Pre-requisites for Dental School

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Jun 19, 2018
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So I'm going to be applying for dental school next year and I wont have biochemistry done this year, but I will be taking it my senior year to complete my degree. Am I required to have these pre-requisite courses completed before applying or is it okay to take the course after applying?

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You should really find a way to take it. I submitted my application a few days ago, and most of them had it listed as a pre-req. Some schools can make exceptions if you take it senior year, but you need to call each school you want to apply to and find out.
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I would recommend taking it before you apply. Most programs I applied too had it as a pre req
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Stony Brook in NY is the only school (as far as I know) that requires all pre-reqs to be completed at the time of application. Most other schools may require it as a pre-req, but they just want all pre-reqs to be completed before matriculation (before you start DS).

So, yes you're fine to take it senior year as long as you add it as a "planned" course, and match it to pre-reqs. If you're planning to apply to Stony Brook, don't. All other schools- you're good to go :) I did this with physio-- I matched it for pre-reqs that required it, and just took it at the end of my senior year and I was fine. Good luck!
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Stony Brook in NY is the only school (as far as I know) that requires all pre-reqs to be completed at the time of application. Most other schools may require it as a pre-req, but they just want all pre-reqs to be completed before matriculation (before you start DS).

So, yes you're fine to take it senior year as long as you add it as a "planned" course, and match it to pre-reqs. If you're planning to apply to Stony Brook, don't. All other schools- you're good to go :) I did this with physio-- I matched it for pre-reqs that required it, and just took it at the end of my senior year and I was fine. Good luck!
Thank you so much! That's a huge relief!
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So I'm going to be applying for dental school next year and I wont have biochemistry done this year, but I will be taking it my senior year to complete my degree. Am I required to have these pre-requisite courses completed before applying or is it okay to take the course after applying?

You absolutely do not need to have it done at the time of application. I don’t know what those other people are talking about. You can list it as a planned course on your app then either update the grade with your academic update or let any schools that you are waitlisted or accepted at know that you completed it by submitting a transcript.
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You absolutely do not need to have it done at the time of application. I don’t know what those other people are talking about. You can list it as a planned course on your app then either update the grade with your academic update or let any schools that you are waitlisted or accepted at know that you completed it by submitting a transcript.
Thank you!!!