Northwestern status page

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The staus page has finally changed on the secure applicant site!

"A decision has been made on your application. Expect to receive a letter from us soon. "

Go check! Run now!

I know there is another thread about this but meh...

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I guess you must be hearing good news from them soon. I just checked my site, it still has "your decision is pending" . Congrat!
I got the change too. I hope that means good things, but I tell ya, its going to be a long weekend!!! I'm half tempted to drive to chicago and pick up the letter.
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Originally posted by taehong81
I guess you must be hearing good news from them soon. I just checked my site, it still has "your decision is pending" . Congrat!

Are we looking on the same page cause mine just says "Your file is complete." Am I looking at the right thing?
Woohoo! Northwestern was definitely my first choice after interviewing so I don't know how I'm gonna be able to handle the wait (assuming it's good news).

Is this pretty much a sure thing or could I be the victim of an early rejection?
I got the status change today too...hopefully good news. Does anyone remember exactly what they said about the November decisions? Was it based on when you interviewed or not? I was under the impression that they didn't reject anyone until February. I interviewed early October for those of you who are interested. For those of you who got the status change, it might be helpful to everyone if you mention when you interviewed.
Yeah I don't think they reject people that early. The lady at Admissions just said that they would send out a small batch of acceptances at the end of Nov. and not to be discouraged if you didn't hear back till Feb. b/c their admissions office is notoriously slow.

I interviewed middle of October by the way.
gschl1234....I don't think you're looking at the right thing. Have you interviewed yet? Before the change, it said something like "A decision on your file is pending." Now, it says "A decision has been made on your application. Expect to receive a letter from us soon."
I interviewed Tuesday, Oct. 21. If anyone is interested.
i really didn't want to spend the next few days to a week in agony over what kind of decision it was, so i tried not to check, but i only lasted about 30 seconds.

a decision has been made on me too. yikes.

what i remember the assistant dean saying is that they barely reject anyone they interview... only people who are clearly a bad fit for the school. they make decisions as they review files. some people get accepted everyone else gets waitlisted. they only let 3 people off the waitlist last year. so i think we can expect either acceptance or waitlist.

here's hoping.
do you think they'd actually send out letters to waitlisted people this early in november though? i just figured those who are waitlisted at the end of feb. when all acceptances are offered would receive that type of confirmation...

ha... or maybe i'm just in denial and trying to convince myself
I interviewed in late september sometime, but I was under the impression that they did send some rejections, or at least waitlists in November, but that does seem kinda weird to waitlist someone now, so I'm pretty convinced it's either an acceptance or rejection.

And seriously, why can't they just email???
I got a phone call from Dean Brown today (at 545pm). She said that she wanted to congratulate me for an acceptance. I dont come off as if im bragging, but I just thought some people may want to know. So, maybe a phone call is coming for the rest of ya...
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Yeah, I got the call from Dean Brown too around 6pm. Congrats to all! :clap:
Do the people getting phone calls have any common characteristic? URM, etc?
My page did not change and i had my date at the start of the cycle. Does that mean that i got wait listed? Could the site just not be working or am i in denial.
Originally posted by raven
My page did not change and i had my date at the start of the cycle. Does that mean that i got wait listed? Could the site just not be working or am i in denial.

You can still be accepted in the February batch. Good luck
question - i have been complete since august 4th at status page just invited me for an interview today! does that mean that they didnt really want me, and maybe i dont have as a good a shot at getting admitted? or is it the same as if i interviewed earlier? im just wondering why i didnt get an interview invite earlier?! any help would be appreciated....
Mine still says a decision is pending. I interviewed on Oct. 31, looks like it was too late for the November round.
finally got an interview invite from them.... any suggestions? im a little concerned about the panel interview. what did you guys think and how do you think the best way to approach it is? thanks!
Best advice is to just be confident in the interview panel... I had a slew of interviews that week and Northwestern was the one that intimidated me the most, but I just went in and tried to show off your personality... it's kinda obscure advice I know but keep in mind they want people that can work together well in small groups.

Quick question, but did anyone else not get a phone call even though their status page changed? I'm hoping that's not a bad sign...
Damn, I've been complete since mid august (almost 12 weeks now) and still not a word.

Like others have mentioned in other posts, the silence is deafening...

i interviewed on november 4th. status paged changed yesterday, but no phone call.
pretty surprised as they told us not to expect to have a decision made on our applications by the november date.
just a quick question about NU. I interviewed there earlier in November and was just wondering if those of you who interviewed sent thank you notes to your interviewers even though it was a panel. I didnt' really know what to do about that.
I got the status change and did not receive a call either. How about the rest of you? I'll keep you guys posted on what their decision was when I get the letter.

I did not write a thank you letter to my interviewers at Northwesern, because due to the group I didn't realize have the chance to make a particular connection to any of them. I think it's superficial to just write thank you notes for the sake of writing them (and with the ulterior motive of trying to increase your chance of admission). IMO thank you notes should just be just that--a thank you to someone who you connected with. I think it's kinda annoying that so many people on here talk about thank you notes like it's part of their application. It obviously doesn't hurt to write one though, but it probably doesn't help because the schools know that most interviewees just use them to suck up.
yup. i never thought that thank you notes ever helped an application. however, that's different than a letter of intent. i think that could probably help. but since alot of people nowadays write letter of intents to multiple schools, even then, i'd be hesitant! i hear that admission offices can check up on that...usually they don't until some deadline...i think it's april 15 or something..all the schools get a list of schools that you are still accepted to (and haven't dropped yet).
for those of you whose status page changed, when did you interview? thank you and good luck! (i'm still waiting...)
Originally posted by wannabeadoc
just a quick question about NU. I interviewed there earlier in November and was just wondering if those of you who interviewed sent thank you notes to your interviewers even though it was a panel. I didnt' really know what to do about that.

