Pissed at PCHEM

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Oct 7, 2003
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I got my grades back from this semester. Everything went well, but I want to know if it is possible to get an A in Pchem?

Everybody who hates PCHEM give a lound and strong holla.

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It depends. For most people pchem is the most diffucult of the courses they take as chem majors. I personally thought it was the best, which is why I worked my ass off for it and got an A along with one other person in a class of 65 students. But it was definitely not a joke my friend!
I hated Pchem! Well, really I just dislike quantum and should have taken the course that was all thermodynamics rather than the course that was a mix of thermo and QM. I was a Biochem major and really the fact that I was required to take Pchem and couldn't substitute it with analytical or inorganic pissed me off. Really, it didn't add to my knowledge of the biochem field I was interested in any more than analytical or inorganic would have and I would rather have taken Immunology or Endocrinology instead but I "had" to take another chemistry class. Argh!
I feel your pain. And, I was perfectly happy to get my B.
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I got an A in it. and in second semester of PChem Lab. I'm a chemistry major though, and I was PChem-oriented (as opposed to orgo which I seriously suck in. See, it all evens out)
HATE IT! Luckily my school has two pchem classes though, one for chem/chem engineering majors and one for biochem majors. So i'm in the easier level, which is stil painful, but an A is achievable.
By some freak of nature I managed to pull an A in p.chem this semester. I'm sooo glad that I only needed this one semester for my chem minor (quantum mechanics is going to suck!). Too much conceptual mathematical theory for my poor brain. After taking p.chem though, I feel prepared for anything med school has to throw at me.

As a biochem major, you have to take pchem at my university as well. I also managed to pull off an A this semester in pchem. Maybe I'm a freak but I liked pchem. It also helps in my research which is investigating RNA-ligand binding interactions by finding H, TdeltaS, k on, k off, and so on.
Pchem sucks. I walked into the final yesterday thinking "I only need 30 points out of 200 to get a B, no problem." I walked out thinking "I wonder if I got a B?" Anyway, I knew after the first exam (class average 24%) that this was going to suck. Oh well--now I never have to see another partial derivative ever again!
I'm a biochem major, and I just took the final this week. Definitely some mean-@ss stuff. I needed a 45/100 for an A, but I'm not even sure I made it. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to wait until the 29th ( :( ) and see what happens.

At least I have an easy schedule for next semester (which will also be my last. :( )
Originally posted by TheFlash
By some freak of nature I managed to pull an A in p.chem this semester. I'm sooo glad that I only needed this one semester for my chem minor (quantum mechanics is going to suck!). Too much conceptual mathematical theory for my poor brain. After taking p.chem though, I feel prepared for anything med school has to throw at me.


Oh yeah. and that goes double for PChem Lab (got me used to an extremely high workload).
I'm a bio major, and took PChem for fun. No QM, just the thermo and kinetics stuff... Boy was I in for a suprise. Worked my but off though, got an A-. Was the one of two people in the class (20people) that pulled an A. Felt good, like I could take on the world, or med school, whichever comes first.

PChem was actually pretty helpful. It made all of my physio, biochem and molec cell courses make sense.

Highly recommend PChem for its Aesthetic value... if that makes sense at all. :)
Ha Ha...PChem for fun? Well, I suppose PChem I wasn't too bad. But, I've never met anyone that thought PChem II (for ChemE's) was fun.
Pchem sucked, mainly because my teacher for Pchem 1 was an arsehole. I missed an exam due to a surgery and he still counted it against me +pissed+. That was my worst grade in college and I got asked about it in two of my interviews.

I worked my ass off and got an A in pchem II and an A- in biophysical chem(took them at the same time!)
I thought physical chem was so much harder than o-chem! It was much harder than physics for me, too.