Ortho - what should I be doing during MS1?

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Scooby Doo

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Jul 10, 2001
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Ok...so far I'm a first year medical student and the specialty that seems to grab my attention most is Ortho. It seems like a great field where you get to see results and it is something that I would enjoy doing. Being a first year, should I worry about trying to get any research done this summer for it? Or should I just enjoy my first summer before the real hell sets in. Is there anything I should be doing?
Thanks for any input.

I found the post on broken fingers interesting b/c I have injured pretty much every joint on my body b/c I'm so active. I hurt my ankle a while back...and my left wrist with rugby...now about a week ago I think I either fractured my scaphoid or tore a ligament in my right wrist b/c I can barely move it or put any weight on it. Then both thumbs on both hands are a mess as well...I'm just wondering if it's time to stop playing the more aggressive sports and start to focus on the less chance of injuring myself sports :)

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research early will only help your cause, but it is not mandatory. Make sure you do well in all your classes, rock step I, and try to get some ortho experience. Try to get to know some pods that can write great letters of rec, rather than one that says you answered all your pimp questions right in the OR. Also, try to be as well rounded as possible. Get involved in some community activities...don't just live for ortho.
i agree w/ ortho 2003. if you can get some research started that would help but doing well in your classes now is really important. Having "extra's" on your cv will always set you apart from another applicant whether in ortho or not. Not to mention you might actually enjoy having activities that are outside of the classroom for the next few years. It can make everything else fall into perspective b/c it's easy to put on the blinders and live school. Somone in another forum asked about my place in line...i am a 3rd year who sees the light and is prepping for aways. if i could give any advice to someone starting their 1st year it would be do well in your classes, maybe get something outside of school going to help you and your cv, start a relationship w/ an ortho if possible eg, go ask to have someone in the dept advise you. these are things i was told and some i took to heart. i'll let you know if it works next year.
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So yea....i'm wondering, I started doing a martial arts class when I got to med school and wondering if that counts as an EC? I plan to keep going with it...I go about 3 or 4 times a week and it's a huge portion of my time. (A good 3 to 4 hours to get there, do the class, get back)
By EC's do you mean basically through school clubs again? Or just any sort of volunteer work? I was active in Hospice before going to med school and that was something I was thinking of going back and doing. However, if I am planning more on ortho or something not directly involved in hospice, would you still recommend I volunteer for it?
Just wondering....

Thanks again!
Martial arts is great. Anything that you can do to set yourself apart and make someone remember you is a valid extracurricular activity. Make sure it is something that you are going to enjoy and get more out of than just having something to throw on yoru CV. I coached football and wrestling while in school, was a Big Brother, volunteered at an indigent clinic, and spent hours upon hours helping a friend renovate a condemned house. I included all of these somewhere in my activities and hobbies on my CV and discussed all of them at some point on the interview trail. The best thing to do is get a involved in a variety of activities that you enjoy and have a life outside of the books.