Radiology 2012 applicants

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Not on Tuesday, but am there this week.

And man, auntminnie has taken a turn for the worst this week. People are just using that reviews account to post complete nonsense about programs. I can only imagine how much worse it's going to get come February.

I stopped reading auntminnie but checked it out since you posted this.. and damn ur right. People will try anything to give themselves the best chance at matching.. It's shameful what no accountability does.

anyway, I've emailed my top prelim and radiology choice and let them know.. now its time to sit back and wait :O

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Not on Tuesday, but am there this week.

And man, auntminnie has taken a turn for the worst this week. People are just using that reviews account to post complete nonsense about programs. I can only imagine how much worse it's going to get come February.

Yeah I glance at it for laughs sometimes. That reviews account is the worst thing to happen to that site.
did you see the post about the guy who was afraid to call back about his pen? He probably identified himself just by identifyin that pen first of all.. and second of all, why does he have to call them and tell em its a lucky pen lmao.. just say hey i left a pen there do you have it? NO BIG DEAL!
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Yeah, that reviews account was good at first to post interview dates and what not. Then people just started abusing it to bash other posters and other programs. The trolls on AM are one of the reasons why I liked SDN better (at least until someone on here took things too far). SDN seems better moderated, can easily identify trolls (new user, new to thread, low post count, bogus claims) and get them banned. Compared to AM, where it's anything goes.

anyway, I've emailed my top prelim and radiology choice and let them know.. now its time to sit back and wait :O

I wasn't sure when to do this. I assume it's best to wait until the program has finished interviewing, is it not? My #1 finishes up in a bit here. I plan to send them that info shortly thereafter.

Any of you doing what TLM suggests, having your home program call on your behalf? I don't think I will personally. I'd rather it come from me.
did you see the post about the guy who was afraid to call back about his pen? He probably identified himself just by identifyin that pen first of all.. and second of all, why does he have to call them and tell em its a lucky pen lmao.. just say hey i left a pen there do you have it? NO BIG DEAL!

lol. +1. Definitely no big deal.
I haven't been on AM in months; as far as thr rank list email thing, the advice I've been given is to do it sooner than later, i'm told many people do it too late.
did you see the post about the guy who was afraid to call back about his pen? He probably identified himself just by identifyin that pen first of all.. and second of all, why does he have to call them and tell em its a lucky pen lmao.. just say hey i left a pen there do you have it? NO BIG DEAL!

I just assumed that dude was trolling and not serious

I haven't been on AM in months; as far as thr rank list email thing, the advice I've been given is to do it sooner than later, i'm told many people do it too late.

How should you word these emails? Short and sweet? "I am ranking you #1 because of this, this, and that?"
I just assumed that dude was trolling and not serious

How should you word these emails? Short and sweet? "I am ranking you #1 because of this, this, and that?"

Yeah, my bro told me to make it a simple paragraph, he said you don't have to even say much else. I wouldn't make it much longer than a paragraph.

I feel like I'm one of the few ppl still interviewing.
My #1 hasnt finished interviewing but a little birdy told me they already met on the applicants they have done so far.. so i felt now was the time.
Any of you doing what TLM suggests, having your home program call on your behalf? I don't think I will personally. I'd rather it come from me.

I agree. I think a PD or other big wig calling your favorite program reflects the fact that you don't think you're good enough to match there on your own accord. I think that PDs do respect a #1 email from an applicant. Also, I would not want to be involved in such nepotism in order to match at a program. If I don't match at my #1, then it wasn't meant to be.
Thoughts on the TLM advice to only email your #1 and not your other top x?
I think showing interest is never a bad thing. Especially for the non-stellar applicant.
Yeah, my bro told me to make it a simple paragraph, he said you don't have to even say much else. I wouldn't make it much longer than a paragraph.

I feel like I'm one of the few ppl still interviewing.

Cool. Thanks

Yeah I have my last one tomorrow. A lot of programs are done and a lot more are finishing this week. I think only a few are interviewing next week.
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I agree. I think a PD or other big wig calling your favorite program reflects the fact that you don't think you're good enough to match there on your own accord. I think that PDs do respect a #1 email from an applicant. Also, I would not want to be involved in such nepotism in order to match at a program. If I don't match at my #1, then it wasn't meant to be.

My PI (who is a huge name in the field) says in his experience it's best for him to not contact programs at this point. He says that if they'd like to contact him, your program, or other references, they'll do it on their own if they haven't already and that it's been neutral at best and counterproductive at worst.
Thoughts on the TLM advice to only email your #1 and not your other top x?
I think showing interest is never a bad thing. Especially for the non-stellar applicant.

I've been told you should only contact places where you have a strong rapport with an influential person (PD, chairman, or selection chair) and you're really strongly considering them even if they're not #1. Not everyone matches at their first choice and being ranked in a strong candidates top 3-5 means they have a good chance to get them, I don't think it's a negative. Silence implies you're not going to be ranked highly.
I think the last 4 posts are pure opinion. My chairman has had success calling on behalf of students and getting them the positions they wanted.. hes happy to make calls.

I dont think silence means anything. Some PDs like to return your emails with a response. some never respond to email period.
Cross post from dr TLM on aunt minnie.. i think it directly answers some of our questions:

The most reliable way to convey to a program that they are your #1 choice (and have it make a difference in their ranking scheme) is to have one of your radiology letter writers (the bigger name/clout, the better) call your #1 program's PD and tell them that you're ranking them number one.

There is more credibility because a well-known attending is willing to put his/her name "on the line" by vouching for you. When an applicant says that they are ranking a program #1, it means very little because PDs will suspect you are telling multiple programs the same thing (most PDs - and applicants for that matter - have been burned and are therefore suspicious). When the PD at UCSF or vice chair at MIR calls the PD at UCLA to say that you will be ranking UCLA No. 1, it's understood that UCLA is the only place getting that phone call.

