Time for Goro to take a break

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Goro is allowed to break TOS - he's Goro ffs he outranks you


I think it's important to uphold all the members to the same standard and precisely NOT to grant special treatment to "senior" posters.

Goro's been warned about the exact same thing before and yet he kept doing it, just like his harassment of certain other posters.

I'd argue he's already been granted special privilege by not being suspended or banned for some of his past behaviors.

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Man, this is the worst thing to happen since the moderators killed Worst admissions staff in the country and Jalby left.

They seriously need to chill the **** out and we need to get more socially appropriate moderators before SDN dies.

The Georgetown thread closing was a bad decision imo but I doubt Goro's 2nd probation was unjustified (the random probations in February were the horrible ones; however, here it's pretty clear why he landed into trouble).
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But who is humor? Who is sarcasm? Who are special snowflakes? Who are doctors with a sense of personality and humor?

Beats me.

I've been on probation twice and banned once for people reporting a clear-as-glass joke. This not all the mods fault. A lot of SDN posters have extremely thin skin or terrible CARs comprehension as well.

Although this is only part of it.

I'm glad there's also /r/premed for this reason. The posters (and especially the mods sometimes) on SDN can be complete d*cks in what they say and do to other users. Premeddit is so much more chill and friendly.
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Yea, the moderation is unbalanced, often reactive and not fully informed, and I think we all understand your frustration Goro. Many of us share your frustration. It seems that if you aren't part of the cool kids clubs that travel in "like" herds, you are bound to be silenced at some point.

Your contributions will live on, and hopefully you will be back at some point in full Motaro force.

I just never thought I'd see the moderation "Finish Him."
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Mods needs to chill what the heck. We'll miss you goro. Without the adcoms on this website, SDN would just little be a bunch of premeds running around with no clue what they're talking about. You've done a lot for this community. You're here everyday to help out lost pre med souls, thank you for putting in the time to help us. You are a kind soul <3
Whether or not Goro comes back, SDN will always be a bunch of premeds with little idea of what they're talking about
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Whether or not Goro comes back, SDN will always be a bunch of premeds with little idea of what they're talking about

? The premed forums get the most traffic but the rest of the forums are actually often more insightful (like the specialty forums). I think people can get the most value out of SDN premed forums simply by reading the stickies and annual AMCAS/AACOMAS threads and ignoring everything else.
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A lot of the mods need to be fired

Should we start a poll for all members to vote on which Mod (s) they feel should no longer be a moderator?

If this question gets 20 likes, I'll go ahead and start the thread.

Edit: I'm not looking for "likes" to feel better about myself (that's what Zoloft is for), I just wanna make sure there is enough member base support for creating the thread.
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They've all been rude, arrogant, abusive *sshats to users on many occasions...

It's human to be rude sometimes.

The problem is that in order to be a mod/admin, you are "held to a higher standard" which means you have to stop being directly rude to other people on SDN. Instead, with the newly found power bestowed upon them, mods find creative ways to make a post they don't like (or a member they don't like) fall within the very vague TOS violation umbrealla. Knowing members have no recourse whatsoever, mods pretty much can behave with impunity.

I mean, I can argue that any poster in this thread has violated some TOS, and if I were a mod, there is nothing you could do about it other than grab your ankles, and when you have had enough ankle grabbing, you leave SDN (like many have and are doing).
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Even as a pre-pod your posts and wisdom have helped me tremendously in the process, thanks a bunch and enjoy the break!
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It's human to be rude sometimes.

The problem is that in order to be a mod/admin, you are "held to a higher standard" which means you have to stop being directly rude to other people on SDN. Instead, with the newly found power bestowed upon them, mods find creative ways to make a post they don't like (or a member they don't like) fall within the very vague TOS violation umbrealla. Knowing members have no recourse whatsoever, mods pretty much can behave with impunity.

I mean, I can argue that any poster in this thread has violated some TOS, and if I were a mod, there is nothing you could do about it other than grab your ankles, and when you have had enough ankle grabbing, you leave SDN (like many have and are doing).
Or I can just make a new account and keep posting. They don't actually have the tiny bit of power they think they do.
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Or I can just make a new account and keep posting. They don't actually have the tiny bit of power they think they do.

Power is only as good as it's illusion.

