THE REAL OAT vs. Practice test


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10+ Year Member
Jan 14, 2010
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I just took the practice OAT test from the OAT website where you register.

I thought the thes was reallly easy. For people who already took the test, how does the real OAT compare to this practice test?

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I would say that the Opted test is a little easier compared to the real thing. I ended up getting a 340 on it.

I used the big Kaplan book to review for the test. On most of the practice test, I got around a 300 overall. Finally, I just took my OAT yesterday and got a 320! With that said, I think the Kaplan stuff makes their material slightly harder than the real thing. However, you should NEVER underestimate the real test.

Also, the Opted test uses the OLD scoring system. So what you may get on that practice test may not be the same as what you would get on the real thing.

I hope that helps!
I thought the practice test was a little easier than the real deal, just a matter of luck too I guess since the test is random, test day you might get one that tests areas you know or don't know. Another thing to consider is on the real test day, depending on how you handle stress it might be a good or bad thing. I scored around a 370's on the practice but got a 340 on the real thing. During the math section my mind was just worn out from the other sections and I made some really dumb mistakes. Mainly taking too long on questions that should have been skipped.
I got a 310 on QR which sucks because I scored a 370 on the practice test.
The same thing happened to me, peter. Since it was the last section and I didn't really sleep the night before my brain was....:sleep:....
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I never thought about the fact that the QR was at the end of the exam and that I do poorly because my brain is dead. I started out at 380 on Bio, but by the time I got to QR, I was 300 :-(

I can't say much for the practice test on opted because I never calculated my score after I practiced on it. But if you ever do kaplan, I would say that the real exam is easier than Kaplan makes it out to be. The hard part is being fast. Something about being on their goofy ass computers and using a stupid dry erase notepad slows you down even when you weren't slow in practice.