P1 hicp students

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newbiedoc said:
Why were the assets only recently frozen? Was there a recent proposed movement by Criswell and Monroe? Has anyone seen them recently?

The suit was filed July 27, I guess it took some time for the court to grant a temporary freeze.

Criswell hasn't been seen for MONTHS! Monroe was there on the days of the Cumm. Exam. Other then that, I think it's just Hasan and Vu on Campus

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its good the state got involved......

most states have laws about getting permission to put up fences and stuff on your property ..

so its amazing that such a crazy college could mushroom up with no government intervention.
aubieRx said:
its good the state got involved......

most states have laws about getting permission to put up fences and stuff on your property ..

so its amazing that such a crazy college could mushroom up with no government intervention.

In 2003, the state already gave them a warning before they openned. I guess the state doesn't have enough resources to keep tabs on everything. I don't think they looked into it again until someone filed the initial complaint. That's why the state filed a lawsuit. They even qoute HICP/PES admin. in the file.

The state quoted HICP/PES Admin, "We don't have any student enrolled and we won't accept any until we get pre-candidate status. They will apply for pre candiate status on or before Oct 1, 2003. We will not begin to educate pharmacist until ACPE give thumbs up." This is all the stuff the Admin told the state, and it ALL has be FALSE
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Actually, Hasan is more like a Jedi or a Dark Lord of the Sith... His mind tricks only work on the weak.

Caverject said:
He doesn't have evidence. If he did, he would of said it long time before. This is just a ploy to comfort students to think they are not the ones telling mis-truths. It's pretty obvious Hasan plays dirty mind games with people. Then again, he holds a degree in Special Education, so he should be a master at mind games. Considering how many people are staying at the school insisting on the facts that have been presented by Hasan, I would give Hasan "Master" status at mind games.
To all faculty, staff, and students:

At this point the office of the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs has obtained a temporary restraining order and motion for preliminary injunction from the court that drastically restricts the operation of our College. On Wednesday, August 10th, the Hawaii state judge will decide if the DCCA’s temporary restraining order will continue or be modified. Below is Dean Hasan’s statement:

“It is unfortunate that the state Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA) has taken this action. We look forward to the scheduled court date for the motion for preliminary injunction.”

As mentioned before, students’ deposits, tuitions, and fees are placed in an escrow account. Everything is still as scheduled including the start of classes, payment due dates, and submission of ACPE application. We will keep you informed of the status of HICP next Wednesday or next Thursday. Thank you.

Diep N Vu, Pharm.D.

Assistant Dean of Student Services and Admissions

Hawaii College of Pharmacy

949 Kamokila Blvd, Suite 375

Kapolei, HI 96707

Tel: (808) 674-8765

DoTheRightThing said:
That is a good is Lava2. The pharmacist currently workign at HICP could have there license revoked if they in unethical behavior or working in unethical/illegal environments.

Here is to get things going http://www.pharmacy.ca.gov/consumers/complaint_info.htm

I have been following this thread for quite sometime now and never really felt the need to post anything until now. Why in the world would you want to report the professors to the state board?!?! They were probably lied to just like you students were lied to. They were probably offered X dollars, a condo, and a life in paradise. Hell, that sounds like a good deal to me. Do you really think these new professors went into this with the intentions of screwing people over and acting in an “unethical” manner? Monroe probably told all the same lies about accreditation to them too. You guys complain about how there aren’t/weren’t enough professors, and now you want the ones who showed up to help teach you have their license revoked? That’s insane! Would you rather have had no teachers show up at all? Granted, if no teachers showed up in the first place then there wouldn’t have been a school to begin with, but to reiterate, they were probably lied to just like you guys.
redeyes said:
I have been following this thread for quite sometime now and never really felt the need to post anything until now. Why in the world would you want to report the professors to the state board?!?! They were probably lied to just like you students were lied to. They were probably offered X dollars, a condo, and a life in paradise. Hell, that sounds like a good deal to me. Do you really think these new professors went into this with the intentions of screwing people over and acting in an “unethical” manner? Monroe probably told all the same lies about accreditation to them too. You guys complain about how there aren’t/weren’t enough professors, and now you want the ones who showed up to help teach you have their license revoked? That’s insane! Would you rather have had no teachers show up at all? Granted, if no teachers showed up in the first place then there wouldn’t have been a school to begin with, but to reiterate, they were probably lied to just like you guys.
First of all the 3 out of the four pharmacist were aware of what had been transpiring at HICP since, one was the sister of a student (a USN graduate), another the wife of a student (who was being passed, though failing MULTIPLE course,etc. FACT), and the OTHER (Assoc. Dean) was pre-warned various times by multiple students and in depth. These three knew exactly what their motives were to work at HICP, $$$$$$$$. The fourth was also informed to a certain extent by some students, though I'm not sure how much he knew.
" They were probably offered X dollars, a condo, and a life in paradise. Hell, that sounds like a good deal to me."
Very interesting, Hmmmmmmmmmm ....sounds like you knew exactly what kind of deal these pharmacist bargained for in DETAIL, while accepting their positions at HICP.

Do you really think these new professors went into this with the intentions of screwing people over and acting in an “unethical” manner?

They were probably offered X dollars, a condo, and a life in paradise. Hell, that sounds like a good deal to me.

Unethical Behavior, well YES!
When the previous administrators/pharmacist were "X'd out for being cancers"(Monroe) and you, the current pharmacists, stepped in knowing exactly what you were coming into and accepted it w/open arms. Therefore, YES, you are Unethical,
Just read your own post, I believe you answered your own questions.

By the way, Belloto isn't included in the 4 pharmacists above. All HICP students knew of his opinions and stance towards HICP. Correct me if I'm wrong HICP students.

So for all the current Pharmacist employed by HICP, yes you are unethical and participating in "illegal", "fraudulent", and unethical behavior by working for HICP.
You are only assisting Hasan, Monroe and the officers in their corrupt business practices by remaining at HICP (where students see you and come to you for questions....and you lie to them in their face...and w/hold valuable information, etc.)
So perhaps,
These current HICP pharmacists, should rethink their occupation as pharmacist.
Doesn't seem that they are motivated by ethics, morals, and the love for the pharmacy profession. It appears more to be motivated by money, the same motivation that drove Criswell and Monroe to create and organize HICP.
lava2 said:
3 - Remember the test question he gave us on his exam that talked about the "withdraw" situation w/ ACPE in early Jan. and the answer was that ACPE used "coercive power" on HICP AND this answer was based on his perspective bcuz he made the exam . . . he also said in front of the entire class that when they went to ACPE in January he felt like, in his opinion, they (ACPE) played the race card and were not treated like equals

Show this to the DCCA. They may want this.
DoTheRightThing said:
The state quoted HICP/PES Admin, "We don't have any student enrolled and we won't accept any until we get pre-candidate status. They will apply for pre candiate status on or before Oct 1, 2003. We will not begin to educate pharmacist until ACPE give thumbs up." This is all the stuff the Admin told the state, and it ALL has be FALSE

gosh all they do is lie! i wouldn't trust em to bring in my mail.
Check this out in today's Honolulu Star-Bulletin:


I was shocked to see how much Monroe paid himself! No wonder they can't finance their building, Monroe is taking students' money and paying himself a big fat paycheck!

Also notice in this article that some of the stuff the investigator found (house in KY for example) coincided with stuff uncovered on SDN. Great job SDN sleuths!
lisi said:
Check this out in today's Honolulu Star-Bulletin:


I was shocked to see how much Monroe paid himself! No wonder they can't finance their building, Monroe is taking students' money and paying himself a big fat paycheck!

Also notice in this article that some of the stuff the investigator found (house in KY for example) coincided with stuff uncovered on SDN. Great job SDN sleuths!

$500,000 grand a year would make Monroe one of the highest paid executives in higher education, I think. It's been a long time since I looked at the Chronicle of Higher Education salary survey - but half a million is up there in terms of compensation at the post-secondary level (not counting b-ball and f-ball coaches).
redeyes said:
I have been following this thread for quite sometime now and never really felt the need to post anything until now. Why in the world would you want to report the professors to the state board?!?! They were probably lied to just like you students were lied to. They were probably offered X dollars, a condo, and a life in paradise. Hell, that sounds like a good deal to me. Do you really think these new professors went into this with the intentions of screwing people over and acting in an “unethical” manner? Monroe probably told all the same lies about accreditation to them too. You guys complain about how there aren’t/weren’t enough professors, and now you want the ones who showed up to help teach you have their license revoked? That’s insane! Would you rather have had no teachers show up at all? Granted, if no teachers showed up in the first place then there wouldn’t have been a school to begin with, but to reiterate, they were probably lied to just like you guys.

They were probably initially lied to at first...but after a couple months, they knew. I'm talking about the ORIGNAL staff. They knew what was really going on, and they lied about it. Dr. Bahgavan said ACPE "withdrawl" recommendation was just "FORMAT ERROR". Dr. Myahara side Dr. Bahgavan left because he was "Sick". Everyone on the staff, promised and assured the students that everyone was ok and everything would work out, except Dr. Borja, she expressed her concerns that she was having a difficult time finding site. She didn't say or promise anything to the student.

The NEW faculty, they might not know at first, but after they found out and after being told by many students...they are guilty if they do'nt do anything about it. The Profession of Pharmacy is about being professional, it is being about ethical and morally correct. If you know what is going on with the school but you just sit their and turning your back on what is right...then I think you are "NOT FIT" to be a pharmacist. It's like seeing your co-worker make a mistake in dispensing drugs, but they didn't report it or tell the patient...and you sit back and do the same.

Yeah we said there weren't enough PROFESSORS, and there still isn't. All of these prositions are ADMIN positions. They haven't hired any quailified professors.
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lisi said:
Check this out in today's Honolulu Star-Bulletin:


I was shocked to see how much Monroe paid himself! No wonder they can't finance their building, Monroe is taking students' money and paying himself a big fat paycheck!

Also notice in this article that some of the stuff the investigator found (house in KY for example) coincided with stuff uncovered on SDN. Great job SDN sleuths!

All the stuff is public record. I can't wait to see what dirty stuff they dig up!!!
Students who are suing the school themselves might be able to file suit in federal court under "diversity of citizenship" jurisdiction. This case involves assets being transferred between several states, students from several states, and even a potential defendant from another country. Having the federal courts involved will make it harder for people to hide assets in other states. I'm not sure if the $75,000 damage minimum limit impose by the federal courts will mean that a student cannot sue by themselves (since each student's damages will be less than $75k) - but perhaps a class action lawsuit might work. Anyway, ALWAYS seek legal counsel for advice, opinions, and options. :)

In regards to College President's Salary:
Top TOTAL Compensation for Doctoral/Research Universities (2001-2002)
Shirley Ann Jackson, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute $891,400
Gordon Gee, Vanderbilt U. $852,023
Judith Rodin, U. of Pennsylvania $845,474
Arnold J. Levine, Rockefeller U. $844,600
William R. Brody, Johns Hopkins U. $772,276
Michael R. Ferrari, Texas Christian U. $667,901
Steven B. Sample, U. of Southern California5 $656,420
Jon Westling, Boston U. $656,098
Richard C. Levin, Yale U. $654,452
Constantine N. Papadakis, Drexel U.6 $650,886

Private College Present's Mean Compensation, 2001

Source for above numbers: http://chronicle.com/free/v50/i12/12s00101.htm

Keep in mind these college presidents run HUGE universities with many schools, programs, and have to deal with alumni, numerous faculties in many dept/schools, land issues, etc. Compare all these things to HICP(tm).
Kaukaknowsbest said:
» Monroe paid himself a salary of $500,000.
» As school started last fall, Monroe paid more than $500,000 to buy a luxurious home near Louisville, Ky.
» Criswell conveyed property in Las Vegas into the name of her husband in June.
» Plans to develop a campus in Hawaii have stalled because Monroe and Criswell have not financed the project.

GAME, SET, AND MATCH. Game over.

If Monroe, a secretary, paid himself $500,000/year, then it would be safe to assume that Criswell, the CEO, got at the very least that amount too. Why become a pharmacist when you can become a librarian? Are there still believers?...Patty?....Tuan?....Dao?
Kaukaknowsbest said:
Two dozen current and former students have filed official complaints against the school with the Office of Consumer Protection.

:rolleyes: Only 24 students filed complaints? :rolleyes:
johnniewest said:
GAME, SET, AND MATCH. Game over.

If Monroe, a secretary, paid himself $500,000/year, then it would be safe to assume that Criswell, the CEO, got at the very least that amount too. Why become a pharmacist when you can become a librarian? Are there still believers?...Patty?....Tuan?....Dao?

That was only the salary. On top of the salary, he had all his air fares, condo rental fees, health insurance premiums, car rental charges, and business dinner bills paid for with your tuition. All these would be legal under normal circumstances, but the fact that they misled you guys about accreditation makes it illegal.
dont you feel like "PUNKING" out now? After DCCA gets thru to you, monroe, criswell, HICP corp. and all your "spies"...u'll be back to the cotton picking fields in no time...where u belong, cuz u aint nothing but a back stabber to MLK. u aint done no sit-in's but the ones for jail time.
SaddamHasan said:
dont you feel like "PUNKING" out now? After DCCA gets thru to you, monroe, criswell, HICP corp. and all your "spies"...u'll be back to the cotton picking fields in no time...where u belong, cuz u aint nothing but a back stabber to MLK. u aint done no sit-in's but the ones for jail time.

NIce to have you back Saddm Hasan. I kinda miss your presences.
johnniewest said:
:rolleyes: Only 24 students filed complaints? :rolleyes:

That was what i'm saying!!

Most students left too early to files a complaint...and others students don't want to get "involved" in the situation, they rather stand at the sidelines and watch.

To me, those students are no better then the faculty stand there and do nothing. IF there is a problem with your school, with ur future....do something about it rather then let it unfold in the hands of unethical and unprofessional THEIVES!

Your parents hard earned money, your hard earned money....to what??!!? A $555,000 house with 2 lexus and 1 escalde. It's only 1 person, why do you need 3 cars?

Your a Native Hawaiian, with property in Kentuky bough with STOLEN $$$...there is no point of having BLING BLING! You will always have SPAM in your blood.
Reading this article makes me sick to my stomache. These are the most disgusting, unethical, immoral, UNDESERVING OF LIFE, sick bastards who have no qualms about destroying and screwing innocent students and the families involved.
Kaukaknowsbest said:
The state, which is suing the school, is seeking to force the college and its founders to return the $28,000 tuition that many students paid to attend the school last year. Unless the assets are frozen, the state argues, the students might not get their money back.

I would file an complaint simply because if the college is force to return money to the students, I will be the first in line to get my money back. A few minutes of work may result in thousands of dollars.
BMBiology said:
I would file an complaint simply because if the college is force to return money to the students, I will be the first in line to get my money back. A few minutes of work may result in thousands of dollars.
For the remainder of the HICP students and all other parties involved,--don't even hesitate and fill out the formal complaint. Help yourself out.
DoTheRightThing said:
That was what i'm saying!!

Most students left too early to files a complaint...and others students don't want to get "involved" in the situation, they rather stand at the sidelines and watch.

To me, those students are no better then the faculty stand there and do nothing. IF there is a problem with your school, with ur future....do something about it rather then let it unfold in the hands of unethical and unprofessional THEIVES!

Your parents hard earned money, your hard earned money....to what??!!? A $555,000 house with 2 lexus and 1 escalde. It's only 1 person, why do you need 3 cars?

Your a Native Hawaiian, with property in Kentuky bough with STOLEN $$$...there is no point of having BLING BLING! You will always have SPAM in your blood.
Monroe is Filipino (Ilikano) and was raised in Hawaii, but isn't a Native at ALL.
Auggie is the same as Monroe and that's another reason why they have that close bond.

Monroe (Yacas) makes me sick. This man, the entire school year would continously say, "Look at my car. You see the kind of car I drive. I have no money, all my money is for the school. Look at my piece of Sh.t car. Look at my clothes. I wear the same thing over and over."
This man upto the end of May 2005 continued to repeat this stuff to us over and over. "Oh you students have better cars than me" Stuff like that.

This was all part of his con game. Meanwhile he was rolling in Lexus and Cadillacs and living a lavish life away from Hawaii.

Okay, these people deserve NO MERCY!!!
BMBiology said:
I would file an complaint simply because if the college is force to return money to the students, I will be the first in line to get my money back. A few minutes of work may result in thousands of dollars.

24 Students who complained. The other students are doing nothing to contribute. But once the 24 students start getting their money in...you bet that the other students will take out their time to fill out a complaint.
So is the psychologist's service still available? I'm just curious since apparently HICP (TM) won't have the money to pay for it, and I doubt any shrewd business man will take IOUs from HICP (TM).
newbiedoc said:
So is the psychologist's service still available? I'm just curious since apparently HICP (TM) won't have the money to pay for it, and I doubt any shrewd business man will take IOUs from HICP (TM).

Well, currently all of HICP/PES account are frozen...meaning no money in and no money out = no money to rent building = no money to pay staff = no way out.

For you "Believing" students....why don't u "invest" your money in HICP....you konw...give them some capital...give them money so they can pay back the students who deserve their money back. Since you Believers are willing to do anything for a Pharm. D. degree...sell your house, sell your car, take out personal loans...help out the school's financial problems. PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS!!!
lava2 said:
For the remainder of the HICP students and all other parties involved,--don't even hesitate and fill out the formal complaint. Help yourself out.


Here is the DCCA link to file your complaint. You have already taken a huge loss . . . why make things worse for yourself. Fill out an official complaint and move on with your life if you are driven to achieve some REALISTIC GOALS.
Kaukaknowsbest said:
» Monroe paid himself a salary of $500,000, put tuition money into a Bank of Hawaii account under his sole control and later transferred large sums of money into two accounts in Nevada.
» In September, Monroe paid more than $500,000 to buy a luxury home near Louisville, Ky., where he keeps two Lexus automobiles and a Cadillac Escapade SUV in the garage.

According to the affidavit, Dooman's investigation was based on public-record searches and interviews with a variety of people, including students, local real estate developers and the college's former chief financial officer, Clifford Park.


Can you please tell us the other side to this story? :laugh:

Also to those Hasan supporters who might testify in court, I wonder how you guys would feel about going to jail for lying under oath.
Can someone post a picture of Monroe, Criswell, Hasan, and Vu?

These people are famous and I would like to know how they look like.
redeyes said:
I have been following this thread for quite sometime now and never really felt the need to post anything until now. Why in the world would you want to report the professors to the state board?!?! They were probably lied to just like you students were lied to. They were probably offered X dollars, a condo, and a life in paradise. Hell, that sounds like a good deal to me. Do you really think these new professors went into this with the intentions of screwing people over and acting in an “unethical” manner? Monroe probably told all the same lies about accreditation to them too. You guys complain about how there aren’t/weren’t enough professors, and now you want the ones who showed up to help teach you have their license revoked? That’s insane! Would you rather have had no teachers show up at all? Granted, if no teachers showed up in the first place then there wouldn’t have been a school to begin with, but to reiterate, they were probably lied to just like you guys.

No, I do not believe they came into this knowing that, I hope, but their failure to act makes them culpable. I fully intend to make sure they're blacklisted in terms in rehiring faculty, if not permanently in at least the institutional settings. Even with the shortage, we don't need these sort of people in the profession.

I'm specifically thinking of Colorado and Texas Southern brushes with accreditation disaster when thinking about this incident. ACPE and the profession had no sympathy for the faculty, and Texas in particular made it a point to revoke the dean's license over the matter.

They have a duty as faculty and as professionals to act decisively on this matter. Standing on the sidelines or not speaking is not an option in their case. They are in a position of power to change, and no pharmacist can use ignorance or fear of retaliation as an excuse for letting something illegal take place on their watch.

