**Official: July 25, 2013 MCAT**

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Put some tussin on it!
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Apr 27, 2008
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Guess we should go ahead and start this up!

T-minus: 110 days...

Happy studying, my fellow hopeless souls.

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Also applying this cycle. Finishing up the last of my secondaries as I write. If I dont get what I want, there's no way I'm half-assing the next 2 weeks of "studying" to re-take. I'll just see where the chips fall, and try again next year if unsuccessful.

I just know that with 2 weeks, I wouldn't have the abiltity to study the way I want and make significant changes. Here's hoping that none of us need to re-test at all in the future! :thumbup:
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This was my third and final time taking the exam. I am not too nervous because I am fortunate to have an acceptance waiting for me for next year. I promise to post whatever my score may be. I only took a few practice test before the real deal but did a ton of practice passages for the last few weeks to get ready. Only about 6 weeks of real studying because it is my third time.

1st test 4/12- 8/8/7 23
2nd test 8/12- 10/8/8 26

AAMC 7or9 (cant remember)- 9/8/10 27
AAMC 10- 10/11/11 32
AAMC 11- 9/11/10 30

Post test feeling-
PS- Not too bad
VR- Fine until last two passages
BS- Discretes felt crazy hard, but passages weren't too confusing
My Guess: 9/11/9 29

Please appreciate the gusto of this post. Will update in an hour.

Scores up!

I got 10/10/10 30!!!
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lets ****ing goo verbal!!!!

edit: im happy because the 2 schools im interested in most only care about verbal (im in canada)
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Scores up!

I got 10/10/10 30!!!

Thats a perfectly even score! CONGRATS! I got a 9/10/9 28!...........I don't know if I should retake Im not happy about the BS score I was getting 13 and 14s in the practice. What does everyone think?
AAMC 9-11 average: 39 (range: 38-40)
Post-test prediction(s): 36
Actual test score: 38 (14/12/12)

wiiiinnnn :) I actually found the PS section the hardest relative to the practice tests. I guess I couldn't have been the only one!

Good luck all, and thanks for sharing in the waiting anxiety!
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AAMC 9-11 average of 37.5

Post test prediction of 36

Actual test: 14PS/12VR/11BS for a 37!

Right at my AAMC average
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VR - 8
PS -10
BS - 9
Total: 27

Verbal has always been my weakest and ranged anywhere from 6-10 on my practice tests so I'm not surprised by the 8. PS was always between 10-11, so I'm not surprised with the 10. However BS was my stronger suite and the last three practice tests (AMC 9,10,11) I scored 11-12, so I wasn't expecting a 9. I did however find the BS section very experiment based and dense.
AAMC 9-11 AVG: 32
Post test Prediction: 32

Actual Test 10PS/11VR/11BS for a 32

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Thats a perfectly even score! CONGRATS! I got a 9/10/9 28!...........I don't know if I should retake Im not happy about the BS score I was getting 13 and 14s in the practice. What does everyone think?

Sounds like fatigue may have been a factor if you were doing that well on practice. If you have time and want to do MD, I would retake. Still a great score though!
Ill be retaking it lol. 10/10/8
Pretty happy with PS since I straight guessed on 6 of the questions when I ran out of time on the last page.
VR I guessed on the entire last passage cause I ran out of time so I can't complain
BS- that's exactly what it was lol BS. I scored a 10 in BS the first time and it's usually my strongest. Practice test average 10-14. Damn you BS! Lol.

Great job everyone!!!
Haha anyone else waiting to look? I'm still at work and don't want to react in either way in front of the physicians, patients, or coworkers. I plan on going to dinner with my best friend later, ordering a drink, and looking on my phone in public full of strangers. I have an irrational fear about crying in public, so.....

Maybe I'm just being ridiculous. :rolleyes:
Sounds like fatigue may have been a factor if you were doing that well on practice. If you have time and want to do MD, I would retake. Still a great score though!

Thanks! The more I think about it the more annoyed I am about it lol. My undergrad gpa is a 3.8 and im finishing up a doctorate in pharmacy with a 3.9 so hopefully that will offset it a little, ughh!
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Very happy today!

03/24/2012 -26
VR 8
PS 8
BS 10

07/25/2013 - 31
VR 11
PS 9
BS 11
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1st MCAT August 2012: 31Q (14/8/9)
AAMC 9-11 average: 33.3 (12.3/9.6/11.3)
Post-test prediction(s): ~33 (12/9/12)
Actual test score: 30 (10/10/10)

Hmm I'm pretty disappointed with my performance on the PS. Glad I got the 10 on VR. And I felt fairly confident with BS...did not expect to get a 10 at all.

Really confused as to how I messed up the PS so badly. I was getting at least a 12 on practice exams. Probably made a couple of stupid mistakes and calculation errors.

Neither science section felt difficult, so maybe the scale got the better of me.

