Looks like Obama's gonna take it...

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Oct 23, 2004
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Not surprising...romney just flip flopped all over the place. No positions = no win...if he actually had any conviction he wouldve taken it

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I voted for Obama cause Romney wants to cut my free cell phone, welfare, food stamps, and housing subsidies. How will I afford my trips to the dentist, hair salon, nail salon, and fried chicken joint? Glad he won.
I voted for Obama cause Romney wants to cut my free cell phone, welfare, food stamps, and housing subsidies. How will I afford my trips to the dentist, hair salon, nail salon, and fried chicken joint? Glad he won.


Seriously though, welcome to Greece everyone! I hope you like it!
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The printing press must continue!
red states = higher levels of entitlement than blue states.

But I agree with the sentiment. Too many entitlements.

I voted for Obama cause Romney wants to cut my free cell phone, welfare, food stamps, and housing subsidies. How will I afford my trips to the dentist, hair salon, nail salon, and fried chicken joint? Glad he won.

Welcome to the future, Daurang:

I voted for Obama cause Romney wants to cut my free cell phone, welfare, food stamps, and housing subsidies. How will I afford my trips to the dentist, hair salon, nail salon, and fried chicken joint? Glad he won.

Oh conservative comedy, you always come through. Nice "fried chicken" at the end. Subtle.
Welcome to the future, Daurang:


She's from Cuyahoga County, Ohio... 70% for Obama. How is that not surprising when there's people like this voting for him.
I am ashamed of Ohio right now
I was lucky enough today to have Howard Farran (of Dentaltown fame) speaking in a continuing education lecture today for my state dental society.

If you've never heard Howard speak before, I highly reccomend it, as he's VERY opinionated, informative and entertaining (he could probably give many a decent comic a run).

So the morning after the election, you can be that he had some opinions about it. As he put it, both parties are messed up! Paraphrasing - if you voted for Romney, you're obviously just mean natured and trying to take people free stuff away! If you voted for Obama - and you actually have a job, you're just a bleeding heart DUMB person, and if you voted for Obama and you don't have a job, then its all about the free stuff!

He also said that when you factor in the current roughly 16 TRILLION of debt and the projected 20 TRILLION of debt in 2016 plus the unfufilled obligations of roughly 100 TRILLION to Social Security and Medicaid, we're screwed, and frankly one shouldn't really expect to retire unless you've already amased your desired nest egg :eek:

Gas at twice the price the price it was 4 years ago and homes and personal wealth at somewhere around 1/2 their values of 4 years ago, just feel free to thank the Federal Reserve's constant policy of printing more and more paper thus greatly devaluing the dollar.

In short, Howard and his 20+ years of economics studies basically said that in order to even attempt to get things semi under control, get ready for higher taxes and real cuts in Social Security and Medicaid/Obamacare, otherwise, especially if and when the US Bond market bubble bursts (could be quite soon he felt) get ready for some financial "pain" like we haven't yet experienced in the last few years :scared:
Dr Jeff. Scary stuff, huh? It never ceases to amaze me that people think we can spend our way out of this by creating money out of thin air.
Dr Jeff. Scary stuff, huh? It never ceases to amaze me that people think we can spend our way out of this by creating money out of thin air.

Unfortunately politcians these days are as worse as the "average" parent who can't say "no" to their whiny, bratty kid and just gives in to shut them up, rather than actually stand up and hold their ground on what is right.

