"That Crack is Whack!"

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Chronically painful
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Nov 27, 2002
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Very weird situation for me a few days ago. 40ish YO F comes in with acute allergic reaction and minor lip burns after smoking crack. Patient was very up front about what she was doing and was annoyed when it was explained that we couldn't analyze her blood to see which particular additive caused the reaction. She was complaining about that so much that I suggested (with a straight face I might add, you should all be proud) that if she was that concerned she should take a sample to the police and see if thier lab could figure it out. Fortunately that ended that discussion.

It got really strange when one of the nurses asked the patient (as a joke) if she had gotten the crack from her usual drug dealer. The patient suddenly lit up (pun intended) and exclaimed "You know, that was that s--t I got from that new guy. That m----------r! I gonna get him!" She then proceeded to sit on her gurney, which was directly in front of my desk, and call everyone she could on her cell phone to tell them of her quality control concerns about the new dealer. This was done in a series of loud, coke fueled tirades all of which included the phrase "That crack is whack!" usually repeated many times. Needless to say it's now our unofficial motto.

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Very weird situation for me a few days ago. 40ish YO F comes in with acute allergic reaction and minor lip burns after smoking crack. Patient was very up front about what she was doing and was annoyed when it was explained that we couldn't analyze her blood to see which particular additive caused the reaction. She was complaining about that so much that I suggested (with a straight face I might add, you should all be proud) that if she was that concerned she should take a sample to the police and see if thier lab could figure it out. Fortunately that ended that discussion.

It got really strange when one of the nurses asked the patient (as a joke) if she had gotten the crack from her usual drug dealer. The patient suddenly lit up (pun intended) and exclaimed "You know, that was that s--t I got from that new guy. That m----------r! I gonna get him!" She then proceeded to sit on her gurney, which was directly in front of my desk, and call everyone she could on her cell phone to tell them of her quality control concerns about the new dealer. This was done in a series of loud, coke fueled tirades all of which included the phrase "That crack is whack!" usually repeated many times. Needless to say it's now our unofficial motto.

If anyone asks me "Why EM" I think I'll just send them a link to this post!
That is exactly why I only buy organic, grade A crack.
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After dodging my third loogie, hearing the second message that someone with a BAL> 250 had for me to pass along to my mother ("Go tell your mother to ____ "), being threatened with violence, and having my credentials questioned by a nearly edentulous young (<40yo) man with no pants ("Where'd you get your PHD anyway, you prick?") during last night's overnight I too found myself wondering "Why EM?"

Thanks for reminding me Doc B.
Haha, that's awesome. EM sounds like it lends itself to having the most inadvertenly amusing patients in all medical specialties.
We had a sweet lady last night OD on heroin in our bathroom, she ended on the vent. Then we had this pillar of society threaten to write us all up cause we wouldn't re-fill his oxycontin. Apparently, his normal pharmacy was fresh out and he need another script so he could control his back pain. He was 25.
I didn't really imagine Vegas being a huge crack-rock area of the country.... I figured it to be more cutting edge clean cocaine powder, along with some GHB and some meth for the youngin's.

I thought I saw a lot of crack in Tampa, but, man, DC, everybody does crack here. Atleast 25% of my patients do it. I guess if its good enough for the ex-mayor.... but atleast now I have a good crack line to tell my patients.

crack???? that's for low, low, low, low, low, low, low class people...at least here in Latin America it is...is it very common in the States among all social classes? Cause here, middle and high class does cocaine, smoking crack is seen as self-humiliating, it is actually an insult.

The ones saying that they do are being serious? I mean...I do smoke pot, and if you like doing stronger drugs...well It's ****ed up...but crack??? Man that's low, I hope you're just kiding.
crack???? that's for low, low, low, low, low, low, low class people...at least here in Latin America it is...is it very common in the States among all social classes? Cause here, middle and high class does cocaine, smoking crack is seen as self-humiliating, it is actually an insult.

The ones saying that they do are being serious? I mean...I do smoke pot, and if you like doing stronger drugs...well It's ****ed up...but crack??? Man that's low, I hope you're just kiding.

The reason there isn't as much crack use in Latin America is because the CIA didn't infiltrate your communities and propagate the stuff.
Craazee -
Usually it's just the poorest drug users here that do crack. If they can afford the good stuff, they do that. At least, that is my perception. There is some stigma here, too, but I don't know if it's stronger where you are.
Craazee -
Usually it's just the poorest drug users here that do crack. If they can afford the good stuff, they do that. At least, that is my perception. There is some stigma here, too, but I don't know if it's stronger where you are.

Same as here...poor people like that type of drugs (not LSD, shrooms, etc. those are crazy, not poor white kid's drugs :D) but if the only thing they can buy is crack, they'll do it...I tought the stigma was pretty much the same everywhere...until I heard these guys talkin...lol, just kidding, I know you ere all kidding.
Hey Zolar, I heard that theory about the CIA before...well, if that's true, we are totally wasted cause we didn't need the CIA's intervention for getting ourselves involved with drugs, here there is a lot of crack too, and other drugs as well...but do you actually think that thing about the CIA is real?
Very weird situation for me a few days ago. 40ish YO F comes in with acute allergic reaction and minor lip burns after smoking crack. Patient was very up front about what she was doing and was annoyed when it was explained that we couldn't analyze her blood to see which particular additive caused the reaction. She was complaining about that so much that I suggested (with a straight face I might add, you should all be proud) that if she was that concerned she should take a sample to the police and see if thier lab could figure it out. Fortunately that ended that discussion.

It got really strange when one of the nurses asked the patient (as a joke) if she had gotten the crack from her usual drug dealer. The patient suddenly lit up (pun intended) and exclaimed "You know, that was that s--t I got from that new guy. That m----------r! I gonna get him!" She then proceeded to sit on her gurney, which was directly in front of my desk, and call everyone she could on her cell phone to tell them of her quality control concerns about the new dealer. This was done in a series of loud, coke fueled tirades all of which included the phrase "That crack is whack!" usually repeated many times. Needless to say it's now our unofficial motto.

Love it. :laugh:
That is exactly why I only buy organic, grade A crack.

it's hard to afford that "china white" high grade
stuff on a resident's salary. may have to start smoking crack myself
Had a guy on Monday come in without a shirt on, and some nasty ulceration + abscess on his foot. He comes up to the triage desk, takes his shoe off, and rests it on top of the desk. Then he proceeds to walk around aimlessly for the next 3 hours without even being triaged, throwing up all over the place and just being a PITA. To top it off, he finally calls 911 from our payphone to request an ambulance drive him home.
Had a guy on Monday come in without a shirt on, and some nasty ulceration + abscess on his foot. He comes up to the triage desk, takes his shoe off, and rests it on top of the desk. Then he proceeds to walk around aimlessly for the next 3 hours without even being triaged, throwing up all over the place and just being a PITA. To top it off, he finally calls 911 from our payphone to request an ambulance drive him home.

Well at least he left.
docB - apparently your patient is now in Georgia


I had a guy on Medicine who I babysitted overnight after he came n unconscious and got hit with a couple of heavy does of narcan in the ED.

He, too, had gotten his heroine/crack combo from a different dealer, but he and his wife were too toked out to come up with anything catchy. However, they kept whining about "that dude"selling them bad stuff
it's hard to afford that "china white" high grade
stuff on a resident's salary. may have to start smoking crack myself

Well I think that if you cant afford it dont smoke it. it makes you crazy, smelly, and you will look like a holocaust victom. :eek: