The Interview - what to expect?

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Jan 8, 2011
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I was wondering if anyone can offer advice on what to expect at the residency interview? I have a 3 hour interview scheduled - no presentation required and they did not ask me to bring anything....

Additionally, should I expect any human-resources related material, such as paperwork, health/drug screen, etc., or does that occur after Match?


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You can expect typical interview questions including: strength/weaknesses, why that program, why a residency, how do you deal with stress, etc.

You will probably get some general HR materials about benefits, but there shouldn't be any screens/physical until you've matched.
My interviews last year were all similar. Tour of the hospital and pharmacy, spend some time with the current resident(s), a case to workup, and interview questions with various people (director and preceptors). The interview questions were almost all behavioral/situational- tell me about a time when.... happened and what the outcome was. Sometimes each group/interviewer asked the same questions. Don't be afraid to take time to think of the best answer for a question, they're used to the silence. Other typical questions were about your ideal preceptor and ideal residency. Have an answer for "Tell me about yourself" and "Tell us something unique about yourself that nobody knows." Be prepared with questions for the current residents because that time might be completely unstructured. The hospital where I matched is where I hit it off with the current resident really well. It is very tiring, so get a good night of sleep. Sometimes you don't eat until the afternoon (or don't eat at all if it isn't a full day) so eat a big breakfast.

I didn't deal with any HR aspects until after the match. Each program did explain their benefits, but that was the extent of it.

Hope that helps! Good luck with your interviews!
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^how many did you apply to and how many did you interview at?

my problem is Id love to apply to as many residencies as possible, but I dont have the means to travel far away for the interview
^how many did you apply to and how many did you interview at?

my problem is Id love to apply to as many residencies as possible, but I dont have the means to travel far away for the interview

Interviews were costly because I only applied away from where I went to school. I don't remember how many programs I applied to, but I got offered 5 interviews and went to 4. I know that it might look bad canceling an interview, but I was just too worn out by it all and had found a few programs I really liked.

When scheduling interviews, remember the cost, amount of energy, and time away from rotations or work that is required. Don't take on more than you can afford.
With regard to the interview day, what did you take with you? I'm a female so is it okay if I have a small purse (not anything too flashy) with me to carry my keys, pens, and do you suggest I take my simple portfolio? Also, did you take your CV and/or business cards with you? Anything else?
With regard to the interview day, what did you take with you? I'm a female so is it okay if I have a small purse (not anything too flashy) with me to carry my keys, pens, and do you suggest I take my simple portfolio? Also, did you take your CV and/or business cards with you? Anything else?

A small purse and a simple portfolio is very reasonable. You may want to take notes during the interview. It couldn't hurt to have extra copies of your CV or business cards if you have them.
A small purse and a simple portfolio is very reasonable. You may want to take notes during the interview. It couldn't hurt to have extra copies of your CV or business cards if you have them.

Agreed. I would definitely bring extra copies of your CV, especially if it changed since your application.
has any1 been asked drug knowledge related questions on the interview?
has any1 been asked drug knowledge related questions on the interview?

ive been told to expect discussion on a patient case at an upcoming interview. not sure what that will entail.
A number of the programs I interviewed with last year had a patient case workup/presentation.

What materials did you have an access to during the cases? Micromedex? Uptodate?
is this something they tell you ahead of time to prepare? like, can I ask them if I should expect one?