It's not all unlike what we as dentists do on almost a day in and day out basis - there's plenty of times that we get asked by patients to do something that either we know won't work or frankly is just impossible (save #2 that has a 10+mm pocket, class 3 mobility and a vertical root fracture, but since it's a distal abutment of a massive bridge the patient wants to keep it, or say try and restore that deeply tetracycline stained #8 on a patient with a high smile line just using composite instead of placing some porcelain over it, etc) We just say "no"

This overly PC mentality combined with the "everyone gets a trophy" attitude has been a major detriment to this country the last 25 yrs or so. Frankly there's no almost an entire generation of folks out there whom i'm not even sure really know how to work or really could stay focused enough to work for more than a few minutes. I bet that for many, if either our grandparents or great grandparents who got this country through WW1 and WW2 and the Great Depression saw what has become of far too many people's individual work ethic and personal accountablity that they'd be sickened. "Free stuff" has now seemed to replace "freedom" in the majority of the population :mad:
If you are under the age of fifty you shouldn't be all that freaked out about "printing presses" and inflation. Inflation would be fine by me right now. Baby boomers racked up spending on the government credit card while slashing taxes in their prime earning yrs in the 80's and 00's. With baby boomers retiring, younger generations will have to pay off that large amount of debt out of income taxes. If high inflation (7-8%) comes along though, that government debt (and your massive student/practice debt) gets less costly and more manageable faster. Wages rise with inflation, baby boomer vacation homes don't. American exports also become more competitve with higher inflation... better economy/more jobs. So inflation ends up being a tax on baby boomers and a subsidy for working generations. Sounds fine by me.
If you are under the age of fifty you shouldn't be all that freaked out about "printing presses" and inflation. Inflation would be fine by me right now. Baby boomers racked up spending on the government credit card while slashing taxes in their prime earning yrs in the 80's and 00's. With baby boomers retiring, younger generations will have to pay off that large amount of debt out of income taxes. If high inflation (7-8%) comes along though, that government debt (and your massive student/practice debt) gets less costly and more manageable faster. Wages rise with inflation, baby boomer vacation homes don't. American exports also become more competitve with higher inflation... better economy/more jobs. So inflation ends up being a tax on baby boomers and a subsidy for working generations. Sounds fine by me.

Really its a great achievement of Obama...........
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I'm feeling a little sketchy too about the future; however, I would have felt the same when Clinton got re-elected had I not been very young.

If Obama pulls a Clinton 2nd term in the next four years I will forever be a democrat and become an active democratic member; donating, calling, etc. etc.

I'm half way there as the R party has gone full ****** since the Sarah Palin movement.
I'm feeling a little sketchy too about the future; however, I would have felt the same when Clinton got re-elected had I not been very young.

If Obama pulls a Clinton 2nd term in the next four years I will forever be a democrat and become an active democratic member; donating, calling, etc. etc.

I'm half way there as the R party has gone full ****** since the Sarah Palin movement.

What indication do you have that Pres Obama will "pull a Clinton" and pivot towards the middle (something that the majority of the country of both party affiliations want) based on what he's said in the past while campaigning and then went out and did once in office? Especially now that he doesn't have to face the electorate again?

He hung the dem party out to dry by his actions prior to the 2010 elections, the dem's weren't exactly running proudly with him this time around, so I wouldn't exactly expect him to suddenly change and move towards the middle in an effort to help the dem party in 2014 or 2016. He's a narcicist 1st and foremost.

Take for example right now. The "fiscal cliff" and debt ceiling crisis is weeks away, both houses of congress are coming back in session to deal with this, and Pres Obama, rather than staying and leading (isn't that what's the President is supposed to do?) is heading off to Indonesia for a week or so?

All along the country has told the politicians that they want the country to govern more from the center and work together. BOTH parties are to blame. Both parties have power. Pres Obama and Harry "no budget in 3+ years" Reid can't expect that Boehner will just cave to them, and Boehner can't expect that Pres Obama and Reid will cave to him. BOTH parties have to give a bit, since that is what the people that put them their asked them to do. They work for us, but for some reason refuse to listen to us :mad:
What indication do you have that Pres Obama will "pull a Clinton" and pivot towards the middle (something that the majority of the country of both party affiliations want) based on what he's said in the past while campaigning and then went out and did once in office? Especially now that he doesn't have to face the electorate again?

He hung the dem party out to dry by his actions prior to the 2010 elections, the dem's weren't exactly running proudly with him this time around, so I wouldn't exactly expect him to suddenly change and move towards the middle in an effort to help the dem party in 2014 or 2016. He's a narcicist 1st and foremost.

Take for example right now. The "fiscal cliff" and debt ceiling crisis is weeks away, both houses of congress are coming back in session to deal with this, and Pres Obama, rather than staying and leading (isn't that what's the President is supposed to do?) is heading off to Indonesia for a week or so?

All along the country has told the politicians that they want the country to govern more from the center and work together. BOTH parties are to blame. Both parties have power. Pres Obama and Harry "no budget in 3+ years" Reid can't expect that Boehner will just cave to them, and Boehner can't expect that Pres Obama and Reid will cave to him. BOTH parties have to give a bit, since that is what the people that put them their asked them to do. They work for us, but for some reason refuse to listen to us :mad:

President Obama has been a moderate republican in terms of policies.
That's not what Rush taught me... he's tried to take away my gun rights, believes in Allah, wasn't born in the US, hates American & freedom, and has raised taxes on me year after year. He's a L-wing-Moa-Moa-commie.

President Obama has been a moderate republican in terms of policies.
President Obama has been a moderate republican in terms of policies.

In the end; Romney just couldn't straight up be trusted. Search youtube and you'll find he has avidly with convincing demeanor spoke on ever topic on BOTH sides. That is messed up. And I would never vote for someone who I didn't know what they would do in office.
I am actually fine with the "fiscal cliff"....raise the taxes on everyone and cut spending....sounds like sound policy to me
"I am not going to ask.. middle-class families to pay down the entire deficit while people like me, making over $250,000, aren’t asked to pay a dime more in taxes" - Barack Obama

One of Obama's first lines that come out of his mouth after reelection, is class warfare rhetoric. Obama made 800K in 2011. His B.S. comments of lumping people who make 500K LESS THAN HE DOES in the same category as him ('ppl like me') shows you how much of a slimebag he is.

250k may be better than most people, but 250k isn't rich, and someone who makes 500k more than someone else has a MUCH BETTER quality of life and has to worry about much less. I hate how Obama tries to make it seem that ppl who make 250k are 'rich'.

The fact that so many Americans cheer on Obama as he tries to demonize those making 251 K, is really scary.
Yeah... I think Obama should focus on 1 mil + rather than 250k +.
In the end; Romney just couldn't straight up be trusted. Search youtube and you'll find he has avidly with convincing demeanor spoke on ever topic on BOTH sides. That is messed up. And I would never vote for someone who I didn't know what they would do in office.

You do realize that as a dental student, that voting for Obama likely greatly reduced your chances to practice in an environment that will allow you to fiscally thrive and provide a very comfortable life for you and your ?future? family? Don't you??

An effective tax rate of likely over 50%

Loss of dentist - patient decision making

Lower fees with less input from you on setting your own fees

Higher costs of doing business

Higher costs in general (heck the real reason that gas costs about twice what it did 4 years ago is that the dollar is worth about 1/2 of what it was secondary to the massive amount of paper the treasury has been printing the last few years)
The unbiased truth. His biggest accomplishments have all been policies suggested at one time or another by republican legislators. The media attempts to paint him as an absurd liberal caricature, but it simply isn't true.

PLEASE tell me 1 republican who would even fathom gov't take over of 2 major industries??

PLEASE tell me 1 republican who would willingly decrease our national defense??

PLEASE tell me 1 republican who would so openly villify succesful businesses and individuals??

PLEASE tell me 1 republican who would seek to greatly limit 2nd amendment rights??

PLEASE tell me 1 republican who would after he said he wouldn't then turn right around and include federally funed abortions into legislation??
PLEASE tell me 1 republican who would even fathom gov't take over of 2 major industries??

PLEASE tell me 1 republican who would willingly decrease our national defense??

