OAT 2020... Should I retake?

Hmm..I think it depends on what schools you are applying to and what your extra curriculars are as well. If you are trying to go to competitive schools like SUNY, Berkeley, or Houston, I would say yes retake. If you are shooting for a less competitive school and have good extra-curriculars, then you might not need to retake since your GPA is also solid. Maybe also look at Indiana University? (They aren't requiring OAT scores this cycle.)
Based on your stats and activities, I would say that even without retaking the OAT you are definitely competitive for ICO, salus, and Indiana. You have a fair chance at Midwestern, but Ohio State and MCO may be slight reaches. Obviously don't solely base your decision of retaking on what I say here, but this should give you some insight into whether you want to retake or not.
I think you have a fair chance. you can reach out to the schools directly to see what they say but since its still early in the cycle you could apply and they may or may not ask you to retake it.