Spanish family physician repeating training

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May 21, 2006
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I am a spanish family physician (finished my residency -4 years-) one year ago. I am thinking about doing the ECFMG (USMLE) and repeat a residency to work and live in the US (Ihave some relatives there). I will probably do family medicine again.
Can anybody tell me how is the residency, the shifts, rotations?
Can be easier for me?
Should I chooose another one?
Do I need to do anything else before aply for the USMLE?
Can I choose easy rotatiosn? I do not need to learn, just getting my license to work. I know my skills...

Thank you


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¡Hola Jorge y bienvenidos!

(Lo siento por mi español...todo es autodidacto.)

If you want to do family medicine, or any other specialty, for the vast, vast majority of people, in the US you have to go through the training again.

However, there is one thing you post that is concerning: when you say "I do not need to learn, just getting my license to work." If you have that mindset, you will have MUCH difficulty. If you come into it with a positive attitude and humility, and showing you're a superstar, and not someone who thinks that all the work is beneath him, you will excel.

However, if you come into it as you know everything already and they have nothing to teach you, it will be very, very difficult.

¡Buena suerte!
Thank you for your answer and I am sorry if it sounded as if i was a "superdoc". I am not a superdoc and I know that a good doctor must be learning every day of his life. Learning from doctors, patients, children, books... The day that you think you know enough, you´ve got a problem... I wanted to say that I do not need to be in the better hospital or the hardest residency program. I just want to pass the training to get my license. I know that I have a lot to learn (I am only 30 years old!!!) and I want to learn about your medical system, you rotations...etc Another way of being a doctor. I think it is very interesting.

It is very hard to me, doing the residency again, and i just want to get the license on a simple way, not the hardest, learning but with time for my family and friends. I have worked very hard as a resident in Spain during 4 years and I just want to practice medicine with patients...

Thank you for your fast answer and I am sorry again if the post sounded as if i were a "stupid-doc".
Hola Jorge, te envie un mensaje privado mas detallado!