The Ultimate 2020 Election / Politics / General News Thread

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With the recent pickup in COVID this may be a good time to actually re-purpose the ultimate COVID thread for actual COVID related posts and shift all the politics, protests, and other news posts into a separate area.



I think AZ, TX, FL, GA, and OH will still ultimately break for trump, but Michigan and Wisconsin which were part of the supposed 2016 dem firewall are currently pulling hard to blue However, PA and NC are definitely in play and are true tossups. It's still only June and things have been known to change well into October, but barring a turnaround of COVID and the economy it may not be looking good for trump.

Also, here's a bonus article from this morning describing how trump just tweeted a video where some guy yells "white power" and then subsequently trump deleted the tweet and claimed he didn't hear white power even though the guy yells white power twice in the first eight seconds.. Classic Donald!

Bonus bonus

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White power tweet was probably used to distract from getting busted on permitting Russia to put bounties on US Troops.
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Just going to leave this here whenever police reforms topic is brought up

"Abolish police unions, eliminate qualified immunity and end the war on drugs now."

Also Trump bad.
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If we decided as a nation to have a fair primary and general election, then we might have dramatically different results.

Primaries are spread out over months, to the point that in some cases (like this year), not even half the delegates were decided by the early states before the Dems reduced to a single candidate. All the later states had ZERO impact at all on who the candidate was for the Dems. On the Repub side it was even worse, without even giving a choice to the public. Some states did not have primaries at all for the Republicans. Fewer and fewer people are making choices for the entire party under this current spread-out primary system.

The general election is marred by an electoral college (yes, I know that term is not in the Constitution) that is not as designed by the writers of the Constitution- the current winner take all system. This is something the Dems and Repubs at the state legislature level have crafted and changed over the past 200 years to lock out third party candidates, making it mathematically impossible for a third party to ever win the presidency. Proportional voting for electors was the norm initially with electors split mathematically along the line of the popular vote. Over time, the major two parties created a perverse system where states with smaller populations effectively have votes that are worth more than larger states, and are resulting in elections where the electors vote one direction and the public another. This was not the original design. People are quick to jump on the electoral college system needing elimination, but as it was set up, it was proportional to the popular vote. What we need is state legislatures that are not so hell-bent on keeping two parties in power forever, and will return to proportional voting of electors, returning power back to the people in the 48 states that have winner-take-all designation of presidential electors.
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White power tweet was probably used to distract from getting busted on permitting Russia to put bounties on US Troops.

And a dog whistle to his base. Doesn’t matter that he deleted it. It served its purpose.
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And a dog whistle to his base. Doesn’t matter that he deleted it. It served its purpose.

I'm pretty sure that's a bullhorn, not a dog whistle.

In other news, Roberts joining the liberal side again

B-b-b but Susan Collins told us Kavanaugh assured her he would respect Roe precedent. Her senate seat was already in some trouble before but this might be enough to put her no-name D challenger over the top.
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Abortion is not a Black/White racial issue. It is a Conservative Issue where ALL LIFE MATTERS. Back in the 1850s when White Abolitionists risked their lives to smuggle slaves to freedom they did so out of a moral, ethical belief that slavery was wrong. Today, many feel that same moral belief about abortion.

Abortion is not just a woman’s issue. It’s a human rights issue.

Today, with more than 28% of all black pregnancies ending in induced abortion, it is a human crisis.

Abortion is the number one killer of black lives in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, abortion kills more black people than HIV, homicide, diabetes, accident, cancer, and heart disease … combined.

In 2014, African-American women comprised 13.3% of the U.S. population, but black women had 36% of all abortions.

Visit the websites below to learn more about the genocide of black babies in America.

As far as this election goes I think Trump is going to lose to Biden "Bigly" this November. I am uncertain whether the Dems take control of the Senate but my hunch is they will do so as well.

Now, don't mistake my pragmatic assessment as one that is happy about losing the Senate. I am no fan of "progressive" ideology as much of it is marxist/socialist in nature and will lead to a much weaker America. Free Market Capitalism is what got us here to be the greatest nation on earth and socialist policies with redistribution of wealth will be this nation's undoing. Every nation has its rise and fall. Clearly, this nation is in decline and no amount of "progressive" ideology can alter the fact that socialism doesn't work.