Oh, and rule number 1 of not being banned, don't actually tell mods that you can create a new account and keep posting! LOL - I know you're only kidding anyways.
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Anyone offended by Goro's use of the word Der Trumpenfuhrer and feel it is dishonoring those who died in the Holocaust are missing the point entirely! Trump could easily become OUR Hitler. People need to have their eyes wide open to many of the things he is doing/trying to do. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

That being said, have a nice vacation @Goro , you deserve a nice break from the neurotic premeds, and the holier-than-thou posters.
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Should we start a poll for all members to vote on which Mod (s) they feel should no longer be a moderator?

But can I vote in the pole?!

They've all been rude, arrogant, abusive *sshats to users on many occasions...

So true. How I hate those pricks.

Or I can just make a new account and keep posting. They don't actually have the tiny bit of power they think they do.

NOOOOO don't destroy my illusion of power!
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I wish the mods would realize without people like Goro this forum is just a breeding ground of insecurity and misinformation. Sure it gets a lot of traffic but just getting a lot of clueless people together doesn't make them less clueless.

It's an online forum for Christ's sake. Grow a spine.
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I think it's important to uphold all the members to the same standard and precisely NOT to grant special treatment to "senior" posters.

Goro's been warned about the exact same thing before and yet he kept doing it, just like his harassment of certain other posters.

I'd argue he's already been granted special privilege by not being suspended or banned for some of his past behaviors.

Have to agree here. I do think this is a relatively silly thing to get "in trouble" for, but if mods are going to enforce silly rules, it's important they do so equitably and don't give special treatment to certain posters and not others.
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? The premed forums get the most traffic but the rest of the forums are actually often more insightful (like the specialty forums). I think people can get the most value out of SDN premed forums simply by reading the stickies and annual AMCAS/AACOMAS threads and ignoring everything else.
Yeah my bad. I was referring to the pre-med section and not the rest.
Have to agree here. I do think this is a relatively silly thing to get "in trouble" for, but if mods are going to enforce silly rules, it's important they do so equitably and don't give special treatment to certain posters and not others.
Yeah, but the issue is that they don't enforce the rules equally. Like, not at all. They clearly have favorites in the pre-med section, favorite med students (esp the ones who ass-kiss to try and get mod status lmao), favorite docs and favorite faculty. Anyone who has been an active member is reading this, nodding and thinking up the exact users that are favored in each of those categories. Some of them (not all) are routinely rude to anyone who disagrees with them. Some of the mods are very good, but some of them are pretty inconsistent and aggressive to other users. The frustrating part of this is that the favored ones are usually those who are least in touch with reality or are downright suck ups, which skews the discussion in these forums.

Goro gets sassy af sometimes, but at least he's a straight-shooter and reasonably in touch with things.

I miss Tired.
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Yeah, but the issue is that they don't enforce the rules equally. Like, not at all. They clearly have favorites in the pre-med section, favorite med students (esp the ones who ass-kiss to try and get mod status lmao), favorite docs and favorite faculty. Anyone who has been an active member is reading this, nodding and thinking up the exact users that are favored in each of those categories. Some of them (not all) are routinely rude to anyone who disagrees with them. Some of the mods are very good, but some of them are pretty inconsistent and aggressive to other users. The frustrating part of this is that the favored ones are usually those who are least in touch with reality or are downright suck ups, which skews the discussion in these forums.

Goro gets sassy af sometimes, but at least he's a straight-shooter and reasonably in touch with things.

I miss Tired.

You basically took the words out of my mouth. I think we like to think that the rules are applied equally and consistently, and while that is the ideal to aspire to, we ultimately fall flat of that goal.

Favoritism is widespread, and all you have to do is follow what I refer to as all the "like herds" on display in just about every forum, typically comprised of one or two administrators/mods flanked by 3-5 loyal supporters who are quick to like any post made regardless of the substance of the matter to see this being played out day in and day out. It makes it hard to take them seriously, but to each his own, I suppose. Ultimately though, I give about 1.3 craps about what people choose to do with their free time and sometimes feeling like I am back in highschool is kind of fun, like oh my god totes.

Sadly, the collateral damage the current system produces has given rise to a departure of many awesome and consistently contributing members such as this thread's namesake.

