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Johns Hopkins MPH 2010-2011

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Sep 4, 2009
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Although the scholarship decisions are not out I am leaning towards joining Johns Hopkins for MPH with concentration in Epi/Bio. I thought all of us planning to enroll in Hopkins this fall may want to start a discussion and help each other in deciding.
The biggest factor is the cost!! I don't know if it is worth nearly 49 K in tuition and an extra money in living costs..they estimate it at 24K ..so total is 73K..point out if I am wrong or if it is extremely exaggerated..

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Hey mph2010 --

I'm still on the fence (for different reasons), but am most likely going to JHSPH next year as well.

I haven't really looked closely at tuition or financing yet, but I think the rates are a little deceptive and Hopkins might actually be a cheaper option if you're comparing it with other private schools (although somebody may well correct me on the following):

Let's say that Hopkins is roughly $70,000 ($50,000 for tuition + $20k for life expenses). It's important to note that the one year MPH program would get you back into the workforce a year earlier than most other schools - which generally only offer 2-year programs - to start getting those paychecks again.

If you were to compare this to another private school (like Emory or BU) they would charge you roughly $16,000/semester for 4 semesters, which totals $64,000. On top of that, you'd also be paying for that whole extra second year of life expenses as a student. I think Baltimore's pretty cheap but even if another city did have the same cost of living (say $20,000/academic year), the total cost of attending a 2year program would thus be around $104,000.

I haven't really looked closely at this so somebody might catch some obvious mistake that I made... Also it's probably an entirely different matter if you're comparing Hopkins with public schools or a program that's offered you a scholarship...
thanx healthwolf for the cost analysis ...it seems more logical to join JHSPH considering no scholarships awards..lets keep our fingers crossed for the scholarships which will be announced soon from different schools

The only other school that is outright lesser in financial terms is UT houston..they have given me a New student scholarship..i.e. with 1500$ per year in addition to consideration of in state tuition fee...
but Hopkins definitely seems a bigger name..so will have to really decide between the two if nothing else works out..what are your views...
GL with your school decision too!
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It's funny you mention those two schools... I'm currently torn between UT and Hopkins. I am leaning toward Hopkins, but I went to UT's visitors day and was impressed by the individual attention I received (and would receive) from my potential mentor (who was just awarded the largest grant in history..or something like that). It's something to think about. There are a lot of reasons for me to stay in Houston, but there are reasons to go to Hopkins as well.

Are you going to their visitor's day? I'll be going to the one in March.

And yes I agree, Hopkins seems to be a good deal considering it's only one year versus two. And yes, no school will beat UT tuition-wise. But for the big brand name of Hopkins..not bad. Plus, it seems like Baltimore is affordable (but if anyone has more insight on living expenses in Baltimore, it would be greatly welcomed).
Nice to see some one in the same boat as me...:)

I am a International student from Asia..Never been to the United States so won't be able to attend any of the visitor days !!

The reason I am so much concerned about the cost benefit aspect( Guess everyone would be concerned about this !) is because I will need to almost utilize every penny of my family's savings since the last 10 years + take a loan..the only reason it would sound justified would be if I am able to earn that much money in a few years after finishing MPH..Waiting for the scholarship decisions from Hopkins to ease things out ..Has anybody heard about the scholarship from them..I Know its going to be announced in March but was just curious to know if some one has already got one..
For those already set on Hopkins, will you be living in Reed Hall (on-campus) or off-campus? I see that Reed Campus is quite close to the hospital. Can anyone comment on the safety of this area?

Any safe off-campus areas you would recommend, particularly near the Homewood campus??
I'm am also trying to decide whether to attend UT.I am waiting for a decision from Hopkins. been accepted by Emory.
I like the attention I have started receiving from my UT advisor....
UT gave me a new student scholarship too..that will really go a long way to help me, cos i am an international student and dont have lots of money for tuition.
I have some questions..is Hopkins prestigious in name only..or do they give a better quality of education..how is Hopkins better than others..guys please help me out ...

anyone been to UT? What's it like?
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UT=university of texas? Also I thought JHU had an online program which basically allows you to work and go to school...online.
For those already set on Hopkins, will you be living in Reed Hall (on-campus) or off-campus? I see that Reed Campus is quite close to the hospital. Can anyone comment on the safety of this area?