Rather than repeating the mistakes of previous administrations what is needed is bold leadership. The type of leadership where the debt of this nation is addressed and people are free under the law to pursue their own vision of happiness without government intervention. I have said over and over again that government isn't the solution it is the cause of many of problems. The more the free market is allowed to work untethered by regulation and restrictions the better the economy of our nation. Sadly, once a people turns to its government to provide for most of their needs that signals the end is near for that democracy.
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Here are 2 liberal Democrats who have decided that the Mob isn't going to damage their property. This is what will happen if you defund the police.
I still doubt they will be voting for Trump this November.


"A mob of at least 100 smashed through the historic wrought iron gates of Portland Place, destroying them, rushed towards my home where my family was having dinner outside and put us in fear of our lives,” Mark McCloskey told the TV station.

Abortion is not a Black/White racial issue. It is a Conservative Issue where ALL LIFE MATTERS. Back in the 1850s when White Abolitionists risked their lives to smuggle slaves to freedom they did so out of a moral, ethical belief that slavery was wrong. Today, many feel that same moral belief about abortion.

Abortion is not just a woman’s issue. It’s a human rights issue.

Today, with more than 28% of all black pregnancies ending in induced abortion, it is a human crisis.

Abortion is the number one killer of black lives in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, abortion kills more black people than HIV, homicide, diabetes, accident, cancer, and heart disease … combined.

In 2014, African-American women comprised 13.3% of the U.S. population, but black women had 36% of all abortions.

Visit the websites below to learn more about the genocide of black babies in America.

please do not equate white abolitionists with anything related to abortion. They’re totally unrelated. Whites in the era of slavery certainly MAY (I honestly don’t believe it, but at best it’s a very long stretch) have believed all lives matter, but most whites especially in the South (where this argument really matters) were born and bred Southern Baptists and among other wrong beliefs believed that slavery was in the hands of God and only God, and they were following God’s will with regard to slavery. They actually believed slavery was good for black people. Robert E. Lee absolutely falls into this category.

But there’s absolutely nothing that says conservatives of the time (Democrats then....) believed in the sanctity of all lives and that’s why they were against slavery then and abortion today. It’s absolutely not true.

I have no problem believing that you yourself believe all lives matter and that’s why you’re against abortion. However the argument falls completely apart as Republicans have no desire whatsoever to support those lives when they’re born into far from ideal situations
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please do not equate white abolitionists with anything related to abortion. They’re totally unrelated. Whites in the era of slavery certainly MAY (I honestly don’t believe it, but at best it’s a very long stretch) have believed all lives matter, but most whites especially in the South (where this argument really matters) where born and bred Southern Baptists and among other wrong beliefs believed that slavery was in the hands of God and only God, and they were following God’s will with regard to slavery. They actually believed slavery was good for black people. Robert E. Lee absolutely falls into this category.

But there’s absolutely nothing that says conservatives of the time (Democrats then....) believed in the sanctity of all lives and that’s why they were against slavery then and abortion today. It’s absolutely not true.

I have no problem believing that you yourself believe all lives matter and that’s why you’re against abortion. However the argument falls completely apart as Republicans have no desire whatsoever to support those lives when they’re born into far from ideal situations

So when did the "switch" happen for conservatives from democrat to republicans and vice versa for liberals happen? How did people know to do this and who told them? Was there actual evidence of voters switching? I truly am asking to be more enlightened because I believe people are more informed on here and less likely to repeat unsubstantiated information. And I trust what is said on here more than the biased news or internet.
So when did the "switch" happen for conservatives from democrat to republicans and vice versa for liberals happen? How did people know to do this and who told them? Was there actual evidence of voters switching? I truly am asking to be more enlightened because I believe people are more informed on here and less likely to repeat unsubstantiated information. And I trust what is said on here more than the biased news or internet.

generally speaking the switch started during FDR and the New Deal and finished up with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
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As far as this election goes I think Trump is going to lose to Biden "Bigly" this November. I am uncertain whether the Dems take control of the Senate but my hunch is they will do so as well.