PLEASE tell me 1 republican who would so openly villify succesful businesses and individuals??

PLEASE tell me 1 republican who would seek to greatly limit 2nd amendment rights??

PLEASE tell me 1 republican who would after he said he wouldn't then turn right around and include federally funed abortions into legislation??

elizabeth warren is the worst lib ever. Check out her anti-business tirade right over here
You do realize that as a dental student, that voting for Obama likely greatly reduced your chances to practice in an environment that will allow you to fiscally thrive and provide a very comfortable life for you and your ?future? family? Don't you??

An effective tax rate of likely over 50%

Loss of dentist - patient decision making

Lower fees with less input from you on setting your own fees

Higher costs of doing business

Higher costs in general (heck the real reason that gas costs about twice what it did 4 years ago is that the dollar is worth about 1/2 of what it was secondary to the massive amount of paper the treasury has been printing the last few years)

The election is over and people will get what they deserve. The fast changing demographics definitely bode ill for the educational and financial wealth of the USA, and for the future of the Republican party. Practically all the leaders/politics of the countries in the Americas lean left to far left so we're simply falling in line to the norm with everyone else. People don't care about your high tax rate as long as they don't have to pay for it. Be thankful you and I are able to amass our saving quickly and be financially independent early before the USA become Greece or California. The people really do deserve the government they voted for.
You do realize that as a dental student, that voting for Obama likely greatly reduced your chances to practice in an environment that will allow you to fiscally thrive and provide a very comfortable life for you and your ?future? family? Don't you??

An effective tax rate of likely over 50%

Loss of dentist - patient decision making

Lower fees with less input from you on setting your own fees

Higher costs of doing business

Higher costs in general (heck the real reason that gas costs about twice what it did 4 years ago is that the dollar is worth about 1/2 of what it was secondary to the massive amount of paper the treasury has been printing the last few years)

These are all guesses and opinions. Sometimes it's worth it to vote against your own perceived financial self-interest if the net benefit to society is worth it.
PLEASE tell me 1 republican who would even fathom gov't take over of 2 major industries??

PLEASE tell me 1 republican who would willingly decrease our national defense??

PLEASE tell me 1 republican who would so openly villify succesful businesses and individuals??

PLEASE tell me 1 republican who would seek to greatly limit 2nd amendment rights??

PLEASE tell me 1 republican who would after he said he wouldn't then turn right around and include federally funed abortions into legislation??

Also, your characterization of these "positions" implies that you're in no way interested in having a serious discussion regarding policy, not to mention the hyperbolic capitalization and superfluous question marks.
You do realize that as a dental student, that voting for Obama likely greatly reduced your chances to practice in an environment that will allow you to fiscally thrive and provide a very comfortable life for you and your ?future? family? Don't you??

An effective tax rate of likely over 50%

Loss of dentist - patient decision making

Lower fees with less input from you on setting your own fees

Higher costs of doing business

Higher costs in general (heck the real reason that gas costs about twice what it did 4 years ago is that the dollar is worth about 1/2 of what it was secondary to the massive amount of paper the treasury has been printing the last few years)

Do you really think that one person has enough power to do as you say in 4 years with a quite bipartisan congress?? And 2, you think that Romney would get what he wanted as well for businesses with a bipartisan congress? And 3, anyone who says they know what Romney would fight for is a liar or ignorant of what Romney has campaigned for the last 7 or so months. The man had not talked of a single policy that he hadn't went back on within days or weeks at a different meeting. A man like that cannot hold a position of power.

I'm not saying that I agree with everything Obama does or will do. But to say that Romney was a better option is just not true.

And hey if I can make 200k in a few years on the market (as a single taxpayer) I would be ecstatic just to be able to bank that much in a year. And from what I understand the tax increase only goes in to effect on money over that benchmark so if I made 300k. Only 100K would be taxed at the higher rate.
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And hey if I can make 200k in a few years on the market (as a single taxpayer) I would be ecstatic just to be able to bank that much in a year. And from what I understand the tax increase only goes in to effect on money over that benchmark so if I made 300k. Only 100K would be taxed at the higher rate.