You are probably right. I would not doubt that they were lied to by the administration, but by prolonging this mess, they harm the patient public and the profession.

BTW, if you are a pharmacist staff/faculty member of HICP who is browsing this forum, I wholeheartedly wish you good luck finding employment. I also would ask that you carry a message to the faculty that have CA licenses that I am inquiring with the CA board to see whether the public complaint process can include nondispensing misconduct. I expect to hear back from them on Monday or Tuesday.
Kaukaknowsbest said:
Can someone enlighten me?

Why is Mr. Monroe often referred to as Dr. Monroe?

What is his doctorate in and has anyone verified his credentials? It seems that everything else about him is fake! As librarian just two years ago, I believe he only claimed to have a Master's degree? So now does he claim a Ed.D. or Ph.D. or what? And where are his credentials from? Is he a diploma mill product like Daniel Orr?

B.A. University of Hawaii, when and in what?

Masters from ? and in what?

Ed.D. / Ph.D. from ? and in what?

If you know, please share.

I believe it's an EdD from Nova Southeastern's Las Vegas Branch Campus. Based on Monroe's association with one of the faculty there, my guess is that his EdD was specializing in Organizational Leadership.
But in some documents he still refers to himself as MR. Monroe.$FILE/IslandNovDec.pdf

It's nice to see that he's living it up at a Hawaiian country club on student tuition. :mad:
lord999 said:
No, I do not believe they came into this knowing that, I hope, but their failure to act makes them culpable. I fully intend to make sure they're blacklisted in terms in rehiring faculty, if not permanently in at least the institutional settings. Even with the shortage, we don't need these sort of people in the profession.

Well gee, perhaps we ought to blacklist all the students from attending any other pharmacy program since I'm sure they knew they were not getting a good education after a month or two at HICP. Many of them passed this year and intended to attend next year to a program that wasn't educating them!. Obviously don't need these types of people in the pharmacy profession. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

The professors did act...they either didn't accept the position, quit their position, or they tried to do their job and got fired.
pharmacology said:
Well gee, perhaps we ought to blacklist all the students from attending any other pharmacy program since I'm sure they knew they were not getting a good education after a month or two at HICP. Many of them passed this year and intended to attend next year to a program that wasn't educating them!. Obviously don't need these types of people in the pharmacy profession. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

The professors did act...they either didn't accept the position, quit their position, or they tried to do their job and got fired.

Sense of humor? ;)

You are obviously clueless about the entire situation and will never understand the gravity of what was experienced at HICP.

Things did start off fine and as time passed it gradually went downhill w/ no progression whatsoever. Students and SOME faculty/admin/staff were IN FACT misled, however, there were certain individuals (such as the new PharmD employees) who were DEFINITELY in a position to realize what was going on AND they did nothing to stop it . . . instead they contributed to the unethical/fraudulent behavior of the Dean and HICP founders. Those who did try and make an effort (the PharmDs no longer w/ the school), like you said, either resigned or were forced to leave due to the circumstances.
lisi said:
The nursing accrediting agencies require regional accreditation. USN is going through the process for regional accreditation. Consequently, further development for a USN nursing program can't move forward until regional accreditation moves forward.

I saw a message on USN's website about working on its nursing program with Pacific University; this is a change from its previous website. I did see articles in the Las Vegas Sun regarding USN's approval to open a nursing school. These were older issues, I think from March 2005. Perhaps USN should focus on securing federal school loans before venturing too much into other arenas...

On another note, I must say I am sorry about all the scandal with the Hawaii College of Pharmacy. I wish everyone the best of luck!
lava2 said:
Sense of humor? ;)

You are obviously clueless about the entire situation and will never understand the gravity of what was experienced at HICP.

Things did start off fine and as time passed it gradually went downhill w/ no progression whatsoever. Students and SOME faculty/admin/staff were IN FACT misled, however, there were certain individuals (such as the new PharmD employees) who were DEFINITELY in a position to realize what was going on AND they did nothing to stop it . . . instead they contributed to the unethical/fraudulent behavior of the Dean and HICP founders. Those who did try and make an effort (the PharmDs no longer w/ the school), like you said, either resigned or were forced to leave due to the circumstances.

The more recently hired pharmacists employed within the last few months with HICP/PES should be held accountable for their contribution to the deception and manipulation of students. If the courts find that HICP/PES is in violation of the law then administrator should be held accountable too.

Why would Dr. A continue to support an institution that has obviously lied and intentionally deceived students for financial gain? If Dr. A continues to support these people then I would question why she is there. Dr. Pham and Vu are both closely related to two students at HICP. They both should reassess their roles and future with HICP. They both are tied to the school by the close relationship to family members who are students. If they both chose to stay knowing the schools conducted itself illegally then complaints should be filed with their respective boards of pharmacy. Their conduct should be examined.

The current press releases (THANKS STEWART!!) has enough proof about what has gone on at HICP. We don’t even know to what extent Monroe and Criswell has done with funds from PES/HICP. Attempt to build a dental program, nursing program, cars, houses, and who knows what else. These are only the things we know about.

Let’s also not forget about SCOTT BANKS and HASAN. Banks is listed as the treasurer of PES. He is the CFO and knows of many if not all of the financial deals of PES/HICP. HICP hired Caroline, an outside CPA fromerly with IBM to put the schools financial records in order. When I left in June, she still wasn't finish doing her job. She could help the DCCA get to the bottom of things if Scott refuses to cooperate with authorities. Caroline was her first name. Does anyone know the last name and how she could be contacted?
group_theory said:
Students who are suing the school themselves might be able to file suit in federal court under "diversity of citizenship" jurisdiction. This case involves assets being transferred between several states, students from several states, and even a potential defendant from another country. Having the federal courts involved will make it harder for people to hide assets in other states. I'm not sure if the $75,000 damage minimum limit impose by the federal courts will mean that a student cannot sue by themselves (since each student's damages will be less than $75k) - but perhaps a class action lawsuit might work. Anyway, ALWAYS seek legal counsel for advice, opinions, and options. :)

If a student can prove that the opportunity cost of being deceived (i.e. pharmacist salary for one year), this would easily exceed the $75k minimum. However, this will probably only work if a particular student has turned down acceptance at a different accredited school in favor of HICP.
lord999 said:
No, I do not believe they came into this knowing that, I hope, but their failure to act makes them culpable. I fully intend to make sure they're blacklisted in terms in rehiring faculty, if not permanently in at least the institutional settings. Even with the shortage, we don't need these sort of people in the profession.
BTW, if you are a pharmacist staff/faculty member of HICP who is browsing this forum, I wholeheartedly wish you good luck finding employment. I also would ask that you carry a message to the faculty that have CA licenses that I am inquiring with the CA board to see whether the public complaint process can include nondispensing misconduct. I expect to hear back from them on Monday or Tuesday.

I am a Pharmacy Director in Honolulu (I even participated in your "white coat ceremony") & have been browsing this board silently for weeks, but I must step forward now:

I personally know a couple of the PharmD's who were let go, and I can tell you that they were emotionally gutted by the abuse by their higher-ups. I know that they would have left sooner, but ONLY FOR THE SAKE OF THE STUDENTS did they REMAIN to try to salvage your tuition and the school. In the end, the mountain ended up too steep to climb and the personal & emotional cost was too devastating. Most of them were unable to obtain jobs in the state & ended up packing up & leaving.

In your pain & frustration, please do not paint the PharmD's with the same brush that you wash over Monroe & Criswell.

I am really sorry that you all have gone through this, and hope that the DCCA suit can do something to redress your pain.

Good luck,

QPharmD said:
I know that they would have left sooner, but ONLY FOR THE SAKE OF THE STUDENTS did they REMAIN to try to salvage your tuition and the school.

So your saying they stayed because they cared about the students? Yea only to continue to deceive them by telling them everything is all right, no need to worry even til their last days working there. Look at the former dean, he even said things are fine at hicp even when he left.
I got a letter in my mail box today. It was just a "status update" letter. Basically saying that they obtained a temporary restraining order against PES, Criswell, and Monroe.

