General Admissions & OTCAS OTCAS Schools

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5+ Year Member
Apr 15, 2018
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While looking through OTCAS for my schools that I am applying to, some of the schools that I want to apply to are missing.

These schools include Stony Brook and Nova (Tampa). Both of these schools state that they are on OTCAS and I am confused why their application is not up?

Anyone know anything about this????

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While looking through OTCAS for my schools that I am applying to, some of the schools that I want to apply to are missing.

These schools include Stony Brook and Nova (Tampa). Both of these schools state that they are on OTCAS and I am confused why their application is not up?

Anyone know anything about this????

I read somewhere in another thread that some schools have specific opening dates on OTCAS, but I would contact admissions for more information.