Now, don't mistake my pragmatic assessment as one that is happy about losing the Senate. I am no fan of "progressive" ideology as much of it is marxist/socialist in nature and will lead to a much weaker America. Free Market Capitalism is what got us here to be the greatest nation on earth and socialist policies with redistribution of wealth will be this nation's undoing. Every nation has its rise and fall. Clearly, this nation is in decline and no amount of "progressive" ideology can alter the fact that socialism doesn't work.

Rather than repeating the mistakes of previous administrations what is needed is bold leadership. The type of leadership where the debt of this nation is addressed and people are free under the law to pursue their own vision of happiness without government intervention. I have said over and over again that government isn't the solution it is the cause of many of problems. The more the free market is allowed to work untethered by regulation and restrictions the better the economy of our nation. Sadly, once a people turns to its government to provide for most of their needs that signals the end is near for that democracy.

I’m a resident of an old industrial blue state with high taxes and a lot of debt. Beyond the COVID and social unrest, selfishly there are two things that make me nervous about a democratic president and senate:

1) tax plans - if they raise rates and bring back SALT it will only encourage blue states to keep raising property and state tax rates

2) bailout of indebted blue states: COVID has CA, NY, NJ etc beating the drum to nationalize their state debts that are built on years of reckless pension promises to unions and civil employees. This would be especially egregious if it is done without any pension reform or reduction of benefits.

Having watched how machine controlled states operate for years, I believe giving them this infusion of cash would be the end of all financial responsibility in the public sector. It’s also totally unfair to the teachers, firemen etc living in red states who will never see a fraction of the pensions most of these guys get, much less unfair to the American people as a whole if they have to pick up the tab without any compromise.
So when did the "switch" happen for conservatives from democrat to republicans and vice versa for liberals happen? How did people know to do this and who told them? Was there actual evidence of voters switching? I truly am asking to be more enlightened because I believe people are more informed on here and less likely to repeat unsubstantiated information. And I trust what is said on here more than the biased news or internet.

It's shocking to me that dems and repubs "switching" as far as race relations isn't common knowledge to the point that even asking about the switch isn't ridiculous.

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Abortion is not a Black/White racial issue. It is a Conservative Issue where ALL LIFE MATTERS. Back in the 1850s when White Abolitionists risked their lives to smuggle slaves to freedom they did so out of a moral, ethical belief that slavery was wrong. Today, many feel that same moral belief about abortion.

Abortion is not just a woman’s issue. It’s a human rights issue.

Today, with more than 28% of all black pregnancies ending in induced abortion, it is a human crisis.

Abortion is the number one killer of black lives in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, abortion kills more black people than HIV, homicide, diabetes, accident, cancer, and heart disease … combined.

In 2014, African-American women comprised 13.3% of the U.S. population, but black women had 36% of all abortions.

Visit the websites below to learn more about the genocide of black babies in America.

Firstly, I never said anything about abortion necessarily being a black or white issue- I just posted about kavanaugh and Collins?

Secondly, the rest of your post is straight up *****ic Mikkel level trolling nonsense. If conservatives want to limit abortion then they should actually try to take care of the most needy babies and mothers instead of actively destroying medicaid/wic/universal pre-k/etc
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I’m a resident of an old industrial blue state with high taxes and a lot of debt. Beyond the COVID and social unrest, selfishly there are two things that make me nervous about a democratic president and senate:

1) tax plans - if they raise rates and bring back SALT it will only encourage blue states to keep raising property and state tax rates

2) bailout of indebted blue states: COVID has CA, NY, NJ etc beating the drum to nationalize their state debts that are built on years of reckless pension promises to unions and civil employees. This would be especially egregious if it is done without any pension reform or reduction of benefits.

Having watched how machine controlled states operate for years, I believe giving them this infusion of cash would be the end of all financial responsibility in the public sector. It’s also totally unfair to the teachers, firemen etc living in red states who will never see a fraction of the pensions most of these guys get, much less unfair to the American people as a whole if they have to pick up the tab without any compromise.

whats wrong with bringing back salt . would make living in ny less miserable.

not sure what they will do with the massive pension spendings in those states. the unions are simply too powerful. sucks for the state
whats wrong with bringing back salt . would make living in ny less miserable.