*At the bottom of the letter he wrote:

"Several students have written and emailed asking whether our office can take over the operation of the school and keep it open. The short answer is no -- that is not our office's function. Our office's function is to investigate whether a buisness has violated any consumer protection laws and, if so, to bring civil suits to enforce those laws by obtaining injunctions barring future violations, restitution for any victims and civil penalties."

Honestly, I don't know what students would consider this thought and email it to them. The DCCA are not educators, they are not Admin, they are not Buisness poeple. It's like having a Home Depot running HICP...I am totally clueless why some students would think this.
quacker said:
So your saying they stayed because they cared about the students? Yea only to continue to deceive them by telling them everything is all right, no need to worry even til their last days working there. Look at the former dean, he even said things are fine at hicp even when he left.
The former HICP dean is somewhat to blame for MANY things that occurred at HICP and for allowing things to get this far.
He obviously was a puppet of Monroe and Criswell to a certain extent and lacked the spinal cord to stand up to them from the beginning to the day he left.

This man has no excuse for his actions; he was the Dean, the leader of the the school, of the students and professionals working at HICP.
If he couldn't be a true leader and direct the school in the appropriate way (keeping MOnroe and Criswell OUT of the Academic decision making process) then he had NO Business coming to HICP. This man has a certain amount of blame as Hasan, Monroe, Criswell, Banks, Nixon, etc.

Even the fact that he left quietly (due to illness), he had the obligation to tell his faculty and students the truth of what was occurring at HICP.

Hope all gets resolved in COURT when the appropriate people are called to testify (and all FINGERS WILL POINT to MONROE AND CRISWELL the TRUE MASTERMINDS OF THIS SCAM!!!!!!!!!).
QPharmD said:
In the end, the mountain ended up too steep to climb and the personal & emotional cost was too devastating. Most of them were unable to obtain jobs in the state & ended up packing up & leaving.

Hi QPharmD,

I have no doubt, that at a particluar time, some Pharm D knew what was going on. I also have no doubt that they tried to help the students out in one way or another.
But I have to agree with Quacker. At some point they should've been open and announce truth straight out to the students...the REAL problems and to what MAGNITUDE. For them just to "leave" without announcing the true problem is some what unprofessional. I would give them great respect if they came out and said, " The Corporation is in the buisness of making money nor making good pharmacist, they are running the school in the wrong fashion and I advise you to leave or to seek legal advice. I have tried to help you (students), but it's at a point where I'm unable to help any longer and I will be resigning in 2 weeks."
With all that is going on, I expect to see each Pharm D. file a complaint to the DCCA to show that they support the students...I will accept nothing less.
DoTheRightThing said:
Hi QPharmD,

I have no doubt, that at a particluar time, some Pharm D knew what was going on. I also have no doubt that they tried to help the students out in one way or another.
But I have to agree with Quacker. At some point they should've been open and announce truth straight out to the students...the REAL problems and to what MAGNITUDE. For them just to "leave" without announcing the true problem is some what unprofessional. I would give them great respect if they came out and said, " The Corporation is in the buisness of making money nor making good pharmacist, they are running the school in the wrong fashion and I advise you to leave or to seek legal advice. I have tried to help you (students), but it's at a point where I'm unable to help any longer and I will be resigning in 2 weeks."
With all that is going on, I expect to see each Pharm D. file a complaint to the DCCA to show that they support the students...I will accept nothing less.

Doing what you said is grounds for a lawsuit. You simply just can not do that. I think a lot of you are wasting your energy and going after the wrong people here. Don't lose sight to how manipulating Hasan and company are and how disrespectful they can be. Simply working for someone is not grounds for losing your license. Concentrate on Hasan, Criswell, and Monroe.
I agree with Caverject. And besides, Dr. Miyahara did tell us something was wrong with the school. Remember when he said, "If you see me gone, then know that something is truly wrong with the school" and five minutes later he packed up his office and left. Also, at the curriculum meetings, Dr. Miyahara would disagree with Hasan on some issues but Hasan alway did things his way.

Anyways.. here's a new article on MSN. No new information here but at least the story is being spread around some more.

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