Even if the tax increase is only for 100k, you will still be paying around 50% of your money to the gov't. you might think that is fine now, but your perception might change later. if you or a close relative get in into some sort of accident and you need a liver transplant, you need to show 500k in cash up front as a deposit for you to even get the liver transplant. I'll bet you'll be wishing that money you sent to the United States (who then sent it to our wonderful ally of Pakistan :laugh:) could've been used to count towards that 500k. Things happen in life. Money you earn is for that rainy day, which will eventually happen in all of our lives. Money you earn is NOT for the fed gov't to just waste on whatever it wants.
I don't think anything is going to change dramatically, and I do like the idea of continueing federal spending on infrastructure projects.

None-the-less republican control of the senate and of more state legislatures would have probably been very useful in maintaining the (eventual) 200K income that the guy above mentioned. There are very important legislative matters dentists must gain leverage in. For one, we have to help decide what a mid-level is going to be in dentistry. For another, we have to resist recent calls for a removal of rules stateing that only a dentist can dictate the clinial operations of a dental practice.

So few of us will be making over 250K as it is, that I don't really feel so strongly about the (most likely needed) tax increases. Plus, I doubt they would ever top 50%. 40%? Maybe, but there are ways around that anyway.
I don't think anything is going to change dramatically, and I do like the idea of continueing federal spending on infrastructure projects.

I keep hearing this nonsense about infrastructure, roads, and bridges. Please enlighten us on why you think this is such a great idea.
“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse (gifts) from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years.” - Alexander Tyler
I keep hearing this nonsense about infrastructure, roads, and bridges. Please enlighten us on why you think this is such a great idea.

Nonsense? Really? Less death and destruction due to levees breaking and bridges crumbling = great. Laborers getting work = great.
Nonsense? Really? Less death and destruction due to levees breaking and bridges crumbling = great. Laborers getting work = great.

If they're right to work laborers, then great. Why should a state, who by the way does have fiscal responsibility to its tax payers, essentially automatically look to union laborers, very often who will do the same job at a greater cost to the state?? The CITIZENS, not the unions are the real "bosses" of the state, and frankly there are far more non union members who are paying extra to union members than there are union members these days

There's only a FINITE amount of $$ for the gov't to spend, and spending it "just because it's there" isn't always the answer. Right now especially in most states, and definitely on a national level, if an infastructure project can legitimately be put off (i.e. new rest areas, lane widening, bike path's, etc) then it should be and that $$ needs to be allocated towards debt service. Or to put a dental spin on it, would you rather see a state spend say $5 million on a new highway rest area or if it's not going to be spent on debt service, then spend an extra $5 million on dental medicaid??
So few of us will be making over 250K as it is, that I don't really feel so strongly about the (most likely needed) tax increases. Plus, I doubt they would ever top 50%. 40%? Maybe, but there are ways around that anyway.

So in about 2 years more than likely when the "Obama tax increases" (Can't call then the "Bush tax cuts" or more appropriately the "Bush tax rates") are in effect, and Obamacare hits full circle, and the deficit is still being added too, and then Lame Duck Pres Obama starts lowering the threshold at which he defines "rich" to say 200k or 150k or lower (but still an amount high enough that far greater than 50% of the population won't be effected by it) and looks to raise those tax rates (gotta keep giving more "free stuff" away to the "zero liability voter demographic" - those that pay little or no federal income taxes but still receive all the benefits - after all) then what??