In order to become a mod, you have to be verified or whatever. So what ends up happening is that the mods/admin all come to know each other on a much more formal basis often times behind the scenes and IRL. This necessarily produces an "us versus them" mentality by its very nature with one consequence being how admin action is metted out. If you are naiive to think this is not the case, PM me because there is a beautiful bridge I'd like to sell you.
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@Affiche you may very well have a point. I don't participate much in the more controversial threads, so I personally don't really see it, but I wouldn't go as far as to claim that means it's not there.
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You basically took the words out of my mouth. I think we like to think that the rules are applied equally and consistently, and while that is the ideal to aspire to, we ultimately fall flat of that goal.

Favoritism is widespread, and all you have to do is follow what I refer to as all the "like herds" on display in just about every forum, typically comprised of one or two administrators/mods flanked by 3-5 loyal supporters who are quick to like any post made regardless of the substance of the matter to see this being played out day in and day out. It makes it hard to take them seriously, but to each his own, I suppose. Ultimately though, I give about 1.3 craps about what people choose to do with their free time and sometimes feeling like I am back in highschool is kind of fun, like oh my god totes.

Sadly, the collateral damage the current system produces has given rise to a departure of many awesome and consistently contributing members such as this thread's namesake.

In order to become a mod, you have to be verified or whatever. So what ends up happening is that the mods/admin all come to know each other on a much more formal basis often times behind the scenes and IRL. This necessarily produces an "us versus them" mentality by its very nature with one consequence being how admin action is metted out. If you are naiive to think this is not the case, PM me because there is a beautiful bridge I'd like to sell you.

Aww don't be mad that your posts don't get enough likes.

It's just because they aren't very helpful or interesting, not because of a conspiracy of like-gangs going around.
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Aww don't be mad that your posts don't get enough likes.

It's just because they aren't very helpful or interesting, not because of a conspiracy of like-gangs going around.

Goro would probably be on probation/account hold for such a post (which I find pretty funny actually). I doubt anything will happen to you, though, and that is after all my point. Thanks for your help.

Also, if you get 100,000 likes from the same 5 people...would you call that a counfounding factor for "usefulness"? Raises question of quality vs. quantity, which is where a "dislike" button would come in handy, maybe?
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17-18 cycle applicants will most likely freak out during June-July bridge..
Don't take a break Goro, PM'ing is alright but if you post something that others can see, then you'll have less repetitive questions.
Also, lurkers can see your remarks and learn from it.
Seriously, "Der Trumppenfuhrer" shouldn't put someone in probation. Just saying.
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Aww don't be mad that your posts don't get enough likes.

It's just because they aren't very helpful or interesting, not because of a conspiracy of like-gangs going around.

Some of the most helpful quotes to me on SDN didn't have many likes. If other posters don't realize it, its their loss.
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Some of the most helpful quotes to me on SDN didn't have many likes. If other posters don't realize it, its their loss.

Bingo. Some folks think SDN is a popularity contest.

I really want to like your post though...can I?

Also, it will be interesting to note that some of the lowest post/like ratio accounts belong to admin/mods. Whoops...open mouth insert foot.
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Bingo. Some folks think SDN is a popularity contest.

I really want to like your post though...can I?

Also, it will be interesting to note that some of the lowest post/like ratio accounts belong to admin/mods. Whoops...open mouth insert foot.

Sure, if I can like your post. haha
You basically took the words out of my mouth. I think we like to think that the rules are applied equally and consistently, and while that is the ideal to aspire to, we ultimately fall flat of that goal.

Favoritism is widespread, and all you have to do is follow what I refer to as all the "like herds" on display in just about every forum, typically comprised of one or two administrators/mods flanked by 3-5 loyal supporters who are quick to like any post made regardless of the substance of the matter to see this being played out day in and day out. It makes it hard to take them seriously, but to each his own, I suppose. Ultimately though, I give about 1.3 craps about what people choose to do with their free time and sometimes feeling like I am back in highschool is kind of fun, like oh my god totes.

Sadly, the collateral damage the current system produces has given rise to a departure of many awesome and consistently contributing members such as this thread's namesake.