I actually came out ahead without SALT (living in a high tax state) because of the changes to the AMT.
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please do not equate white abolitionists with anything related to abortion. They’re totally unrelated. Whites in the era of slavery certainly MAY (I honestly don’t believe it, but at best it’s a very long stretch) have believed all lives matter, but most whites especially in the South (where this argument really matters) where born and bred Southern Baptists and among other wrong beliefs believed that slavery was in the hands of God and only God, and they were following God’s will with regard to slavery. They actually believed slavery was good for black people. Robert E. Lee absolutely falls into this category.

But there’s absolutely nothing that says conservatives of the time (Democrats then....) believed in the sanctity of all lives and that’s why they were against slavery then and abortion today. It’s absolutely not true.

I have no problem believing that you yourself believe all lives matter and that’s why you’re against abortion. However the argument falls completely apart as Republicans have no desire whatsoever to support those lives when they’re born into far from ideal situations

I am not talking about party lines here. I am talking about ones view of life and freedom. There were many abolitionists at the time who "broke the law" because of their view of slavery as a moral "sin." Today, there are more than a few from both parties who view "abortion" as the taking of a life. Rather than look at this as Democrat vs Republican I urge one to view it from a different perspective. If Black Lives Matter, and they do of course, then the killing of black babies in utero is the most abhorrent racist practice our time.
Firstly, I never said anything about abortion necessarily being a black or white issue- I just posted about kavanaugh and Collins?

Secondly, the rest of your post is straight up *****ic Mikkel level trolling nonsense. If conservatives want to limit abortion then they should actually try to take care of the most needy babies and mothers instead of actively destroying medicaid/wic/universal pre-k/etc

These are separate issues based on the one's belief concerning the role of government in our society. I believe in a hand-up not a hand-out and if after 50 years of hand-outs you don't know the difference then that speaks volumes about the left.

Government doling out taxpayer money in perpetuity has nothing to do with race and everything to do with control/dependence of a certain population.


Are you aware that when the U.K./England outlawed slavery the government compensated the OWNERS of slaves millions of dollars (in today's money) and gave the slaves nothing. This avoided any actual conflict among the citizens. Unfortunately, the USA couldn't agree on such compensation so we had 600,000 die as a result of the Civil War.

Throwing money at every problem doesn't necessarily solve it. The lack of a family structure is the number one reason for poverty and crime in the USA. If you truly want to solve the problem then don't reward behavior which promotes single parents who depend on government for survival.
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These are separate issues based on the one's belief concerning the role of government in our society.

You literally could not be more wrong. Poverty is one of the greatest predictors of abortion frequency, and indeed many times the abortion rate will rise amongst the poor even when it's falling elsewhere. Women of color are more likely to be in lower socioeconomic brackets so if there is not a robust social safety net then....put 2 and 2 together.....

Are you aware that when the U.K./England outlawed slavery the government compensated the OWNERS of slaves millions of dollars (in today's money) and gave the slaves nothing. This avoided any actual conflict among the citizens. Unfortunately, the USA couldn't agree on such compensation so we had 600,000 die as a result of the Civil War.

Throwing money at every problem doesn't necessarily solve it. The lack of a family structure is the number one reason for poverty and crime in the USA. If you truly want to solve the problem then don't reward behavior which promotes single parents who depend on government for survival.

As much as you want to approach the issue with some antiquated biblical version of morality, the human sex drive is biology, pure and simple. These babies are going to be conceived one way or another, and every approach involving abstinence or "take away their benefits and they'll stop having kids" has failed.
You literally could not be more wrong. Poverty is one of the greatest predictors of abortion frequency, and indeed many times the abortion rate will rise amongst the poor even when it's falling elsewhere. Women of color are more likely to be in lower socioeconomic brackets so if there is not a robust social safety net then....put 2 and 2 together.....

Again, the answer is Birth Control not abortion. Look at this statistic from the Washington Post. We, as a society, are promoting single parents in America.