Naturally, this puts a kibosh on your politicking, e.g. you can't play both sides of the field and your home institution will know that you are not ranking them #1, but that's the cost of being credible. Whether the added benefit from such a move is worth the potential loss of opportunity (e.g. at your home institution) is another issue: If you're a superstar applicant and UCLA was gonna rank you #1 to begin with, you've gained nothing. If you weren't seriously considered by UCLA and your home institution was your best backup, you've gained nothing and possibly lost your best backup.
all interviews done, all thank yous sent, rank list somewhat settled. i am exhausted and broke.

and now i have to manage patients for the first time since july :(
all interviews done, all thank yous sent, rank list somewhat settled. i am exhausted and broke.

and now i have to manage patients for the first time since july :(

Same here. Start a medicine sub-I on Monday. Haven't managed a patient since July and haven't had any patient contact since October.

It feels good to be done with interviews though
Yeah, I don't think I'll change mine tho.

Yeah I certified it before I was even done interviewing. I certified it the first day it was open in case something crazy happened (like a coma) I would still be able to participate in the match lol
So many good programs, so hard to rank. I love how the NRMP states that we should not wait until the last minute to rank because we will be "impulsive" the final six hours. lol.
So many good programs, so hard to rank. I love how the NRMP states that we should not wait until the last minute to rank because we will be "impulsive" the final six hours. lol.

It's true though.

I'm going to think about it some more and decide if I want to make any changes in early February and then stay away from the site until the last day when out of paranoia I'll check the site to make sure my list is still certified.

My general grouping is decided along with my #1. A couple programs may flip flop but I'm pretty confident my #1 will stay there.
My #1 is set in stone but 2-7 is very fluid. All of them are amazing and would be great landing spots. 8-12 is what I call my meh grouping.. not bad, not great.. either good in bad location or great location and crappy program. Finally 13-15 are the 'god help me if I end up here but ranking them anyway cuz I paid for a hotel' group.
My PI (who is a huge name in the field) says in his experience it's best for him to not contact programs at this point. He says that if they'd like to contact him, your program, or other references, they'll do it on their own if they haven't already and that it's been neutral at best and counterproductive at worst.

From my experience your best weapon is a big wig to speak up for you. I'm obviously not in radiology so I'm not sure if the politics are different but now is not the time to hold anything back... Go hard or go home!

if i wind up at my 9-15 or so i'm not going to handle it well

For me I'd be ecstatic at 1-7, happy at 8-10, and meh at 11-13. And not sure about 14, still trying to decide if I'm going to rank it or not. In the worst case scenario I don't know if scrambling is better or worse than matching there
1-2, ecstatic 3-5, happy, 6+ content.

I chose not to rank too many programs compared to you guys because I just wouldn't be happy at those locations. Hope my relatively smaller ROL doesn't come back and bite me in the ass.
there's one program i'm struggling with determining whether or not it'd be better to scramble or match there. if i don't match rads maybe i'd just do something else and take it as a sign...
For me I'd be ecstatic at 1-7, happy at 8-10, and meh at 11-13. And not sure about 14, still trying to decide if I'm going to rank it or not. In the worst case scenario I don't know if scrambling is better or worse than matching there

Decided to keep #14. Hopefully it doesn't come down to that though.

Don't anticipate any more changes to my ROL
Last interview tomm, its not going to change my list, though.
I have my top 5 radiology programs finalized, its the "in-between" programs that are still being shuffled. Hopefully it will all work out in the end though!
Passed:) My heart was definitely racing waiting to download the score profile!

If I release the score, only the "pass" or "fail" designation will be transmitted right, not the breakdown per subsection?
Passed:) My heart was definitely racing waiting to download the score profile!

If I release the score, only the "pass" or "fail" designation will be transmitted right, not the breakdown per subsection?

Exact same feeling. So glad that test is over and done with officially. Way too much stress for such a pointless test.
anyone get any phone calls from programs? I got one but I dont want to say any more right now.
anyone get any phone calls from programs? I got one but I dont want to say any more right now.

Nada. Haven't even gotten a reply to any of my TY emails in January
Are any of you guys releasing Step 2 scores now that they are out? Or pointless now, since our schools have to declare us match eligible anyways.
Are any of you guys releasing Step 2 scores now that they are out? Or pointless now, since our schools have to declare us match eligible anyways.

Is it a score you want them to see? If not, why not just wait at this point.
Are any of you guys releasing Step 2 scores now that they are out? Or pointless now, since our schools have to declare us match eligible anyways.

No. Releasing would not help me.

So CK and CS are released automatically to our school right?

my #3 is ranking me first.. I'm pretty pumped to know I wont be going very far in my list. There was a chance I was going to put this program 4th, but I've settled on 3 now. The two above it are probably only slightly better, but I just like the location a bit more.
my #3 is ranking me first.. I'm pretty pumped to know I wont be going very far in my list. There was a chance I was going to put this program 4th, but I've settled on 3 now. The two above it are probably only slightly better, but I just like the location a bit more.

Out of curiosity what exactly did they tell you?

"You are ranked to match"?

"If you rank us #1 you will match here"?

"You're in our top (how many spots they have)"?
Out of curiosity what exactly did they tell you?

"You are ranked to match"?

"If you rank us #1 you will match here"?

"You're in our top (how many spots they have)"?

Some variation of "you are ranked to match". I didn't have anyone say anything about what I should do with my list.
well done pokerdoc
Out of curiosity what exactly did they tell you?

"You are ranked to match"?

"If you rank us #1 you will match here"?

"You're in our top (how many spots they have)"?

all three of those are basically the same thing lol