The question that the left seems to avoid like the plague when it's actually asked of them, is "how much of what one earns should they be allowed to keep?" Frankly I strongly feel that the answer shouldn't have any disclaimers about how much one makes, and if one isn't allowed to keep atleast 1/2 of what they earn, especially when so many aren't asked to pay any federal income tax at all, then is that really fair??
You do realize that as a dental student, that voting for Obama likely greatly reduced your chances to practice in an environment that will allow you to fiscally thrive and provide a very comfortable life for you and your ?future? family? Don't you??

An effective tax rate of likely over 50%

Loss of dentist - patient decision making

Lower fees with less input from you on setting your own fees

Higher costs of doing business

Higher costs in general (heck the real reason that gas costs about twice what it did 4 years ago is that the dollar is worth about 1/2 of what it was secondary to the massive amount of paper the treasury has been printing the last few years)

These are all guesses and opinions. Sometimes it's worth it to vote against your own perceived financial self-interest if the net benefit to society is worth it.

The only 1 I listed that I will concede for now is a bit of a guess is "Loss of dentist - patient decision making" in a literal sense. Although it is quite easy to argue that if the "defined dental benefit" that is essentially all Obamacare has listed for dental benfits (and it hasn't been "defined" yet as to what that will be, although indications strongly are that it will be based on medicaid models) and the list of covered procedures is greatly restricted, then for many that it would apply to, you've basically taken the decision making option away for them.

The others are either here right how, or will be after January 1st.

It's the old "facts" vs emotion debate here. And ultimately the facts will win out, reguardless of how much emotionally someone might want a non sustainable scenario to work:idea:
PLEASE tell me 1 republican who would even fathom gov't take over of 2 major industries??

PLEASE tell me 1 republican who would willingly decrease our national defense??

PLEASE tell me 1 republican who would so openly villify succesful businesses and individuals??

PLEASE tell me 1 republican who would seek to greatly limit 2nd amendment rights??

PLEASE tell me 1 republican who would after he said he wouldn't then turn right around and include federally funed abortions into legislation??

Also, your characterization of these "positions" implies that you're in no way interested in having a serious discussion regarding policy, not to mention the hyperbolic capitalization and superfluous question marks.

So in other words what you're trying to say is that you don't have an answer for my questions? Classic liberal response to a real question. Avoid answering the simple question and then try and change the topic, or as of late, try and interject a racial component into the mix :rolleyes::sleep::thumbdown:+pity+:whistle:
I keep hearing this nonsense about infrastructure, roads, and bridges. Please enlighten us on why you think this is such a great idea.

Because our physical infrastructure provides for economic viability, but maintenance on this part of our country has been delayed in many areas. I don't think there is a huge debate on this issue because I've read articles espousing the usefulness of steady infrastructure spending from both major parties (including the Heritage Foundation - which I think is a conservative think tank).

The private sector will do lots of things on their own. I just don't think that it will effectively update the now perpetually backed up freight train system, or repair and expand areas of intra-national expressways that now act as choke points because they are ill-suited for current traffic patterns.
PLEASE tell me 1 republican who would even fathom gov't take over of 2 major industries??
Here's two: Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe.

PLEASE tell me 1 republican who would willingly decrease our national defense??

PLEASE tell me 1 republican who would so openly villify succesful businesses and individuals??
This one is imaginary and subjective. But I'll give you one: DrJeff, with regard to the great individual success of Barack Obama.

PLEASE tell me 1 republican who would seek to greatly limit 2nd amendment rights??
The president hasn't done anything with regards to gun control. Hence, he's a moderate republican.

PLEASE tell me 1 republican who would after he said he wouldn't then turn right around and include federally funed abortions into legislation??
I'm not sure what a federally funed abortion is. If you're talking about federally funded abortions, those are illegal and haven't happened since the passage of the Hyde amendment.
So in about 2 years more than likely when the "Obama tax increases" (Can't call then the "Bush tax cuts" or more appropriately the "Bush tax rates") are in effect, and Obamacare hits full circle, and the deficit is still being added too, and then Lame Duck Pres Obama starts lowering the threshold at which he defines "rich" to say 200k or 150k or lower (but still an amount high enough that far greater than 50% of the population won't be effected by it) and looks to raise those tax rates (gotta keep giving more "free stuff" away to the "zero liability voter demographic" - those that pay little or no federal income taxes but still receive all the benefits - after all) then what??