In 2010, 72 percent of black births were to unmarried women, up from 38 percent in 1970; for Hispanics, that rate was 53 percent in 2010, up from 37 percent in 1990; for whites, 36 percent in 2010 and 6 percent in 1970.
As much as you want to approach the issue with some antiquated biblical version of morality, the human sex drive is biology, pure and simple. These babies are going to be conceived one way or another, and every approach involving abstinence or "take away their benefits and they'll stop having kids" has failed.

After your "Great Society" handouts were created the statistics prove single parent households went up not down. We should be rewarding Birth Control and Family structure not abortion and single parenthood.
Again, the answer is Birth Control not abortion. Look at this statistic from the Washington Post. We, as a society, are promoting single parents in America.

In 2010, 72 percent of black births were to unmarried women, up from 38 percent in 1970; for Hispanics, that rate was 53 percent in 2010, up from 37 percent in 1990; for whites, 36 percent in 2010 and 6 percent in 1970.

I'll say it for you very simply:

Outlawing abortion does not solve the problem. These babies will still be conceived and mothers will seek unsafe back alley abortions.

Destroying the social safety net does not solve the problem. These babies will still be born to single mothers but they will be born with a socioeconomic handicap and likely be part of the propagation of multigenerational poverty.
After your "Great Society" handouts were created the statistics prove single parent households went up not down. We should be rewarding Birth Control and Family structure not abortion and single parenthood.

I'm all for birth control. Remind me again, which party is making it more difficult vs more easy to get?
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After your "Great Society" handouts were created the statistics prove single parent households went up not down. We should be rewarding Birth Control and Family structure not abortion and single parenthood.

Please stop getting your "data" from facebook memes

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As much as you want to approach the issue with some antiquated biblical version of morality, the human sex drive is biology, pure and simple. These babies are going to be conceived one way or another, and every approach involving abstinence or "take away their benefits and they'll stop having kids" has failed.

I'll say it for you very simply:

Outlawing abortion does not solve the problem. These babies will still be conceived and mothers will seek unsafe back alley abortions.

Destroying the social safety net does not solve the problem. These babies will still be born to single mothers but they will be born with a social handicap and likely be part of the propagation of multigenerational poverty.

If one believes Abortion is murder then he/she is obliged to stand against it. But, we should at least encourage birth control and dare I say, make getting an abortion just slightly more difficult than buying a hamburger at Wendys.

What we are doing now is NOT working. The statistics prove it. But, pre-1970 communities of color recognized the role of Family and Church in their daily lives. The destruction of the family and with it, moral values, has led us to where we are now.
I'll say it for you very simply:

Outlawing abortion does not solve the problem. These babies will still be conceived and mothers will seek unsafe back alley abortions.

Destroying the social safety net does not solve the problem. These babies will still be born to single mothers but they will be born with a social handicap and likely be part of the propagation of multigenerational poverty.

If one believes Abortion is murder then he/she is obliged to stand against it. But, we should at least encourage birth control and dare I say, make getting an abortion just slightly more difficult than buying a hamburger at Wendys.

What we are doing now is NOT working. The statistics prove it. But, pre-1970 communities of color recognized the role of Family and Church in their daily lives. The destruction of the family and with it, moral values, has led us to where we are now.

Your flippancy at how easy you think the decision is for pregnant mothers informs everyone how seriously they should take your opinion (not very).

I agree we should be encouraging care systems for children where there is more support than just a single parent. Banning abortion does not do this. Defunding medicaid/chip/wic does not do this. Those things are just a cruel way to punish single mothers and children without tackling the underlying issues. Thinking you can destroy the social safety and then we'll magically return to the 1950s is magical level MAGA thinking.
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If one believes Abortion is murder then he/she is obliged to stand against it. But, we should at least encourage birth control and dare I say, make getting an abortion just slightly more difficult than buying a hamburger at Wendys.

What we are doing now is NOT working. The statistics prove it. But, pre-1970 communities of color recognized the role of Family and Church in their daily lives. The destruction of the family and with it, moral values, has led us to where we are now.

Your flippancy at how easy you think the decision is for pregnant mothers informs everyone how seriously they should take your opinion (not very).

