Survey for Resident Radiation Oncologists / Medical Physicists

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Jan 14, 2016
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My name is Tim and I am a student researcher at Target Tape, a medical
device company based in Vancouver, Canada. Please take a few minutes to
respond to our short survey about CT eFOV image distortion - it should take
less than 5 minutes to complete. Image distortion during CT simulations of
obese patients is a challenge faced by many of the medical physicists we
have worked with; your responses will help us to better define the problem
and, ultimately, to solve it.


Over the past few months, we have worked closely with researchers at the BC
Cancer Agency to solve CT simulation imaging problems with obese patients.
The limitations of CT simulation beyond a scanner's field of view - and the
dosimetric impact of inaccurate imaging in radiation therapy - have been
established by Beeksma et al (2015, APESM) and Wu et al (2011, Medical
Physics), respectively. Essentially, any tissues imaged outside of the scan
field of view (typically 50 cm), but within the extended field of view
(typically 50-70 cm) often appear distorted. This leads to inaccurate
approximations of body contours that compromise radiation dose planning. Our
goal is to improve patient outcomes by eliminating these distortions - by
responding to our short survey, you will help us to do that. Please let me
know if you have any questions!



Timothy Ainge, BSc Biomedical Physiology Candidate & BBA Marketing Candidate
Business Development Analyst | Target Tape Inc.
778-868-1544 | [email protected] |
201 - 13737 96th Ave., Surrey BC, Canada, V3V 0C6

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