Programs still in 2019 AOA Match

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Oct 27, 2014
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I there any chart or website that shows Programs that will participate in the 2019 AOA match since its the last match before the merger ?

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As far as I know once a program gains initial accreditation it participates in the NRMP. If a program has pre-accreditation or continued pre-accreditation it can participate in the DO match, but if a program is not accredited by 2019 you would be taking a chance matching into their program. If a program does not have accreditation by 2020 they will cease to be a program, and any current residents will be SOL. The link below allows you to see which osteopathic programs have applied and their status.
Is there a list of the ones that have acquired a credit accreditation already? Because I know some programs are duel accredited.

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If you just mean normal ACGME accreditation, then you can view the AOA residency site: They should appear on the right side, showing whether they are ACGME accredited or not. Not sure if this is the question you are ask though.
Yes thank you this is probably as close as ill get to what i need. I just wish they had a giant excel sheet of everything not this but itll do
Yes thank you this is probably as close as ill get to what i need. I just wish they had a giant excel sheet of everything not this but itll do

It is being updated too often to do something like that. Your best bet is to use the website, just click the specialty you're interested in and hit search. Then for each listing that pops up, the AOA finally added a column to the far right that tells your what the current programs status is regarding switching to (or already having) ACGME accreditation. By the time 2019 hits, I would not (if they can even accept applications? I don't think so) apply for any residency that hasn't applied or isn't dually accredited.
It is being updated too often to do something like that. Your best bet is to use the website, just click the specialty you're interested in and hit search. Then for each listing that pops up, the AOA finally added a column to the far right that tells your what the current programs status is regarding switching to (or already having) ACGME accreditation. By the time 2019 hits, I would not (if they can even accept applications? I don't think so) apply for any residency that hasn't applied or isn't dually accredited.

No doubt about that, I just wanted to know what is still gonna stay in Michigan it just sucks because right now there is no real clear idea of what's really going to happen but everybody thinks IMGs get squeezed out , Dos lose a lot of spots in Residency programs and inevitably there is going to start a quick decrease and match rates for Dos considering the expansion of MD schools

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No one can answer your question. When programs attain ACGME "initial accreditation", they then have the ability to participate in the NRMP match. That doesn't mean they will. They could participate in both matches, just the NRMP or just the AOA. It's really up to them, so its very program specific.

I imagine most who get initial accreditation in time for the cycle will participate in the NRMP match (either only or will be in both).

The best place to see the accreditation status of programs is the acgme link someone above posted. There you can see if they've applied or been accredited directly from the source.
*sigh* this whole merger thing through off my plans.

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