pharmacist salary

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And? Your point?:D

getting a doctorate = more hot chicks!

Just trying to help you out here!

Farmer = you will end up with an ugly ass wife! :(

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getting a doctorate = more hot chicks!

Just trying to help you out here!

Farmer = you will end up with an ugly ass wife! :(
Yea but you also get to wear overalls and a straw hat. Thats a win.:D
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getting a doctorate = more hot chicks!

Just trying to help you out here!

Farmer = you will end up with an ugly ass wife! :(

My comment on bold:

You're not including those who had plastic surgery and '-jobs' are you?
Hey, you know what they say... if you want to be happy for the rest of your life, get an ugly girl to marry you.

I'm going for the 7 year plan, personally.

Why would an ugly wife make a man happier?
Hey, you know what they say... if you want to be happy for the rest of your life, get an ugly girl to marry you.

I'm going for the 7 year plan, personally.

What's the 7 year plan?

And regarding plastic surgery: While after-market parts might be fun, I still prefer my wife to come stock. ;)
getting a doctorate = more hot chicks!

Just trying to help you out here!

Farmer = you will end up with an ugly ass wife! :(

Hey! JD= Juris Doctorate, he's still got a chance (unless he becomes a malpractice attorney:mad::mad::mad:)

But in all seriousness, if anyone ever meets a potential mate that likes them primarily because of their profession/money... hold onto your wallet and run like hell.
What's the 7 year plan?

And regarding plastic surgery: While after-market parts might be fun, I still prefer my wife to come stock. ;)

The 7-year plan is: A new wife every 7 years, so you get a hot enough one that she'll be not annoying for 7ish years, but you don't need to plan for the long term. It reduces expectations that way and overall pressure.

If 7 years is surpassed, then rock on. If not, well, it was fun!
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The last apartment I lived in for $400/month (and this was in 2004 dollars! Imagine the price now!) there were two shootings that happened nearby.

I do like the "don't buy an insanely expensive" house part, though. :smuggrin:

my apartment is pretty decent and i pay $580/month. i can walk to campus and i'm only about 15 min from downtown atlanta... this is why i fully intend to stay in GA for as long as possible... lol
The 7-year plan is: A new wife every 7 years, so you get a hot enough one that she'll be not annoying for 7ish years, but you don't need to plan for the long term. It reduces expectations that way and overall pressure.

If 7 years is surpassed, then rock on. If not, well, it was fun!

For a minute there, I thought I had clicked on the wrong link and was in the off topic thread
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Just marry a friggin physician. Problem solved. :cool:
Just marry a friggin physician. Problem solved. :cool:

Some doctors can be arrogant and preppy elitists IMO

Great way to double or triple your debt instantly.:laugh:

Maybe if I married her when she was still a resident, there would be a huge debt to consider, but once she's a physician, the debt would be going down relatively fast.
ok i was told when i started school pharmacist make $120,000+ well now I am graduating not only it's hard to find a job but here is the truth you will make close to $110,000/year but 40% of that goes to tax that will leave you $66,000. Your student loan (minimum payment) will be close to $24,00/year, that will leave you $42,000/year. If you buy a $300,000 house your payment will be $36000/year that will leave you $500/month for everythingelse!!!!!! I mean all other expenses which are at least few thousand dollars a month!

Comparing before and after salary, it's 10k away. over one years, that less than 1k per month. Making much money doesn't mean you will go out and spend crazy. Buying a $300k house while you having a student loans is like having another loans in your shoulders. You need to have plan on saving and doing what is necessary. It's not like you die tomorrow. If I was you, I would save my money and get student loan off my chest, and then saving for the house, then cars. After that, your income every month will be full use again for your other exspend because you already pay off everything. You have a full pay check, well after tax:oops:.
I mean if you compare that to a person who make $60k per years before tax, you should be happy.
Heh... $580 a month, damn. Only if you split the apt 3 ways. LOL!

yepp... in miami i had to live far from campus and the city and it was 1000/month with nothing included... even my electricity bill was literally triple (it was 150/month and now it is at MOST 50, but certain winter months it is 30 because i don't use heat and let the temperature reach about 60 degrees inside)

although Georgia Power is supposed to increase rates about $11/month... oh noes I might not be able to afford anymore black forest lattes at Caribou Coffee lol

Some doctors can be arrogant and preppy elitists IMO

Maybe if I married her when she was still a resident, there would be a huge debt to consider, but once she's a physician, the debt would be going down relatively fast.

what's wrong with preppy?
what's wrong with preppy?

I just think it can get annoying. Maybe if I were preppy too, I wouldn't mind so much.

Based on what I hear about preppy people, they would probably spend a lot of money on fancy things, which would mean marrying a preppy doctor would mean a lot of that extra money would go to living a fancy lifestyle.
:laugh: I was actually joking. I was actually preppy for a good portion of my school career.
What, preppies DID the beating where you're from UNM?

I was a prep and I got MY ass BEAT by the thugs. Preps in CA didn't do any beating. Well, only tests :D

I saw a lot of thugs fighting and stuff. I had enough connections to have those 'thugs' watch my back though :D
Why would anyone wanna marry a pharmacist? LOL They make $hit! I have friends who just got out of pharmacy school and are bringing home only $4-5k a month. Farmers can make millions. LOL
Why would anyone wanna marry a pharmacist? LOL They make $hit! I have friends who just got out of pharmacy school and are bringing home only $4-5k a month. Farmers can make millions. LOL

So the money that your spouse brings home is more important than who they are?
What, preppies DID the beating where you're from UNM?