I hate to be the bearer of bad news drJeff, but as you very well know California (the stupidest liberal state with the stupidest liberal voters) sets the precedent for the rest of the nation. Everything California does (regardless of whether it makes sense or not), the nation pretty much moves in that direction.

And Guess What?

In California, if someone makes $50,000 they are in the SAME TAX BRACKET as someone who makes $249,000. :laugh::laugh:

:laugh: Obama's reelection is a bad omen for this country. The country is doomed

Sarah Bellum:

Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe are fake Republicans who said anything to get reelected. And Obama is not a great individual success story. He got into Ivy Leagues purely because of his race. He was not a good student. He did not graduate with Honors. Which pre-law student only applies to 5 Ivy league Law schools without graduating Honors? No one, but Obama who was playing the system and its affirmative action. Same thing with 1/32nd Native American Elizabeth Warren.

I also noticed you said "Sometimes it's worth it to vote against your own perceived financial self-interest if the net benefit to society is worth it." :laugh: People vote in their own interests and they have every right to. I would like to enlighten you with this quote:

"Any one may so arrange his affairs that his taxes shall be as low as possible; he is not bound to choose that pattern which will best pay the Treasury; there is not even a patriotic duty to increase one’s taxes.” Judge Learned Hand in 1934.
Sarah Bellum:

Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe are fake Republicans who said anything to get reelected. And Obama is not a great individual success story. He got into Ivy Leagues purely because of his race. He was not a good student. He did not graduate with Honors. Which pre-law student only applies to 5 Ivy league Law schools without graduating Honors? No one, but Obama who was playing the system and its affirmative action. Same thing with 1/32nd Native American Elizabeth Warren.

I also noticed you said "Sometimes it's worth it to vote against your own perceived financial self-interest if the net benefit to society is worth it." :laugh: People vote in their own interests and they have every right to. I would like to enlighten you with this quote:

"Any one may so arrange his affairs that his taxes shall be as low as possible; he is not bound to choose that pattern which will best pay the Treasury; there is not even a patriotic duty to increase one's taxes." Judge Learned Hand in 1934.

I went ahead and just reposted your quote in red, so that everyone can see it. I didn't want it getting lost in the rest of your text. It's absolutely beautiful - I don't think I could have made up such a quote even if I were attempting to mock someone with your point of view.

It's this kind of absurd hyperbole which prevents us from discussing this as adults.

Here's a quote for you to be enlightened: "I don't mind paying taxes. I paid taxes for years when I worked for a living before returning to school to become a dentist." - Doctor Sarah Bellum in 2012.
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I went ahead and just reposted your quote in red, so that everyone can see it. I didn't want it getting lost in the rest of your text. It's absolutely beautiful - I don't think I could have made up such a quote even if I were attempting to mock someone with your point of view.

It's this kind of absurd hyperbole which prevents us from discussing this as adults.

Here's a quote for you to be enlightened: "I don't mind paying taxes. I paid taxes for years when I worked for a living before returning to school to become a dentist." - Doctor Sarah Bellum in 2012.

I don't really care. Its the truth My quote is beautiful I will repost it: "Which pre-law student only applies to 5 Ivy league Law schools without graduating Honors? " . Do I think it stupid when people say Obama was not born in America, or that he has a 'secret agenda to downsize America' or that he is a 'closet Muslim with links to the Brotherhood'? Yes I think it is ridiculous when ppl make that comment.

