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New Member
Nov 11, 2018
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Sooo i have a low gpa.
heres the facts: I am currently a junior with a 3.44 gpa and im double majoring in chemistry and neuroscience. i go to a top20 school. I plan on raising it to about a 3.6; 3.7 if im ambitious cuz im taking a gap year. Ive had a good upward trend from 3.1 freshman year to 3.85 at the end of my sophomore year. If i continue this i could graduate with a decent gpa. However, decent doesnt get you into medical school i've heard

1. IM INTERNATIONAL. which complicates things... a lot.
2. i have a good reason for doing so mediocre freshman year.
3. big reason i had such a low gpa freshman year was because i got a c- in a pysch class.... i know


- orgo ta
- certified medical interpreter
- high school mentor
- research in neuro since sophomore
- research/shadowing in spain over the summer
- volunteered at an NGO
- president of 2 clubs on campus and VP of another.
- write for a satire mag on campus
- translate for a profs site about cancer
- volunteer playing guitar at a cancer institute

If i manage a 3.6 and kill my mcat (515+), do i have a good shot at literally ANY medical school? I really dont care about top 20s, as long as its not Caribbean im chilling.

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my sGPA is currently around 3.4. Since im a double stem major tho i expect to graduate with a higher bcpm; maybe around 3.65.