I'm applying this cycle so I am kind of confused as to what I should do. Do any of you guys know schools that take the best subscores? I did some research on SDN and heard GWU and BU, but I am curious to hear any others.
My score:
PS: 13
BS: 13
VR: 9
Total: 35

This time I have to say: my post test feeling is confirmed in the real score. After the test, I was very confident about the sciences but felt like I bombed the Verbal big time. I've posted before about the monster Verbal of the July 25th test date. I guess 9 is not a bad score.

Anyone knows how med schools feel about an unbalanced distribution like mine. Obviously I demonstrated to them that science is my strong point (which is necessary in medicine).

Any insight from my wonderful SDNers is appreciated.
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Damn. I thought I did a lot better. I must have tanked the last two verbal passages.

PS/VR/BS was an 12/8/10.

Pretty bummed. Verbal last year was a 10. Thought I'd nab the same score. Also thought bio was better than a 10.
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AAMC 9-11 average: 36 (11 PS, 13 V, 12 BS)
Post-test Prediction: 35 (10 PS, 13 V, 12 BS)
Actual: 31 (10 PS, 11 V, 10 BS)

I'm pretty disappointed, actually. I know it could've been worse, but.... Never got lower than 13 on verbal practice tests, so there must've been a tough scale or I just slept thru a passage. Weird because I felt confident after the test. PS I'm satisfied because I found it pretty tough. Also surprised and disappointed by BS because I thought I had done at least as well as practice tests, it not better!
Sorry guys I was deep breathing and calling half of my contacts list hahaha

AAMC avg: PS/VR/BS = 11/10/12 = 33ish
Actual: 11/12/10 = 33

Edit: Post test means nothing but I felt anything from a 26-34. Was feeling something like 11/8/10 for a total of 29.

I'm glad to have gotten my avg :) Thanks to all of yall who dealt with me spamming this thread out of stress! I want to give all of you a biiiiig hug!

To all of the lurkers, I know there are people with way better scores than me but if anyone wants advice from a semi-lazy girl who still hit 30+, please PM me!
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I was shocked by my score.

11/10/11 = 32 :D

That's great, since I was getting 24's in May and 27's three weeks before the test. I actually improved by 5 points in the last two weeks. And verbal is my weakest area!!
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Oh boy! So I've got a bit of a success story that will hopefully cheer some people up.

9/11/2012 MCAT: 24 via 9PS/5VR/10BS

Took a Kaplan online course----

Kaplan test average: 29.6
Kaplan test range 24-36 (upward trend for the most part)

7/25/2013 MCAT: 33 via 11/11/11

The 7/25 test--I didn't make a prediction because I hate predictions and always get them wrong. I was a little bummed with my PS (it felt so easy!) and BS score because I was scoring between 12-14s on my better tests. VR totally dumbfounded me though. I was getting 8-10s on my practice tests and felt awful after the VR section so it was a pleasant surprise. All in all, I could not be happier with my score as I feel like I thoroughly overcame the MCAT. I don't claim to know much but PMs are always welcome!

I'm not kidding, I really don't know much and I'm not applying this cycle either...

If you plan on retaking it is definitely possible to improve your score but I highly encourage you to study first instead of taking it a month later and hoping for the best. My first MCAT I freaked out while sitting, didn't prepare with full-length exams, and didn't do a very strong material review. A Kaplan course is obviously not necessary but it worked for me. Using the AAMC FLs to their full advantage in a test-like setting is probably the best way to prepare. Nevertheless, what ever works for you is the best strategy. It can be done!!
AAMC 9-11 average: 34.67
Post-test prediction: PS/VR/BS 10/9/10 = 29
Actual score: 12/9/12 = 33

I performed much better than I anticipated and now I feel relieved, but I am not satisfied with that verbal score (although I did expect it). I had never scored lower than a 10 on verbal during practice (I always scored within the range of 10-12).

A word of advice: try not to be too nervous during the test - it definitely impacted my performance.
My score:
PS: 13
BS: 13
VR: 9
Total: 35

This time I have to say: my post test feeling is confirmed in the real score. After the test, I was very confident about the sciences but felt like I bombed the Verbal big time. I've posted before about the monster Verbal of the July 25th test date. I guess 9 is not a bad score.

Anyone knows how med schools feel about an unbalanced distribution like mine. Obviously I demonstrated to them that science is my strong point (which is necessary in medicine).

Any insight from my wonderful SDNers is appreciated.

Adcoms have said on this site that schools don't quite care about it as much as people think they do. I don't know how much that 9 will change this perception as it usually applies to those scoring 10+ in each section, but I wouldn't worry about it so much. 35 is still a solid score regardless.

So: ps, vr, bs = 10,7,11
Composite 28

I'm happy with it. My post test thoughts though: "Wtf verbal?" Lol, like seriously got a better verbal score last time.. and on every practice test I took... (??) I know my favorite schools take your highest into consideration...

So not gonna let that bother me too much. :D

Yay its over!! Congrats to all.
I'm happy with it. My post test thoughts though: "Wtf verbal?" Lol, like seriously got a better verbal score last time.. and on every practice test I took...