I agree we should be encouraging care systems for children where they more support than just a single parent. Thinking you can destroy the social safety and then we'll magically return to the 1950s is magical level MAGA thinking.

I find your ability to actually address the FACTS quite informative. I see no need to call you names as the statistics speak for themselves. I firmly believe that a lot of our social issues from murder to abortion could be addressed by restoring the family structure which no longer exists in many communities of color.
Your flippancy at how easy you think the decision is for pregnant mothers informs everyone how seriously they should take your opinion (not very).

I agree we should be encouraging care systems for children where they more support than just a single parent. Thinking you can destroy the social safety and then we'll magically return to the 1950s is magical level MAGA thinking.

I find your ability to actually address the FACTS quite informative. I see no need to call you names as the statistics speak for themselves. I firmly believe that a lot of our social issues from murder to abortion could be addressed by restoring the family structure which no longer exists in many communities of color.

What facts? You posted a HERITAGE foundation link that was the basis for a totally inaccurate facebook meme about LBJ/great society. Poverty and lack of education are what's responsible for single parenthood, and you are in favor of policies that increase poverty- plain and simple.

How exactly do you plan on "restoring the family structure" ? It's easy to share a buzz phrase without an actual plan
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I'll say it for you very simply:

Outlawing abortion does not solve the problem. These babies will still be conceived and mothers will seek unsafe back alley abortions.

Destroying the social safety net does not solve the problem. These babies will still be born to single mothers but they will be born with a social handicap and likely be part of the propagation of multigenerational poverty.

If one believes Abortion is murder then he/she is obliged to stand against it. But, we should at least encourage birth control and dare I say, make getting an abortion just slightly more difficult than buying a hamburger at Wendys.

What we are doing now is NOT working. The statistics prove it. But, pre-1970 communities of color recognized the role of Family and Church in their daily lives. The destruction of the family and with it, moral values, has led us to where we are now.

Depends on your definition of "working" The Number of abortions has been steadily going down. I am not sure if this is due to abortions being less accessible or some other reason(s).

I find your ability to actually address the FACTS quite informative. I see no need to call you names as the statistics speak for themselves. I firmly believe that a lot of our social issues from murder to abortion could be addressed by restoring the family structure which no longer exists in many communities of color.

What facts? You posted a HERITAGE foundation link that was the basis for a totally inaccurate facebook meme about LBJ/great society. Poverty and lack of education are what's responsible for single parenthood, and you are in favor of policies that increase poverty- plain and simple.

How exactly do you plan on "restoring the family structure" ? It's easy to share a buzz phrase without an actual plan

The Family structure was destroyed by the LEFT and until the Progressives realize that structure is vital to society we won't do a darn thing about it. Instead, AOC and Pelosi will pass more trillions in spending that we don't have to give the appearance that change is on the way. This is despite the fact that spending more money won't impact the issue in many communities.

The U.S. Currency is in trouble. Modern monetary theory has you believe that borrowing trillions more in debt won't affect your way of life. That is a lie. The U.S. dollar will lose its reserve status and then be devalued by 20-30%. This is the real price we will all pay for reckless spending.

What facts? You posted a HERITAGE foundation link that was the basis for a totally inaccurate facebook meme about LBJ/great society. Poverty and lack of education are what's responsible for single parenthood, and you are in favor of policies that increase poverty- plain and simple.

How exactly do you plan on "restoring the family structure" ? It's easy to share a buzz phrase without an actual plan

The Family structure was destroyed by the LEFT and until the Progressives realize that structure is vital to society we won't do a darn thing about it. Instead, AOC and Pelosi will pass more trillions in spending that we don't have to give the appearance that change is on the way. This is despite the fact that spending more money won't impact the issue in many communities.

The U.S. Currency is in trouble. Modern monetary theory has you believe that borrowing trillions more in debt won't affect your way of life. That is a lie. The U.S. dollar will its reserve status and then be devalued by 20-30%. This is the real price we will all pay for reckless spending.

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So, was there a plan in here somewhere for family structures or just random complaining about AOC and a non-sequitur segue to the national debt which has blown up under trump and a republican congress?
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