I dont even recall the names of my panel interviewers. I didnt send any of them thank you cards. However, I did send a Letter of intent to the school and in the letter i thanked the admissions committee for giving mwe the opportunity to interview and then outlined the reasons why i thought i was such a great fit for the school.
Any idea if everyone that got a status change on the website this early is definitely an acceptance or could we possibly have been waitlisted?
Don't they send out waitlist notifications in Feb?
Originally posted by StrngoutAS
Any idea if everyone that got a status change on the website this early is definitely an acceptance or could we possibly have been waitlisted?

My best guess is that pretty much the only decisions going out right now are acceptances. The waitlist stuff happens after the march acceptance date. I doubt dean brown will be able to make a phone call to everyone so I wouldnt worry about it too much. If I remember correctly, some of my friends got in during the Nove batch and didnt receive a phone call either. Only their status page changed. I don't know anyone who had a status page change in Nov get waitlisted. I think in Nov they only send out accepts.

Take that with a grain of salt though...I don't exactly make it my duty to get the 411 on how the admissions office runs their show so I could be wrong.
OMG OMG... a decision has been made for me.... OMG! I interviewed on November 14th...please god let this be an acceptance.. i loved the school!!!! i'm prayin for all of us!
My status page changed too!!! Interviewed on October awesome would it be to get some good news next week!!!!
Mine changed and I didn't get a phone call either. Northwestern is my first choice too (I mean, have you been to Chicago??) so this is becoming a bit of a stressful weekend. Although, if Dean Brown started calling after 5pm, which seems to be the case, there really is no way she could have called everyone.

Funny, the mail comes in an hour, and I'll run to the mailbox even though there is no way an acceptance could get here in 1 day.
I've got a nice celebratory bottle of Grey Goose sitting here too... just asking to be opened.
did we all get in...??? is that possible??? please please please!
I interviewed in late September, and my status page still says, " A decision is pending on your application." Any ideas on what this could mean? I know that they'll send another round of acceptances in February, but I mean, I'm not sure if they need all that time to make a decision for me. Congrats to those who have been accepted. I'm getting a bit nervous here. Oh well, I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Have faith speedbird...

most of the acceptances are sent out in february anyhow. you've still got a good shot.
as i posted before im in the same boat. My page did not change and i was there on 10/7. I think that this means waitlisted. 3.96 34 and interveiws at: cornell, NYU, Mount, Albert, columbia, UCLA, UPenn, Hopkins, Dart, and WashU. I think that its all over at NW and i had a great panel.
Could the people that got the calls, sure acceptance, look at their pages to see the web message, as well as, posting stats.

Also i think that the change in message is acceptance or regect and no change = waitlist
raven...i was there too on 10/7...who were you?
what is this crap about receiving a phone call? you don't receive a phone call if you get accepted. it comes in the mail.
if you want the 411 on NU, you can PM and i can forward it if it's a reasonable question...i know the admissions office very well.
actually, i take that offer back. i don't want to be inundated with panicky emails. i bet everyone of you will be's a 50% acceptance if you even show up....
okay the phone is bs but what about the status page change? is that BS. Am i worried for nothing? Are the people getting the change rejected? Maybe not having the change is a good thing....
Ha, now this funny. I have basically been called a liar...Raven believe what you want, but I swear I got a phone call from Dean Brown at around 545pm while I was having dinner at Chilis with my girlfriend. My stats are 3.96, 35Q, non-URM from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. I interviewed there Oct. 21. If you have any more questions, let me know.

nuclearrabbit77- I dont know what the hell your problem is but you are totally incorrect.
"what is this crap about receiving a phone call? you don't receive a phone call if you get accepted. it comes in the mail."
She called and and said a letter would be coming soon in the mail, and Julian Crane who has a better reputation than I do even said he/she got one. So believe what you will but you, sir, are a dumas.
Also, my status page does not look any different after receiving the phone call. It still just says that a decision has been made.
I did not mean for people to worry when posting, for that I apologize.
I also got the status page change, but no call from Dean Brown... and I'm out of town, so I won't get a letter for a while. Does anyone know if they would be receptive to me calling to find out my status? I'm really dying to know!!!
getting a phone call isn't normal protocol for gaining admission to northwestern. this is fact. if you are an exception, than that's great. no need to call me a dumas. i'll keep my eye out for a cocky UI-urbana guy at second look weekend.

Originally posted by rickvaughn223
Ha, now this funny. I have basically been called a liar...Raven believe what you want, but I swear I got a phone call from Dean Brown at around 545pm while I was having dinner at Chilis with my girlfriend. My stats are 3.96, 35Q, non-URM from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. I interviewed there Oct. 21. If you have any more questions, let me know.

nuclearrabbit77- I dont know what the hell your problem is but you are totally incorrect.
"what is this crap about receiving a phone call? you don't receive a phone call if you get accepted. it comes in the mail."
She called and and said a letter would be coming soon in the mail, and Julian Crane who has a better reputation than I do even said he/she got one. So believe what you will but you, sir, are a dumas.
Sorry rickvaughn. i'm stressed out from studying i got a burly test on wednesday.
i didn't mean to imply you were a liar. my original post was intended to say that you shouldn't expect to receive a phone call. because, it really isn't normal protocol.
congratulations on your acceptance.

Originally posted by rickvaughn223
Also, my status page does not look any different after receiving the phone call. It still just says that a decision has been made.
I did not mean for people to worry when posting, for that I apologize.
well in case anyone else is excited/impatient like me, there's really nothing to gain from calling; they won't give decisions by phone. So i guess the long wait begins... :(