Verbal's always been my strongest section (13 on this exam) if you or anyone ever wanted to chat, I'd be happy to share anything I can.
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10/10/10 = 30. idk what happened. i was ranging 33-38, expecting a ~35.

sooo disappointed right now
Yeah, I'm in the same boat. I knew my PS wasn't stellar, but really thought I'd scored my average on the other 2 sections (13V, 12B). Suuuuuper bummed right now!
Hey guys I begin to think that AAMC doesn't account for the difficulty of different test versions as much as they claim that they do. I browsed through the July 26th test date page. From what I understand, they don't seem to think their test was too bad. And their scores seem to be better in general than the people in our July 25 forum.

Check it out for yourself. Is MCAT a game of luck now?
AAMC Average: 31.5
AAMC 9-12: 32.5
Prediction: Kind of worthless to guess what you received, stick with your average.
Actual: 11PS/11VR/10BS, 32. Fatigue was a huge factor in bio. I finished bio with 10 minutes left and I just ended the test because I was fried. Had I used the full time, my score probably would have been a point higher.
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Hey guys I begin to think that AAMC doesn't account for the difficulty of different test versions as much as they claim that they do. I browsed through the July 26th test date page. From what I understand, they don't seem to think their test was too bad. And their scores seem to be better in general than the people in our July 25 forum.

Check it out for yourself. Is MCAT a game of luck now?

The high scores on that thread were averaging in the upper 30s on all of their practice tests. 4 above 35 scores in a thread with high self selection for posting is not significant.
10 PS 10 BS 8VR 28

Ugh, very disappointed in my score. I averaged a 10 in VR in all my practice tests and didn't feel like anything was off during the test. I'm glad that I finally conquered the beast that was PS considering I got a 7 on my last test, but that 8 VR is a huge bummer. Gonna have to go over my school selection now since I've already applied.
Aamc average: 36.5
Prediction: I totally screwed up PS but felt good for the other ones.

And I ended with a 38! 14 BS 13 VR 11 PS! So pumped :)))))
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AAMC average- (Test 11,10, 5)- 27

Actual Test (8,11,10)= 29

Thought it was close to the guess of a composite of 30. 10,9,11. I ran out of time on the PS so the lower number was expected. Thought I screwed up verbal big time, but it looks like everyone did too. Just happy to have something to work with. Im not disappointed or ecstatic with my score, just content. Though, I am ecstatic to have this damn test over and done with.
10 PS 10 BS 8VR 28

Ugh, very disappointed in my score. I averaged a 10 in VR in all my practice tests and didn't feel like anything was off during the test. I'm glad that I finally conquered the beast that was PS considering I got a 7 on my last test, but that 8 VR is a huge bummer. Gonna have to go over my school selection now since I've already applied.

Sorry to hear, VR really screwed me this time as well. And it was that last damn passage. Had we had a normal one I would've got my average of a 9 or 10 for sure. Maybe better, as most the other passages were surprisingly easy to follow.

Good luck this cycle, I think I only have a shot at my state schools.
My goal was a 30. I scored a 29 (9 PS, 11 VR, and 9 BS). I thought I would have done better in bio, but meh, what can you do? It's BS anyways. I have always planned to go to DO school, and I think this will be a competitive score for me. Congrats to those who are happy with their score, and keep your chin up for those who are not. This is no indication of what kind of doctor you'll be. It's just a hoop that circus animals jump through. Remember, it's not the journey that's important, but the destination.
I felt like the PS was brutal too and it definitely showed in my score (11 when I was normally scoring 13s on practice tests) but I'm glad it worked out in so many people's favor!
I almost feel like I should rescore or something, I've never done that bad on any VR section, ever. Since my app is still being verified, it shouldn't take long. How does one go about getting a rescore?
Longtime reader but I have never posted. You guys wanted someone to post scores that weren't SDN impressive... Well here it is. I have taken the MCAT twice before each time I scored in the low twenties. This time around I got a 25 (which I'm actually happy about). Taking the MCAT has been one of the worst, but now that it's over, I consider it one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Even though my score is not the best (horrendous in terms of SDN standards), I earned that score and I could not be more happy about it. For all of those who keep scoring in the low twenties, keep pushing! I can't tell you how many times I considered giving up. But my drive to become a physician would not let this happen. If you want it. You can have it. I am currently applying to osteopathic medical schools and I hope that with my most recent MCAT score, stellar extracurriculars, and above average GPA that my dream of becoming a physician will come true.

Also, I wanted to say that you to all of the SDN community. The advice, knowledge, and tips I've gained from reading this forum have been invaluable. Good luck to everyone applying this cycle and I wish you all the best of luck!

I couldn't agree with you more. After my first MCAT failure I was crushed. Although I hate the MCAT and dreaded studying for it again I cannot deny that it made a lasting impact on my life teaching me perseverance. You sound like you will be competitive for DO school. It may seem like a 25 is low for SDN standards but the people here don't care about MCAT scores or GPA as much as they value the drive to become a physician. So far, my most favorite physician I have shadowed was an insanely intelligent Rheumatologist who was a DO. His patients loved him and I think that is all that matters!