Married Lesbian and Gay Doctors: Did you meet your spouse in med school?? If so, how did meet them?

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May 29, 2020
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Dear LGBT SDN thread,

I am a lesbian and I was recently admitted to medical school. I have had some mixed luck dating in undergrad and it seems like a lot of people meet people they like and marry eventually in medical school (after all, they have couples matching and everything!). I would love to hear from some gay and lesbian doctors that are married how you met your spouses, specifically how easy it is to meet a spouse in med school. I will be attending a relatively rural medical school but it is by no means religious.


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Dear LGBT SDN thread,

I am a lesbian and I was recently admitted to medical school. I have had some mixed luck dating in undergrad and it seems like a lot of people meet people they like and marry eventually in medical school (after all, they have couples matching and everything!). I would love to hear from some gay and lesbian doctors that are married how you met your spouses, specifically how easy it is to meet a spouse in med school. I will be attending a relatively rural medical school but it is by no means religious.


Not married but I’ve been with my partner for 8 years. We met our first year of medical school and then couples matched for residency. We’re both attendings now and life has never been better (except for covid).
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Not married but I’ve been with my partner for 8 years. We met our first year of medical school and then couples matched for residency. We’re both attendings now and life has never been better (except for covid).

Thank you for sharing!! This is wonderful, I wish you and your partner the greatest of happiness!
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I'm OMS-I. If there are any single queer women at my school, I don't know about them. I'm in our queer student alliance so I feel like I would know. Thankfully I already have a partner. I don't like to be the bearer of bad news but I wouldn't bank on finding someone in medical school. I peeked on tinder out of curiosity and there were plenty of women but I'm in a city.