In order to become a mod, you have to be verified or whatever. So what ends up happening is that the mods/admin all come to know each other on a much more formal basis often times behind the scenes and IRL. This necessarily produces an "us versus them" mentality by its very nature with one consequence being how admin action is metted out. If you are naiive to think this is not the case, PM me because there is a beautiful bridge I'd like to sell you.
Wait...I just read your profile page....you're an MD/PhD student at Rochester? You're not still in High School/UGrad??????
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They've all been rude, arrogant, abusive *sshats to users on many occasions...
That was pretty damn uncalled for. The moderators here do a pretty good job, it's just most of it is happening behind the scenes. I don't agree with every decision they make, but this is by far the best moderated forum I've ever been a part of.
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That was pretty damn uncalled for. The moderators here do a pretty good job, it's just most of it is happening behind the scenes. I don't agree with every decision they make, but this is by far the best moderated forum I've ever been a part of.
You don't think it's overmodded at all, MadJack? I thought you did?
( Yeah calling them those things was uncalled for, but I thought the mods on here did not do a good job, even you do respect them.)
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It's human to be rude sometimes.

The problem is that in order to be a mod/admin, you are "held to a higher standard" which means you have to stop being directly rude to other people on SDN. Instead, with the newly found power bestowed upon them, mods find creative ways to make a post they don't like (or a member they don't like) fall within the very vague TOS violation umbrealla. Knowing members have no recourse whatsoever, mods pretty much can behave with impunity.

I mean, I can argue that any poster in this thread has violated some TOS, and if I were a mod, there is nothing you could do about it other than grab your ankles, and when you have had enough ankle grabbing, you leave SDN (like many have and are doing).
I think you're being a bit hyperbolic and unreasonable about things. They aren't some power tripping dinguses, they're people who are doing the best they can with the rules they've been given to enforce. You think they don't like Goro? You think they felt one way or another about Jalby? That's not the reality of the situation. They're just trying to uphold a high standard of uniform moderation to all users, even the ones people like.

I think they might take things too far on occasion, but they don't do it because they're evil or something, they do it because they simply have a different vision of what good moderation is than you or I do. Chill with the villification.
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You don't think it's overmodded at all, MadJack? I thought you did?
( Yeah calling them those things was uncalled for, but I thought the mods on here did not do a good job, even you do respect them.)
Here's the thing- they just have a different opinion on moderation than I do. I'm more... Libertarian in my philosophy, but this isn't my site, it's theirs, and they have a vision for what they want it to be. I get it- wouldn't you be frustrated knowing that the site you work so hard to moderate for free had a reputation as a hive of toxic scum and villainy? They're trying to change that. Personally, I liked my wretched hive, but I was squatting, and the landlords have come to evict.
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That was pretty damn uncalled for. The moderators here do a pretty good job, it's just most of it is happening behind the scenes. I don't agree with every decision they make, but this is by far the best moderated forum I've ever been a part of.
Never said they do a bad job at modding. Though all the times I've seen them be just straight up nasty to people who were making simple jokes or asking simple questions were uncalled for.
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I think you're betting a bit hyperbolic and unreasonable about things. They aren't some power tripping dinguses, they're people who are doing the best they can with the rules they've been given to enforce. You think they don't like Goro? You think they felt one way or another about Jalby? That's not the reality of the situation. They're just trying to uphold a high standard of uniform moderation to all users, even the ones people like.

I think they might take things too far on occasion, but they don't do it because they're evil or something, they do it because they simply have a different vision of what good moderation is than you or I do. Chill with the villification.
Not like any of this drama actually means anything, though.
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As someone who just went through this yoyo of an admission cycle, I can't imagine how much harder it would have been without people like Goro, and if I'm being honest, I can't think of one mod who personally contributed to my success, or any of my friends' for that matter so it really is a shame for Goro to take a break at this time.

That said, enjoy your time off Goro. Maybe you can take a few of mods with you seeing as some could use a break too.
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As someone who just went through this yoyo of an admission cycle, I can't imagine how much harder it would have been without people like Goro, and if I'm being honest, I can't think of one mod who personally contributed to my success, or any of my friends' for that matter so it really is a shame for Goro to take a break at this time.

That said, enjoy your time off Goro. Maybe you can take a few of mods with you seeing as some could use a break too.

The mods run the site. Keeping the site alive and providing the forum for you to be able to be helped by people like Goro is itself helping you. Without SDN, you would not have had the venue to receive that help. I don't know specifics, but I am sure it costs tons of money and lots of volunteer work and effort to keep a site like SDN and as safe for everyone as possible.

Unfortunately, my point which may be lost on some, is that the moderation is creating an exodus of people like Goro!
The mods run the site. Keeping the site alive and providing the forum for you to be able to be helped by people like Goro is itself helping you. Without SDN, you would not have had the venue to receive that help. I don't know specifics, but I am sure it costs tons of money and lots of volunteer work and effort to keep a site like SDN and as safe for everyone as possible.