It is not absurd hyperbole to call a spade a spade. Many universities are getting caught red handed showing huge favor towards minority applicants. One of the UC campuses was just recently soaked in controversy when a professor pretty much showed the real hard stats that the college was blatantly favoring African American applicants. . And the person the little Democrats are christening as the next obama, Julian Castro and his brother, openly and shamelessly admits:

"Joaquin and I got into Stanford because of affirmative action". - Joaquin Castro

Don't worry though the Supreme Court with the true patriots of this country (Scalia, Thomas, and Alito) are going to squash affirmative action once and for all.

Congrats you paid your taxes, I am so impressed.:laugh: I noticed you proudly said 'Doctor' at the end of your quote. Have you heard Obama's comments on doctors? I don't think I've ever heard any US president make such insulting comments towards doctors, ever.

Lets not get off topic though. Fine I'll say Obama got in off of his merit to make you happy. I noticed you can say nothing to refute my argument that is absolutely ridiculous for someone who makes $50,000 to be in the SAME TAX BRACKET as someone who makes $249,000. Your little Obama is guilty of doing this himself. He likes lumping people who make 500K LESS THAN HE DOES in the same category as him. He is a liar just like almost every politician, with the exception of Ron Paul. And yes, I will admit Romney is also a liar like Obama.
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Why is it that it is so difficult to talk about politics from an objective point of view? Why do we get so carried away with this? I'm a little embarrassed here guys... Lets talk like adults. Stop with the insults, stop with the hyperbole, and stop with the arguing. It is not constructive, nor is it flattering. If you feel strongly about something, say it clearly and objectively. That is the best way to share your beliefs without being written off as being an ass :)
Why is it that it is so difficult to talk about politics from an objective point of view? Why do we get so carried away with this? I'm a little embarrassed here guys... Lets talk like adults. Stop with the insults, stop with the hyperbole, and stop with the arguing. It is not constructive, nor is it flattering. If you feel strongly about something, say it clearly and objectively. That is the best way to share your beliefs without being written off as being an ass :)

Well put.


We're 16 trillion in debt now, with another estimated between 70 - 120 TRILLION in unfunded obligations to medicaid + social security

We've got a tax code that is far too complex (both interms of various rates and LEGAL deductions that have been put in place over the years to benefit typically one small subset of folks)

We've got plenty of issues of government waste of our tax dollars that need to be addressed

We argueabley have excessive intrusion of governmental regulation into many areas of peoples lives and private business operations

We have far too many elected officials that seem to think that they "work" first and foremost for their caucus and secondarily, or maybe even on a tertiary or quaternary level for all american citizens
Well put.


We're 16 trillion in debt now, with another estimated between 70 - 120 TRILLION in unfunded obligations to medicaid + social security

We've got a tax code that is far too complex (both interms of various rates and LEGAL deductions that have been put in place over the years to benefit typically one small subset of folks)

We've got plenty of issues of government waste of our tax dollars that need to be addressed

We argueabley have excessive intrusion of governmental regulation into many areas of peoples lives and private business operations

We have far too many elected officials that seem to think that they "work" first and foremost for their caucus and secondarily, or maybe even on a tertiary or quaternary level for all american citizens

There is a favorite quote of mine about politicians and D.C from one of my favorite comedy movies, "The Distinguished Genetleman" which you can all watch on youtube:

"This town [D.C] isn't about passing laws anymore, it isn't about doing good anymore; all it's about is being here."
Well put.


We're 16 trillion in debt now, with another estimated between 70 - 120 TRILLION in unfunded obligations to medicaid + social security

We've got a tax code that is far too complex (both interms of various rates and LEGAL deductions that have been put in place over the years to benefit typically one small subset of folks)

We've got plenty of issues of government waste of our tax dollars that need to be addressed

We argueabley have excessive intrusion of governmental regulation into many areas of peoples lives and private business operations

We have far too many elected officials that seem to think that they "work" first and foremost for their caucus and secondarily, or maybe even on a tertiary or quaternary level for all american citizens

Put like that, DrJeff, I agree with you 100%.
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