I was a prep and I got MY ass BEAT by the thugs. Preps in CA didn't do any beating. Well, only tests :D

Man these comments are making me feel old. when I was in school I got my ass beat by the "hoods". (we didn't have thugs, they must've arrived on the scene after I graduated and beat up the hoods.....;))
Man these comments are making me feel old. when I was in school I got my ass beat by the "hoods". (we didn't have thugs, they must've arrived on the scene after I graduated and beat up the hoods.....;))

When you were walking on the way to school? :laugh:

I remember riding on the school bus and then doing most of the walking on campus to classes from my locker. I think our lockers had some weird arrangement so only some of the lockers at school were like the typical ones you see in tv shows and movies.
So pharmacists aren't good enough for you? What's wrong with pharmacists?

I guess they don't make enough for drooze......:eek:

some people are all about the benjamins........

in fact, her avatar reminds me of a girl I met the first month of dental school, my roommate was talking to her and her friend (I think they were PT students).

they invited us to go out with a group of their friends, but we had block exams the next day and had to hit the library, when we told her she said, "I didn't know the med school had tests tomorrow?"

my roommate tells her, "We're in Dental school."

she gets this taken aback mild distasteful look on her face and says (and I'm not making this up), "OH, I thought you guys were gonna be DOCTORS":eek:

I hope she married a nerdy family practice guy who only makes half what I make......:D
Do you ever hang out with pharmacists?

just read this, actually 2 of my wife's friends are pharmacists, so we rub elbows at parties and get togethers.

I honestly think you guys have a pretty good job. I do too, but I guess the grass is always greener eh?
Is that you Shinee????

I liked your old avatar better (although this one is nice too)......

Really dude? Is that the best you got? Accusing me of being someone else. LOL I guess you guys are lame as they say. Good luck getting all those chics! LOL Perhaps chics working at fast food joints may think that pharmacists are ballers.;)
Really dude? Is that the best you got? Accusing me of being someone else. LOL I guess you guys are lame as they say. Good luck getting all those chics! LOL Perhaps chics working at fast food joints may think that pharmacists are ballers.;)

funny how u seemed to know exactly what I was talking about.....;)

even funnier that after Shinee was outed for using a photo of an Asian model for her avatar on 1/19, she didn't post a single post under that username....

and even funnier that you "joined" the forum 2 or 3 days later under the DrOoze name......

and both of you claim to be premed actively applying right now, and your posts even suggest the same mannerisms......

BUT hey, I'm SURE it's just a coincidence.......;)
Really dude? Is that the best you got? Accusing me of being someone else. LOL I guess you guys are lame as they say. Good luck getting all those chics! LOL Perhaps chics working at fast food joints may think that pharmacists are ballers.;)
Yea, we all know premeds, who have no chance to become a med-student due to lack of people skills, are the real ballers.:rolleyes:
Why would anyone wanna marry a pharmacist? LOL They make $hit! I have friends who just got out of pharmacy school and are bringing home only $4-5k a month. Farmers can make millions. LOL

That is true some farmers do have a lot of money, but I just don't like redneck country people. Best husbands are CEOs or surgeons actually.
Really dude? Is that the best you got? Accusing me of being someone else. LOL I guess you guys are lame as they say. Good luck getting all those chics! LOL Perhaps chics working at fast food joints may think that pharmacists are ballers.;)

:bang: :bang: :bang:
Alright. I thought I would comment on this since I graduated a few years ago. My wife is in her last year. I worked 60 hours/week. We made about $200,000.00 in 2010. We also had a half-million dollar house (sold in Oct. 2010 mortgage $3100/month), student loans for me at $900/month (in deferment currently since I'm also a grad student), my truck payment of $600/month (bought on clearance in Nov 2008 for $31,000), lease of an infiniti for my wife at $450/month (don't lease a vehicle- ever!) and misc. costs. You will not be rich, but you will live comfortably. A piece of advice:
1. Do not buy an expensive vehicle when you graduate
2. Do not buy a house right away. Wait a year or two.
3. If your loans are less than 5% interest, do not pay them off right away. That's cheap money you can invest in a 401K.
There is nothing better than a person claiming to be a dentist and hanging out on pre-health blogs all day. LOL Classy! At least if you are going to pretend to be someone you are not, shoot for like a surgeon or an astronaut or something. ;) Nothing more painful than a fake dentist.
There is nothing better than a person claiming to be a dentist and hanging out on pre-health blogs all day. LOL Classy! At least if you are going to pretend to be someone you are not, shoot for like a surgeon or an astronaut or something. ;) Nothing more painful than a fake dentist.

whatever you say. how bouts those "coincidences" Shinee? :rolleyes:

care to address them? hmmmmmm?

(cue the music "I ain't afraid of no trolls....., who ya gonna call? trollbusters!"):laugh:

and actually, the only thing "better" might be a "pre-med" student getting arrogant and talking down about both the Pharmacy and Dental professions. I bet you are one of those students who when asked your major, says, "PRE-MED", as though there IS such a major........

here's a question: what percentage of "Pre-Med" majors ACTUALLY gain admission to medical school? because the vast majority DON'T. write back in 10 years AFTER you've become a hot shot trauma surgeon. until then perhaps you should think twice about putting on airs. and even if you should become a physician, and you end up going into peds or family medicine, when you are visiting your dentist and thinking how much loftier your position is, you should realize your dentist is probably making 1.5 times more money than you, while working 4 days a week.
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whatever you say. how bouts those "coincidences" Shinee? :rolleyes:

care to address them? hmmmmmm?

(cue the music "I ain't afraid of no trolls....., who ya gonna call? trollbusters!"):laugh:

Dude! Are you off your meds again?! LOL