Unfortunately, my point which may be lost on some, is that the moderation is creating an exodus of people like Goro!
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Is there any transparency here? The mods are just puppets, who is the puppet master? Who is the big bad behind the scenes that is pulling all the strings? Yeah people aren't treated equally here that has never been the case, people with conservative leaning opinions are treated a lot better. Putting a guy on probation for criticizing Trump is the most snowflake-ish thing I have ever seen.
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Is there any transparency here? The mods are just puppets, who is the puppet master? Who is the big bad behind the scenes that is pulling all the strings? Yeah people aren't treated equally here that has never been the case, people with conservative leaning opinions are treated a lot better. Putting a guy on probation for criticizing Trump is the most snowflake-ish thing I have ever seen.

What? People with conservative opinions are treated better but this whole hullabaloo is because someone criticized trump?

At least be internally consistent people.

And for the record the puppet master is @Winged Scapula. Some may say it's @Lee but that's just what she wants you to think.
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Goro would probably be on probation/account hold for such a post (which I find pretty funny actually). I doubt anything will happen to you, though, and that is after all my point. Thanks for your help.

Also, if you get 100,000 likes from the same 5 people...would you call that a counfounding factor for "usefulness"? Raises question of quality vs. quantity, which is where a "dislike" button would come in handy, maybe?

The mods run the site. Keeping the site alive and providing the forum for you to be able to be helped by people like Goro is itself helping you. Without SDN, you would not have had the venue to receive that help. I don't know specifics, but I am sure it costs tons of money and lots of volunteer work and effort to keep a site like SDN and as safe for everyone as possible.

Unfortunately, my point which may be lost on some, is that the moderation is creating an exodus of people like Goro!

Like literally what are you smoking?

If there was ever an example of someone who's benefited from "likes" and suck-ups and/or possibly received special dispensation from the mods, it's Goro. He's not some counter-culture figure. He has the second most likes of any poster on this site, and he has a gaggle of pre-meds who consider his every post gospel.

He got overly sensitive that the mods have finally started asking him to rein in some of his excesses and took his ball and went home.

IMHO the site is overall better with him than without (esp when he makes most of his posts in the pre-med world where he has the most to contribute), but either way it will all be okay.
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Like literally what are you smoking?

If there was ever an example of someone who's benefited from "likes" and suck-ups and/or possibly received special dispensation from the mods, it's Goro. He's not some counter-culture figure. He has the second most likes of any poster on this site, and he has a gaggle of pre-meds who consider his every post gospel.

He got overly sensitive that the mods have finally started asking him to rein in some of his excesses and took his ball and went home.

IMHO the site is overall better with him than without (esp when he makes most of his posts in the pre-med world where he has the most to contribute), but either way it will all be okay.
Tbh he's like the only one who has the patience to consistently counsel pre-meds lol.

But do you honestly think that if his comments were made by a non-adcom he would be on probation? I don't. I think because he's an adcom he's expected to always comment as such, giving out advice and maintaining a level of professionalism that most of us don't. The things Goro has been put on probation for should have been resolved via PMing him about it and deleting his comments, as they weren't even that offensive.

In any case, Goro walked me through my application cycle and through a particularly difficult time during my M1 year. Mods are replaceable, but the dedication to mentoring (even through a forum, ffs) that he has isn't. I could give two ****s about his opinion on Penn State or politics because he's human and we can disagree, and we do quite a bit, but it's never interfered with his contributions to this site and that's what we're all annoyed with.
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Like literally what are you smoking?

If there was ever an example of someone who's benefited from "likes" and suck-ups and/or possibly received special dispensation from the mods, it's Goro. He's not some counter-culture figure. He has the second most likes of any poster on this site, and he has a gaggle of pre-meds who consider his every post gospel.

He got overly sensitive that the mods have finally started asking him to rein in some of his excesses and took his ball and went home.

IMHO the site is overall better with him than without (esp when he makes most of his posts in the pre-med world where he has the most to contribute), but either way it will all be okay.

Goro has helped thousands of members. And yes, his posts/comments sometimes cross the line, perhaps at an increased frequency than most. Such is life. There is always a price to pay, and nobody is perfect.

But if I were to take all of his contributions and weigh them against the hiccups along the way, would you agree with me that the contributions would far outweigh the hiccups?

