Questions for USUHS and their MCB PhD

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New Member
Jun 28, 2023
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After speaking to a representative on the phone and scanning this forum a bit, I have a few questions I'm hoping someone can kindly answer.
To begin, I am a new Army LT (1 year post ROTC), and I utilized the Green to Gold Active Duty Option. As well, I worsened a progressing bilateral leg injury during BOLC, so I've been a profile soldier for about 4 or 5 months now.

That brings me to my first question:

1a) To apply for USUHS, do I need to heal and come off the profile?
1b) Will the history of my profile hurt my application?
2a) To apply, I see that I need support and approval to leave my duty. Is that an approval from my command team, HRC, or both?
2b) Are they able to release me even though I haven't fulfilled my post Green to Gold ADSO?
2c) How exactly does this conversation go down? Do I say, "Hey, I know I just commissioned, but I'd like to go back to school and not actually do this big Army LT thing."
3) Perhaps a dumb question, but do I need the MCAT for the MCB degree? I've always understood it to be a requirement for med school, not biology.

Also, I would love to chat with someone that has been recently accepted, especially for the MCB PhD. I really appreciate anyone who can do their best to answer any of these. Thanks!

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