OAT Reading Section


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Sep 30, 2006
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I've been studying some Kaplan material for the reading section of the OAT and trying to do a roadmap. I wanted to know, does the computerized OAT have the paragraphs numbered so you can keep track of them? Also, how long/short are the reading passages? i know they shortened them, but it doesn't say by how much. It would be easier to practice for it if i knew what i'm practicing for exactly. Thanks for any replies.

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The paragraphs are not numbered. And I really don't think that the passages are any shorter.

Good luck:luck:

The paragraphs are not numbered. And I really don't think that the passages are any shorter.

Good luck:luck:

thanks. That gives me a better idea of how to study for it. I'm havin a lot of trouble with this section. The Kaplan practice readings i've been doing have been giving me about a 50-60%, which i guess is about a 300 in that section. Any tips on how i should be doing better?

This is my strategy.
Go through the test quickly and jot down key words, then when i see the questions i go back to the paragraph with the key word to answer the question.

This works well when the questions are specific, but when i see a question that has to do with a concept or general ideas of the paper, i can't find the answers. Should i slow down and focus more on the article the first time around? I know everyone has a different way of going about these things and different people like different methods, but i'd like to get more ideas on more effective reading strategies.

Thanks again.
Tell me what you think...

I got a 340 TS and 330AA ... but I didn't quite well on RC
do you think the schools would make me take the whole test over??

THanks :oops: