long distance..


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10+ Year Member
Feb 18, 2009
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My boyfriend (SO) and i have been together for more than a yr now. We've been in a LDR for a one year. He is thousands of miles away in med school, and i am back home finishing my undergrad pre med courses. At first this distance seemed so hard to deal with. I couldn't take the pain of staying away from him. I was so new to hearing his voice only once a week and lucky if i heard it twice. Email and txt msg became my best friend, whenever i felt like i was missing my SO a bit more today i will slip him a msg. He has tired his best to make this distance as easy as possible. Sometimes i tell myself how i should stay strong and not become weak. But as the week finishes and when i do not hear his voice i get so weak. I feel so broken and light hearted. and its not like i do not understand, i understand how Hard med school is and how hard it can get day by day. I know my SO is working hard to get the grades he neeeds to do his internship back in the states. He has made me so proud by getting straight A's all semesters. Whenever we talk we are always talking about our future, our life together. At one point it makes me feel so secure then at then next i feel like i am losing touch with him when i do not hear from him. I am very patience person, but sometimes when i am all alone in my room all i think about is how much i miss him and i keep looking at my phone thinking he will ring now or later and i will hear his voice. He called me last week and told me he would call at the end of the week again, but he didn't and i understand because he could of got busy with studying. It hurts when i don't communicate with him. Because at the end of the day that is all i look up to. my friends have not been as good as they can be, they r not as supportive as i wanted them to be. I am in this relationship because i love my SO with all my heart and one day i will marry him. and i will do everything i can in my ability to support, love and guide him through life. I need help, i am lonely and i feel so left out. I do not know how some of you are handling this, but if you can pls give me any advice or suggestions i will truly appreciate it. thank you for reading my long post.

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