Any safe off-campus areas you would recommend, particularly near the Homewood campus??

NOTE: I do not live in Baltimore but have visited several times.

When I visited Hopkins for the applicant information day in October, the first thing I noticed was that the school had hired police officers to stand all around the hospital campus. It's a pretty bad area. I know a few people who have gotten mugged walking a block or two off campus. There's no real rhyme or reason for what are nice areas and what are bad areas. You can be driving somewhere in the city and go from a very cute, hip area to a super scary area in two blocks. Watch out and choose your apartment wisely!!!
NOTE: I do not live in Baltimore but have visited several times.

When I visited Hopkins for the applicant information day in October, the first thing I noticed was that the school had hired police officers to stand all around the hospital campus. It's a pretty bad area. I know a few people who have gotten mugged walking a block or two off campus. There's no real rhyme or reason for what are nice areas and what are bad areas. You can be driving somewhere in the city and go from a very cute, hip area to a super scary area in two blocks. Watch out and choose your apartment wisely!!!

yup this is true....be safe...try living by fells point ..thats a better area than homewood and where sph is
Hi all-

I am trying to decided between hopkins and several other schools. I am wondering if the hopkins education is worth the debt.

How would people compare the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine to Hopkins?
I am trying to decided between hopkins and several other schools. I am wondering if the hopkins education is worth the debt.

How would people compare the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine to Hopkins?

If you're considering the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, I would think carefully about whether you want to work in the US or abroad upon graduating, as most of the contacts that you'll make in London will be international.

I can't really speak to how the school's reputations compare, but of the two people I know who studied in London (I believe they both got Master's in epi) both were pretty dissatisfied with their education and have sought out other degrees. I think this was a factor of the professors being really busy, the advising/support system being pretty weak, and the degree being packed into 1 year (which they said was not enough time to absorb and reflect on the material).

EDIT: I should add that many of these concerns could apply to Hopkins as well. While both are amazing PH schools, I've heard that they are both "master's factories" and focus the majority of their attention and resources on their PhD students. This can totally vary by department though. Also, as this is all hearsay, you should take everything I write here with a grain of salt.
yup this is true....be safe...try living by fells point ..thats a better area than homewood and where sph is

INTPThinker, is there a JHU shuttle that takes you from the SPH to Fells Point? If not, are there city buses? Can you comment on the city buses? Don't know whether to live in Homewood, which would be convenient, or Fells Point, which seems to be safer...
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INTPThinker, is there a JHU shuttle that takes you from the SPH to Fells Point? If not, are there city buses? Can you comment on the city buses? Don't know whether to live in Homewood, which would be convenient, or Fells Point, which seems to be safer...

The one by fells point doesnt run as frequently as the one by Homewood. I haven't taken any of the citybuses but there is a metro system.
Does anyone know housing info? I believe that it's Reed hall for MPH students? Looks like they have single rooms in 3 sizes, and common bathroom facilities. Does anyone knows the monthly rent?
hi folks. im trying to figure out the total cost of the jhu mph, but am not sure ive got the numbers right-- according to their faqs it's $9,700 per term and there are 4 terms = ~$40k. can that be right?

also in response to another post- scholarship selections are going out the latter half of this month ... so these next two weeks I suppose
hi folks. im trying to figure out the total cost of the jhu mph, but am not sure ive got the numbers right-- according to their faqs it's $9,700 per term and there are 4 terms = ~$40k. can that be right?

also in response to another post- scholarship selections are going out the latter half of this month ... so these next two weeks I suppose

The total cost is actually $51,720


Living expenses would be ~ another 20K
Did anyone go to visitors day?
have the decisions been made already? I applied pretty late after the "deadline", but have not heard back. Is it generally an email or letter in the mail?
have the decisions been made already? I applied pretty late after the "deadline", but have not heard back. Is it generally an email or letter in the mail?

i would like to know too. i applied Dec 1st for an MPH and i haven't heard a thing. but I have heard back from schools that I applied to on Feb 1st....
You are to check your profile on jhsph.That is where they usually post the decisions.You log in and check.
blueswirl thanks for the link. thats a hefty price tag. has anybody heard back regarding any of the hopkins scholarships?
Hi Guys.

