Pharmacy Organizations

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15+ Year Member
Nov 28, 2003
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Hey all!

I'm a P-1 at South University in Savannah, GA. The school is brand new and I'm a part of the inaugural class there. We are looking to set up national pharmacy organizations and wanted some advice. I'm running for VP for APhA-ASP for our chapter and so far this is the only organization we have. What organizations would you all recommend that we bring to South Univ.? I'd really like to have an organization that would appeal to all of our students at South b/c I feel like our class is "all together separate" right now. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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You need an ASHP student chapter, and a community pharmacy chapter (I forget what they're calling it these days) at a minimum. You'll probably also want one or two of the professional fraternities: Kappa Psi, Kappa Epsilon or Phi Lambda Sigma (hope that last one's right--I can't remember). And you'll need a student governance organization, which your dean and university can help you set up.
Originally posted by Samoa pharmacy chapter (I forget what they're calling it these days) at a minimum...

National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA)

Our school just started its NCPA chapter last year.

We also have Phi Delta Chi, and Kappa Psi pharmaceutical fraternities. I believe that the year before my first year, about 4 or 5 pharmaceutical fraternities were invited to the campus to pitch their organizations to the student body...from there the classes of 2003/2004 with administration input chose the two fraternities.

So far, we have APhA-ASP, NCPA, Phi Delta Chi, Kappa Psi, and a student government.
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Phi Delta Chi. That was it... sorry I couldn't remember the name. I pledged KE, and it took me two semesters to finish the pledge requirements, so you can tell how important THAT was to me. I was a student government person, and honestly, the only reason I even joined a professional fraternity was because they passed down class notes and old tests from semester to semester.

Phi Lambda Sigma is the pharmacy leadership honor society. Which reminds me, you'll probably want that as well as a Rho Chi chapter. Rho Chi is the academic honor society.
Yes, honor societies...we don't have those at our school, I wonder why.
Kappa Psi got kicked off campus at my school for hazing. Can you imagine? A pharmacy fraternity hazing! It was also all male, which I gather is different from most chapters, which are co-ed.
Thank you for replying to my post about pharmacy organizations! I will keep that in mind and inform the dean and assistant dean of my school on these orgs. Thank you both again for the great advice!

Originally posted by Samoa
Kappa Psi got kicked off campus at my school for hazing. Can you imagine? A pharmacy fraternity hazing! It was also all male, which I gather is different from most chapters, which are co-ed.

The Kappa Psi at my school is all guys too
Originally posted by Samoa
Kappa Psi got kicked off campus at my school for hazing. Can you imagine? A pharmacy fraternity hazing! It was also all male, which I gather is different from most chapters, which are co-ed.

A pharmacy frat hazing. Surely it must involve Liquor Carbonis Detergens, anhydrous lanolin, and really obnoxious delivery systems
SC has more organizations than students. That's not much of an exaggeration either (ask BMB, Liz, lilmk). There's one particular frat that hazes dry undergrad style (push-ups, running, all that crap) My frat (Lambda Kappa Sigma women's leadership) makes you dress professionally in blue shirt and black slacks every monday and you have to wear a pin and carry the binder all the time. There seems to be a gap in the enforcement of this law since I forget routinely and have yet to even be noticed for it (and I'm the only dude in it, so I know they know who I am.)

Some ones that I like are the Student Industry Association (SIA) and NCPA.

I'm thinking of starting one next semester, but I need to work out the details with other potential officers in it.

There are also several clubs dedicated to specific minorities (Persian, Vietnamese, Korean, etc.)

They actually do a lot of good things including the frats, which I didn't see much of beyond token BS in college. Alpha Iota Pi (the asian frat) had a mandatory spanish patient counseling seminar that I attended. I was really impressed.