Programs that don't screen using Step 1

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Jan 27, 2019
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Hello all,

Has anyone come across any community programs that have NOT used Step 1 to screen potential candidates for categorical GS positions? Does anyone have a good resource to look at potential programs in this way?

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Those numbers in FREIDA aren't generally accurate nor are they hard and fast rules. I got interviews at places that I was below their "step cut off". No one will ever tell you what their true cut off is, but FREIDA may give you an idea of if you're in the ballpark.
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Those numbers in FREIDA aren't generally accurate nor are they hard and fast rules. I got interviews at places that I was below their "step cut off". No one will ever tell you what their true cut off is, but FREIDA may give you an idea of if you're in the ballpark.
100% agree with you, but that was the best starting point I could think of. The only other way to really know is ask residents from a specific program who happen to also be involved with the residency selection committee. And some of them probably don't even really know.