I got accepted into the JHU MPH program. However, I don't have all the required coursework done; they require a college level math course, biology, and health sciences. Of those I have only a math course completed (I was a polisci major in college). I am planning on completing the requirements through distance education, but I am a little worried that it might be a bit too much to do two science courses with my already quite busy schedule. Does anyone know how anal theyll be about this? Do you think I can get away with doing one of the courses?

It looks like JHU sommer scholars have been chosen already......
Have scholarship decisions been made?

I e-mailed to the administrative coordinator two days ago regarding the scholarship announcement. She said that scholarship decisions are still being made and the recipients will be notified by a phone call.

I wonder if anybody got a 51k call from JHU.

I think they have- I may be wrong though- I checked the sommer scholar site and there I saw profiles of 'new scholars'.
They may be the scholars for this session ; it could also be that they havent updated the site since last session so the 'new scholars' are acutally 'current scholars'..
Can someone check it out and let us know?
I think the Sommer scholarship recepient website is not yet updated...! Guess everybody is waiting with their fingers crossed...!(that includes me too...)
The global health scholars have also been chosen already!
The global health scholars have also been chosen already!
Congrats to rach4214...for the scholarship !
Folks the scholarships have been announced ...I did not rcv it ..:( !! Now I won't be able to enroll at Hopkins..a distant dream ..remained distant !
How are those decisions communicated - are people receiving letters or something online? And if you are not selected, do they tell you or do you just assume?

On a related note - anyone learn about their financial aid package yet?
On a separate note, has anyone joined the Yahoo message board for accepted students and is absolutely SICK of the SPAM on there??? :mad:
How are those decisions communicated - are people receiving letters or something online? And if you are not selected, do they tell you or do you just assume?

On a related note - anyone learn about their financial aid package yet?
I mailed and asked them..
So I just got an email saying "again congratulations on getting accepted blah blah" and I was psyched out and so checked my status and i says congratulations on admission. Super excited, but is that it? Is there something that you get in the mail? Is there supposed to be an official acceptance?
Anyone know of some kind list or info of what people with an MPH are doing after finishing?
I never got anything by snail mail - just through Apply Yourself and then lots of e-mails congratulating me over and over, but no info packet like from other schools. I guess Hopkins want to save paper :p
yes, you get a paper letter as well. Though it is definitely misleading if haven't seen an acceptance email, as it's just a regular letter-size envelope!
I got a couple envelopes by mail actually, both very large because it included their public health magazine.
Has anyone received financial aid award information from Hopkins yet? I am getting a bit anxious...
I did, but its all loans and I'm poor. it sucks there is no need-based financial aid. Anyone know any good scholarships to apply out there.
So Im applying to MPH programs for entrance in the fall of 2011. I ve noticed that a few schools require a grad degree/2-3yrs prof experience. Can anyone who has been accepted to these progams comment on how they met these requirements? I have been doing bench research in CV disease which does involve alot of epi, and also have a ton of random health related jobs during and after college (medical mission student leader in Rwanda, and guatemala, ER tech, nursing home tech, extensive physician shadowing...). Do you think I qualify for the requirements at JHU?
Also, I have a very high gpa and strong science background...
@ Dyno Beads,
I think you should give it a try... you never know what they really want. But if your GRE is good, I think you are competitive.

I just received an admission offer for the MPH 2011 session. I am an international medical graduate from africa.

Best of luck.

This is last year's thread for the current class of 2010-2011, and it is probably best not to add to it.

Maybe someone can start a new one for 2011-2012.