Sure, it is a balancing act, but the net result of losing Goro will be an overall big loss for SDN. Period.

Edit: I don't smoke.
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Tbh he's like the only one who has the patience to consistently counsel pre-meds lol.

But do you honestly think that if his comments were made by a non-adcom he would be on probation? I don't. I think because he's an adcom he's expected to always comment as such, giving out advice and maintaining a level of professionalism that most of us don't. The things Goro has been put on probation for should have been resolved via PMing him about it and deleting his comments, as they weren't even that offensive.

In any case, Goro walked me through my application cycle and through a particularly difficult time during my M1 year. Mods are replaceable, but the dedication to mentoring (even through a forum, ffs) that he has isn't. I could give two ****s about his opinion on Penn State or politics because he's human and we can disagree, and we do quite a bit, but it's never interfered with his contributions to this site and that's what we're all annoyed with.
Woah. Never thought about it like that. That makes a lot more sense now....
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But do you honestly think that if his comments were made by a non-adcom he would be on probation? I don't. I think because he's an adcom he's expected to always comment as such, giving out advice and maintaining a level of professionalism that most of us don't. The things Goro has been put on probation for should have been resolved via PMing him about it and deleting his comments, as they weren't even that offensive.

Like I said I think if he weren't "Goro" he would have earned at least one suspension by now.
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OMG, really? See people just spend too much of their precious time on the Internet and social media. Taking a break from social media is a good thing. Really, there is much to live for outside of it.

I mean, who really cares?

We all have to take the hits from time to time for having the temerity to have an opinion or perhaps overreacting. There are things Goro says with which I don't always agree. He has the right to speak freely, but at the same time, @SouthernSurgeon is right. Everyone ideally should be held to the same standards.

I thought the idea is that we all have to be tolerant and respectful of each other, regardless of how we differ politically or otherwise. You become too much of a political junky one way or the other, you can lose balance and the ability to reason from the other person's perspective. It's why I love the Godfather movies. I always learn something from them. "Never hate your enemies; it affects your judgment."(Michael Corleone character) People get all political and they start hating on others and it shows in their online interactions.

Nothing earthshaking here. He's taking a break and will come back refreshed, perhaps with a more tolerant perspective. What's wrong with that?
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Guys, guys, GUYS - take it ease. Take it ease. Goro didn't say he was quitting; all he said is that for this upcoming month, he's taking a break from SDN. There's probably a small part of him that was going to take a break anyway before the probationary status from the mods happened. He answers thousands of repetitive questions from the most self-centered, assinine, whiny bunch of students - pre-meds. He's tired of having to explain the same stuff over and over to these thickheaded students (myself included haha). He was probably going to take a break at some point, this instance just made it sooner rather than later. We could even say the mods putting him back on probationary status was a catalyst for Goro taking a break...in that it lowered the activation energy for the reaction:

Goro-SDN --> Goro + SDN

*ba dum tss* (Sorry, I'm just loopy from studying 24/7).

I agree, it sucks he won't be around for a little bit and maybe the mods were being harsh. However, I don't think we should be saying things like:

A lot of the mods need to be fired

Its not an easy job policing people around, especially on an anonymous forum. Having been a mod for another organization, I'm speaking from experience. Within a very short time frame, all hell can break loose. If you think SDN sucks with mods, imagine it without mods (basically 4chan...). The mods jobs are to make sure this stuff doesn't happen. I'm assuming the decision to reprimand goro wasn't made all willynilly either by some snot nosed immature mod. This isn't how these things go down.

I digress; I think we all have an important duty with @Goro gone for the month.

Under the WAMC subforum, when we see students applying MD+DO, or DO entirely, we need to comment this on his behalf:

"Any DO program. I can't recommend Touro-NY, or LUCOM, for different reasons"
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Anyone offended by Goro's use of the word Der Trumpenfuhrer and feel it is dishonoring those who died in the Holocaust are missing the point entirely! Trump could easily become OUR Hitler. People need to have their eyes wide open to many of the things he is doing/trying to do. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

That being said, have a nice vacation @Goro , you deserve a nice break from the neurotic premeds, and the holier-than-thou posters.
Let's keep politics out of this thread, please. It's the reason @Goro received an all expenses paid vacation to the Ban-ary Islands.

Political BS is ruining everything in the US today, including SDN.
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