind that you'll be stuck at this school until the end of the academic year. If you transfer, by the time you graduate you'll have the $40K for this year of tuition on top of whatever you rack up at your new school.

Stick it out. Sometimes the grass isn't greener.

You've been at this school for what, one month? Give it time; the first month of school sucks for everybody. If you feel left out, pry your butt out of the library and go get involved in pharmacy organizations so that you can meet some of your classmates. There's no guarantee that you'll automatically fit in at your new school, either.

As far as the financial aspect of things, bear in mind that you'll be stuck at this school until the end of the academic year. If you transfer, by the time you graduate you'll have the $40K for this year of tuition on top of whatever you rack up at your new school.

Stick it out. Sometimes the grass isn't greener.

I just realized that in my first post, I said that he was on "tract." Oops. I believe the correct term is "track."

Transferring to another pharmacy school is usually only done in cases of extreme personal hardship, and frankly your story is no where near harrowing enough to qualify.

I'm sorry but you sound like a quitter, unable to make a commitment or bear the consequences of your choices. Like do you not care about wasting $20,000 and one year of your life?

On the curriculum, like others have said, most schools are like this. Pharmaceutical science courses in the beginning to lay the foundation for clinical pharmacy, therapeutics, patient care courses, and rotations at the end. So actually, if you transfer you'll probably have to take the pharm sci courses again!

I vote to stick it out.
I also think you should stick it out. I just wanted to let you know that I'm in a similar situation, so you are definetly not alone. I am a transfer in a class of 133. There are 9 transfers. Have the 20-30 of you not bonded yet? The 9 of us stick together and are our own support group. The rest of the students aren't exclusive, but they've had two years to make their friends and we just came in, so I understand. Give it longer than a couple of months, it'll get better.
I also have a bachelor's degree and have to take out private loans for P1 and P2. That will not change when you transfer schools, and believe me, it sucks!